- MySQL 8.0.13
- php 7.2
- Laravel 5.7
データはsakilaを使用させていただきましたm(_ _)m
などのリレーションの機能(Eloquent: Relationships - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans)がものすごく便利なのですが、あえてこの機能は使わずにSQLで頑張ろうと思いました。
また、LaravelのORMで初心者から職人へ - Qiitaでメンテしにくいコードに進むパターンと紹介されていることをそのまま行いますので、実務では決して今回の内容と同じようなコードは書いてはいけません。
- customer_id単位で一意になるように抽出
- 顧客名
- 国名
- レンタルしたfilmの直近3つをカンマ区切り
- 最後にレンタルした日
- 今までレンタルした総数
- 全顧客の平均レンタル数
- country単位の平均レンタル数
- city単位の平均レンタル数
- 顧客のレンタル合計数が平均数より大きい場合は1、平均数以下の場合は0、それを
- ↑ただしcustomerの総レンタル数が20以上の場合のみ出力する
- ↑ただしcustomerの総レンタル数が25以上の場合のみ出力する
select cu.first_name
from customer cu
left join address a on (cu.address_id = a.address_id)
left join city ci on (a.city_id = ci.city_id)
left join country co on (ci.country_id = co.country_id)
left join (
select customer_id
,group_concat(f.title order by tmp.rental_date desc, ',') titles
,max(tmp.rental_date) max_rental_date
from (
select customer_id
,row_number() over (partition by customer_id order by rental_date desc) num
from rental
) tmp
left join inventory i on (tmp.inventory_id = i.inventory_id)
left join film f on (i.film_id = f.film_id)
where num <= 3
group by customer_id
) r_recently on (cu.customer_id = r_recently.customer_id)
left join (
select customer_id
,if(cnt >= avg_all , 1, 0) avg_flg
,if(cnt >= avg_country, 1, 0) avg_country_flg
,if(cnt >= avg_city , 1, 0) avg_city_flg
from (
select customer_total.customer_id
,avg(cnt) over() avg_all
,avg(cnt) over(partition by co.country_id) avg_country
,avg(cnt) over(partition by ci.city_id) avg_city
from (
select r.customer_id
,count(*) cnt
from rental r
group by customer_id
) customer_total
left join customer cu on (customer_total.customer_id = cu.customer_id)
left join address a on (cu.address_id = a.address_id)
left join city ci on (a.city_id = ci.city_id)
left join country co on (ci.country_id = co.country_id)
) avg_base
) r_avg on (cu.customer_id = r_avg.customer_id)
left join (
select hoge.customer_id
,sum(if(hoge.rate_partition = 1, hoge.rental_rate, 0)) g_rate_sum
,sum(if(hoge.rate_partition = 0, hoge.rental_rate, 0)) l_rate_sum
when hoge.rate_partition = 1
and hoge.num = 1
then else '' end
) g_rate_name
when hoge.rate_partition = 0
and hoge.num = 1
then else '' end
) l_rate_name
from (
select tmp.customer_id
,row_number() over(
partition by tmp.customer_id
order by rental_date desc
) num
,fc_g_rate.category_id g_category_id
,fc_l_rate.category_id l_category_id
from (
select customer_id
,if(f.rental_rate >= 1, 1, 0) rate_partition
,count(*) over(partition by customer_id) cnt
from rental r
left join inventory i on (r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id)
left join film f on (i.film_id = f.film_id)
) tmp
left join film_category fc_g_rate on (
tmp.film_id = fc_g_rate.film_id
and tmp.rate_partition = 1
and tmp.cnt >= 20
left join film_category fc_l_rate on (
tmp.film_id = fc_l_rate.film_id
and tmp.rate_partition = 0
and tmp.cnt >= 25
) hoge
left join category g_c on (hoge.g_category_id = g_c.category_id)
left join category l_c on (hoge.l_category_id = l_c.category_id)
group by hoge.customer_id
) customer_rate on (cu.customer_id = customer_rate.customer_id)
$rRecently = Rental::select('customer_id')
->selectRaw("group_concat(f.title order by tmp.rental_date desc, ',') titles")
->selectRaw('max(tmp.rental_date) max_rental_date')
Rental::select('customer_id', 'inventory_id', 'rental_date')
->selectRaw('row_number() over (partition by customer_id order by rental_date desc) num')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as i', Inventory::make()->getTable()), 'tmp.inventory_id', 'i.inventory_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as f', Film::make()->getTable()), 'i.film_id', 'f.film_id')
->where('num', '<=', 3)
$rAvg = Customer::select('customer_id')
->selectRaw('if(cnt >= avg_all , 1, 0) avg_flg')
->selectRaw('if(cnt >= avg_country, 1, 0) avg_country_flg')
->selectRaw('if(cnt >= avg_city , 1, 0) avg_city_flg')
->selectRaw('avg(cnt) over() avg_all')
->selectRaw('avg(cnt) over(partition by co.country_id) avg_country')
->selectRaw('avg(cnt) over(partition by ci.city_id) avg_city')
Rental::select('customer_id', DB::raw('count(*) cnt'))
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as cu', Customer::make()->getTable()), 'customer_total.customer_id', 'cu.customer_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as a', Address::make()->getTable()), 'cu.address_id', 'a.address_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as ci', City::make()->getTable()), 'a.city_id', 'ci.city_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as co', Country::make()->getTable()), 'ci.country_id', 'co.country_id')
$customerRate = Customer::select('hoge.customer_id')
->selectRaw('sum(if(hoge.rate_partition = 1, hoge.rental_rate, 0)) g_rate_sum')
->selectRaw('sum(if(hoge.rate_partition = 0, hoge.rental_rate, 0)) l_rate_sum')
