- 環境:macOS High Sierra バージョン10.13.6
# エンコード
$ echo -n 'ponsuke:tarou' | base64
# デコード
$ echo 'cG9uc3VrZTp0YXJvdQ==' | base64 -D
$ base64 --help
Usage: base64 [-hvD] [-b num] [-i in_file] [-o out_file]
-h, --help display this message
-D, --decode decodes input # デコードで使ったのはこのオプション
-b, --break break encoded string into num character lines
-i, --input input file (default: "-" for stdin)
-o, --output output file (default: "-" for stdout)
- 環境:macOS High Sierra バージョン10.13.6
# エンコード
$ echo -n 'ponsuke:tarou' | nkf -M
# デコード
$ echo 'cG9uc3VrZTp0YXJvdQ==' | nkf -mW
$ nkf --help
Usage: nkf -[flags] [--] [in file] .. [out file for -O flag]
j/s/e/w Specify output encoding ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP
UTF options is -w[8[0],{16,32}[{B,L}[0]]]
J/S/E/W Specify input encoding ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP # デコードで使ったオプション
UTF option is -W[8,[16,32][B,L]]
m[BQSN0] MIME decode [B:base64,Q:quoted,S:strict,N:nonstrict,0:no decode] # デコードで使ったオプション
M[BQ] MIME encode [B:base64 Q:quoted] # エンコードで使ったオプション
f/F Folding: -f60 or -f or -f60-10 (fold margin 10) F preserve nl
Z[0-4] Default/0: Convert JISX0208 Alphabet to ASCII
1: Kankaku to one space 2: to two spaces 3: HTML Entity
4: JISX0208 Katakana to JISX0201 Katakana
X,x Convert Halfwidth Katakana to Fullwidth or preserve it
O Output to File (DEFAULT 'nkf.out')
L[uwm] Line mode u:LF w:CRLF m:CR (DEFAULT noconversion)
--ic=<encoding> Specify the input encoding
--oc=<encoding> Specify the output encoding
--hiragana --katakana Hiragana/Katakana Conversion
--katakana-hiragana Converts each other
--{cap, url}-input Convert hex after ':' or '%'
--numchar-input Convert Unicode Character Reference
--fb-{skip, html, xml, perl, java, subchar}
Specify unassigned character's replacement
--in-place[=SUF] Overwrite original files
--overwrite[=SUF] Preserve timestamp of original files
-g --guess Guess the input code
-v --version Print the version
--help/-V Print this help / configuration
Network Kanji Filter Version 2.1.4 (2015-12-12)
Copyright (C) 1987, FUJITSU LTD. (I.Ichikawa).
Copyright (C) 1996-2015, The nkf Project.