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git rebaseの例

Last updated at Posted at 2020-09-13


  • Sample branches' status
            /--- commit1--- commit2     `feature-1`
*----*----*    `develop`
            \--- commitA --- commitB    `feature-A`
  • Changes in branch feature-1 and feature-A have no conflicts

Do a rebase

Case 1: On branch feature-A, rebase branch feature-1

$ git checkout feature-A

$ git rebase feature-1

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...

Applying: commitA

Applying: commitB

  • Then the commit history will look like this:
                                     /--- commitA --- commitB   `feature-A `
            /--- commit1--- commit2   `feature-1`
*----*----*   `develop`                   

Case 2: On branch feature-1, rebase branch feature-A

$ git checkout feature-1

$ git rebase feature-A

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...

Applying: commit1

Applying: commit2

  • Then the commit history will look like this:
                                     /--- commit1 --- commit2   `feature-1 `
            /--- commitA--- commitB   `feature-A`
*----*----*   `develop`                   

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