$ sudo motion update
= RubyMotion 1.4 =
* Added support for the compilation of .xcdatamodeld and .storyboard resource
files. Thanks Ian Phillips, Andrew Vega and Michail Pishchagin.
* Fixed a bug when the build system would fail in case the resources dir does
not exist. Thanks Watson.
* Fixed a bug in the Xcode project vendoring code when header files at
different directory levels would not be properly handled. This also fixes
the motion-cocoapods gem. Thanks Eloy Duran.
* Added a way to start the simulator in retina mode by setting the `retina'
environment variable to `true' (other values will be considered false).
For example: `rake retina=true'. Thanks Marcin Maciukiewicz for the idea.
* Fixed an ABI bug in the way we compile Ruby methods overloading Objective-C
methods returning small C structures that can fit in a 64-bit integer.
Thanks Kristoph Cichocki-Romanov for the report.
* Added support for the iOS 4.3 SDK.
以前書いたエントリ― STORYBOARDを使ってRUBYMOTIONで開発する方法のibtoolで.storyboardを.storyboardcにコンパイルする必要がなくなりますね.
githubとかに上がってるのでresourcesが含まれていないのがありますけど,それをgit cloneしてrakeして失敗するのがなくなりますね.
→ 空ディレクトリをgitが省くそうです
retina simulatorサポート
rake retina=true
でretina simulatorが立ち上がるよ
ObjCのメソッドをRuby側でオーバーロードして64bit inttegerに収まる小さいCの構造体を返すときのバグ修正らしい