More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-09-13

Config git

Some git basic config

git config --global user.name "Nguyen Van A"
git config --global user.email nguyen_van_a@example.com
git config --global core.editor notepad++
git config --global help.autocorrect 1
git config --global core.autocrlf false

# list all global config
git config --global --list

Working locally with git

init - status - add - commit - log

  • Create a local repo
git init
  • See untracked files
git status
  • Add (stage) a file to commit it
git add file_name

Commit the file

git commit -m "message"
  • See commit log
git log
  • Add (stage) all modified (updated) files to commit
git add -u
  • Then commit it to local repo
git commit -m "message"
  • Add (stage) all changed files (including new files)
git add -A
  • Then commit them
git commit -m "message"

diff - show

  • See changes between 2 commits
git diff 1st_commit_number..2nd_commit_number
  • Or
git diff HEAD~1..[HEAD]

(to see diff of HEAD and 1 commit before it)

  • Add (stage) a file to commit
git add file_name
  • See staged changes
git diff --cached
  • See changes of a commit
git show commit_number
  • Or
git show HEAD

add - reset soft

  • Add (stage) a file to commit
git add file_name
  • But want to unstage it after that
git reset --soft

checkout - branch

  • Create a new branch from the current branch
git checkout -b new_branch_name
  • See available branches at local
git branch
  • Checkout to another local branch
git checkout a_branch
  • Rename the current branch
git branch -m new_name
  • Delete a local branch
git branch -d branch_to_delete

checkout - reset hard

  • Checkout to remove uncommitted changes of a file to HEAD
git checkout file_name
  • Reset to remove all uncommitted changes (of all files)
git reset --hard
  • Move the HEAD back 1 commit
git reset --hard HEAD~1


  • Merge a branch to the current branch
git merge the_branch_to_merge_to_current_branch
  • After that delete the merged branch
git branch -d the_branch_merged_to_current_branch

Working remotely with git

  • Clone a repo
git clone url_of_the_repo
  • See commit history of the project
cd to_the_cloned_project
git log 
  • Check what is remoted
git remote -v
  • fetch new branches... from remote repo
git fetch
  • View remote branches
git branch -r
  • Create a local branch from a remote branch
git checkout remote_branch # Will create a local branch that tracks the remote branch
  • Make some changes then commit to the local branch (see Working locally with git)

  • Push committed content back to the remote branch

git push
  • Pull changes of the remote branch to the local branch
git pull
  • Clean remote branches that have been deleted from the remote repo
git remote prune [remote_repo_name]

(remote_repo_name is something like origin)

Further git



  • You are working on a branch
  • You have some uncommited changes
  • And the changes are not ready to commit
  • Then you have to checkout another branch to fix something (that is urgent)

→ You can stash the changes for later commit

git stash
modified content will be saved into stash

git stash list
view what is being stashed

git stash apply stash_number
take out a stash to your code, but not remove from the stash list

git stash pop stash_number
take out a stash to your code, also remove it from the stash list

git stash drop stash_number
delete a stash



  • You have commitA on a branchA
  • You want to apply that commit onto another branchB (with the same changes)

→ You can cherry-pick commitA of branchA to branchB

git checkout branchB
git cherry-pick commit_number_of_commitA

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