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JavaScript で数字を漢数字に変換する例

Last updated at Posted at 2020-07-21

111011101110"一一一〇一一一〇一一一〇" ではなく "千百十億千百十万千百十" とするタイプです。


const kanjiNumeral = [
  // これ以上は Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER を超えるため考慮しない。
  [1000000000000, ""],
  [100000000, ""],
  [10000, ""],
  [1000, ""],
  [100, ""],
  [10, ""],

const kanjiDigits = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];

const kanjiRecursive = (value) => {
  let current = value;
  let str = "";

  kanjiNumeral.forEach(([base, char]) => {
    const num = Math.floor(current / base);

    if (!num) return;

    let recurredStr = kanjiRecursive(num);

    if ("千百十".includes(char) && recurredStr.endsWith("")) {
      recurredStr = str.substring(0, recurredStr.length - 1);

    current -= num * base;

    str = `${str}${recurredStr}${char}`;

  return `${str}${kanjiDigits[current]}`;

const toKanjiNumber = (value) => {
  let num = Number(value);

  if (num === 0) return "";

  let positive = true;

  if (num < 0) {
    positive = false;
    num = Math.abs(num);

  const str = kanjiRecursive(num);

  return positive ? str : `-${str}`;

export default toKanjiNumber;

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