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signature SIG = sig
  type t
  val zero : t
structure IntStr :> SIG = struct
  type t = int
  val zero = 0
structure RealStr :> SIG = struct
  type t = real
  val zero = 0.0

のようにするところを, Haskell では

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data SIG = forall t. Struct { zero :: t }
intStr :: SIG
intStr = Struct 0
realStr :: SIG
realStr = Struct 0.0


  • HaskellのSIG型がシグネチャ,
  • SIG型の値がストラクチャ,
  • SIG型による型注釈が不透明な制約(opaque constraint)



透明な制約(transparent constraint)はできないかも.

シグネチャの include やストラクチャの open などはできない.


{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns             #-}

data LATTICE = forall t. Eq t => MkLattice {
                  one :: t,
                  zero :: t,
                  ljoin :: t -> t -> t,
                  lmeet :: t -> t -> t

boolLattice :: LATTICE
boolLattice = MkLattice True False (||) (&&)

intMin :: Int -> Int -> Int
intMin = min

intMax :: Int -> Int -> Int
intMax = max

intLattice :: LATTICE
intLattice = MkLattice 1 0 intMin intMax

data TEST_LATTICE = forall t. Eq t => MkTestLattice {
                      tone :: t,
                      tzero :: t,
                      tljoin :: t -> t -> t,
                      tlmeet :: t -> t -> t,
                      idempotence :: t -> Bool,
                      commutativity :: t -> t -> Bool,
                      associativity :: t -> t -> t -> Bool,
                      absorption :: t -> t -> Bool

testLatticeFunctor :: LATTICE -> TEST_LATTICE
testLatticeFunctor (MkLattice {one, zero, ljoin, lmeet}) = MkTestLattice {
                      tone = one,
                      tzero = zero,
                      tljoin = ljoin,
                      tlmeet = lmeet,
                      idempotence = \x -> lmeet x x == x && ljoin x x == x && lmeet x x == ljoin x x,
                      commutativity = \x y -> lmeet x y == lmeet y x && ljoin x y == ljoin y x,
                      associativity = \x y z -> lmeet (lmeet x y) z == lmeet x (lmeet y z) &&
                                              ljoin (ljoin x y) z == ljoin x (ljoin y z),
                      absorption = \x y -> ljoin (lmeet x y) x == x && lmeet (ljoin x y) x == x

boolLatticeTester :: TEST_LATTICE
boolLatticeTester = testLatticeFunctor boolLattice

intLatticeTester :: TEST_LATTICE
intLatticeTester = testLatticeFunctor intLattice

checkAll :: TEST_LATTICE -> IO ()
checkAll latticeTester = do
  case latticeTester of
    (MkTestLattice {tone, tzero, tljoin, tlmeet, idempotence, commutativity, associativity, absorption}) -> do
      print (idempotence tone)
      print (idempotence tzero)
      print (commutativity tone tone)
      print (commutativity tone tzero)
      print (commutativity tzero tone)
      print (commutativity tzero tzero)
      print (associativity tone tone tone)
      print (associativity tone tone tzero)
      print (associativity tone tzero tone)
      print (associativity tzero tone tone)
      print (associativity tzero tone tzero)
      print (associativity tzero tzero tone)
      print (absorption tone tone)
      print (absorption tone tzero)
      print (absorption tzero tone)
      print (absorption tzero tzero)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  checkAll boolLatticeTester
  checkAll intLatticeTester
signature LATTICE = sig
  eqtype t
  val one : t
  val zero : t
  val ljoin : t * t -> t
  val lmeet : t * t -> t

structure IntLattice :> LATTICE = struct
  type t = int
  val one = 1
  val zero = 0
  val ljoin = Int.min
  val lmeet = Int.max

structure BoolLattice :> LATTICE = struct
  type t = bool
  val one = true
  val zero = false
  fun ljoin(x, y) = x orelse y
  fun lmeet(x, y) = x andalso y

signature LATTICE_TESTER = sig
  eqtype t
  val tone : t
  val tzero : t
  val tljoin : t * t -> t
  val tlmeet : t * t -> t
  val idempotence : t -> bool
  val commutativity : t * t -> bool
  val associativity : t * t * t -> bool
  val absorption : t * t -> bool
  val checkAll : unit -> unit

functor LatticeTester(Lattice : LATTICE) :> LATTICE_TESTER = struct
  type t = Lattice.t
  val tone = Lattice.one
  val tzero = Lattice.zero
  val tljoin = Lattice.ljoin
  val tlmeet = Lattice.lmeet
  fun idempotence x =
    let open Lattice in lmeet(x, x) = x andalso ljoin(x, x) = x andalso lmeet(x, x) = ljoin(x, x) end
  fun commutativity(x, y) =
    let open Lattice in lmeet(x, y) = lmeet(y, x) andalso ljoin(x, y) = ljoin(y, x) end
  fun associativity(x, y, z) =
    let open Lattice in lmeet(lmeet(x, y), z) = lmeet(x, lmeet(y, z)) andalso
                                  ljoin(ljoin(x, y), z) = ljoin(x, ljoin(y, z)) end
  fun absorption(x, y) =
    let open Lattice in ljoin(lmeet(x, y), x) = x andalso lmeet(ljoin(x, y), x) = x end

  fun printBool x = print (Bool.toString x)

  fun checkAll() = (
    printBool(idempotence tone);
    printBool(idempotence tzero);
    printBool(commutativity(tone, tone));
    printBool(commutativity(tone, tzero));
    printBool(commutativity(tzero, tone));
    printBool(commutativity(tzero, tzero));
    printBool(associativity(tone, tone, tone));
    printBool(associativity(tone, tone, tzero));
    printBool(associativity(tone, tzero, tone));
    printBool(associativity(tzero, tone, tone));
    printBool(associativity(tzero, tone, tzero));
    printBool(associativity(tzero, tzero, tone));
    printBool(absorption(tone, tone));
    printBool(absorption(tone, tzero));
    printBool(absorption(tzero, tone));
    printBool(absorption(tzero, tzero)))

structure BoolLatticeTester = LatticeTester(BoolLattice)
structure IntLatticeTester = LatticeTester(IntLattice)

structure Test = struct

  fun main _ = (



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