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Delegate in Swift

Last updated at Posted at 2018-05-16

Delegate System in Swift

Delegate in Swift is a way of passing the data between class and class.

Let's say the teacher want to teach lesson to the student. So first of all we have to create a teacher. In this case teacher is a person who already understand the lesson. So we will create a protocol Learn for teacher here:

protocol Learn {
    func learnLesson()

Now let's create a teacher who conform to the Learn protocol:

struct Teacher: Learn {
    func learnLesson() {
        print("This is lesson 1")

Now Teacher has the ability to print out lesson 1:

var teacher = Teacher()
teacher.learnLesson() // this line of code will print out "This is lesson 1"

A student want to learn lesson 1 from him, now he can delegate function learnLesson() to his student. Let's create a student who want to learn lesson 1:

struct Student {
    var delegate: Learn?

Now, we have a student that want to learn lesson. Let's delegate learnLesson to him:

var student = Student()
student.delegate = teacher

Now the student learned lesson 1 from the teacher:

student.delegate?.learnLesson() // This is lesson 1

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