->selectRaw("max(case when hoge.rate_partition = 1 and hoge.num = 1 then else '' end) g_rate_name")
->selectRaw("max(case when hoge.rate_partition = 0 and hoge.num = 1 then else '' end) l_rate_name")
->selectRaw('row_number() over(partition by tmp.customer_id, tmp.rate_partition order by rental_date desc) num')
->selectRaw('fc_g_rate.category_id g_category_id')
->selectRaw('fc_l_rate.category_id l_category_id')
Rental::select('customer_id', 'f.film_id', 'rental_date', 'rental_rate')
->selectRaw('if(f.rental_rate >= 1, 1, 0) rate_partition')
->selectRaw('count(*) over(partition by customer_id) cnt')
->from(sprintf('%s as r', Rental::make()->getTable()))
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as i', Inventory::make()->getTable()), 'r.inventory_id', 'i.inventory_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as f', Film::make()->getTable()), 'i.film_id', 'f.film_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as fc_g_rate', FilmCategory::make()->getTable()), function (JoinClause $join) {
$join->on('tmp.film_id', 'fc_g_rate.film_id');
$join->where('tmp.rate_partition', 1);
$join->where('tmp.cnt','>=', 20);
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as fc_l_rate', FilmCategory::make()->getTable()), function (JoinClause $join) {
$join->on('tmp.film_id', 'fc_l_rate.film_id');
$join->where('tmp.rate_partition', 0);
$join->where('tmp.cnt','>=', 25);
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as g_c', Category::make()->getTable()), 'hoge.g_category_id', 'g_c.category_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as l_c', Category::make()->getTable()), 'hoge.l_category_id', 'l_c.category_id')
$data = Customer::select('cu.first_name')
->from(sprintf('%s as cu', Customer::make()->getTable()))
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as a', Address::make()->getTable()), 'cu.address_id', 'a.address_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as ci', City::make()->getTable()), 'a.city_id', 'ci.city_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as co', Country::make()->getTable()), 'ci.country_id', 'co.country_id')
->leftJoinSub($rRecently->toSql(), 'r_recently', 'cu.customer_id', 'r_recently.customer_id')
->leftJoinSub($rAvg->toSql(), 'r_avg', 'cu.customer_id', 'r_avg.customer_id')
->leftJoinSub($customerRate->toSql(), 'customer_rate', 'cu.customer_id', 'customer_rate.customer_id')
$f = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
foreach ($data as $d) fputcsv($f, $d);
return response(stream_get_contents($f), 200)
->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
2005年6〜8月 x カテゴリー数となるように
- 以下の条件に当てはまるものは合計amountから除くこととする
- 除外条件1 以下の全ての条件に当てはまる顧客が借りた場合
- countoryが以下のいずれか
- Brazil
- China
- Mexico
- categoryが以下のいずれか
- Action
- Drama
- 顧客単位でその月で2回以上レンタルしている場合
- countoryが以下のいずれか
- 除外条件2 以下の全ての条件に当てはまる顧客が借りた場合
- countoryが以下のいずれか
- Brazil
- China
- Mexico
- Russian Federation
- South Africa
- categoryが以下のいずれか
- Action
- Animation
- 顧客が属するcity単位で、その月のレンタル数が最低数と同等の顧客
- countoryが以下のいずれか
- 除外条件3
- cityが以下のいずれか
- Vicente Lpez
- Tandil
- Stara Zagora
- Vancouver
- Richmond Hill
- Oshawa
- Warren
- Tallahassee
- Sunnyvale
- 以下のいずれか
- categoryがAction、かつ7〜8月にレンタルされていた場合
- categoryがAnimation、かつ6〜7月にレンタルされていた場合
- ↑ただしcountryがUnited States、かつ6〜8月の場合は除外しない
- cityが以下のいずれか
- 除外条件1 以下の全ての条件に当てはまる顧客が借りた場合
- 月
- カテゴリー名
- store_id -> store単位カテゴリーはstore_idを、そうでないものはnull
- 合計amount
- 先月の合計amount
- 今月と先月のamountの差分
with recursive months (mon) as (
select '2005-06-01'
select date_add(mon, interval 1 month) added_month
from months
having added_month <= '2005-08-01'
, categoy_months as (
select *
from months m
cross join category c
, base_customer_rental as (
select cu.*
from customer cu
left join address a on (cu.address_id = a.address_id)
left join city ci on (a.city_id = ci.city_id)
left join country co on (ci.country_id = co.country_id)
left join rental r on (cu.customer_id = r.customer_id)
left join inventory i on (r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id)
left join film f on (i.film_id = f.film_id)
left join film_category fc on (f.film_id = fc.film_id)
left join category ca on (fc.category_id = ca.category_id)
, zyogai_rental as (
select rental_id
from (
select rental_id
,count(*) over(partition by customer_id, date_format(rental_date,'%c')) cnt
from base_customer_rental
where country in ('Brazil', 'China', 'Mexico')
and name in ('Action', 'Drama')
) tmp
where cnt != 1
select rental_id
from (
select rental_id
,min(cnt) over() min
from (
select rental_id
,count(*) over(partition by city_id, date_format(rental_date,'%c')) cnt
from base_customer_rental
where country in ('Brazil', 'China', 'Mexico', 'Russian Federation', 'South Africa')
and name in ('Action', 'Animation')
) tmp
) hoge
where cnt = min
select rental_id
from (
select rental_id
,if(name = 'Action' and date_format(rental_date,'%c') in (7,8), 1, 0) x
,if(name = 'Animation' and date_format(rental_date,'%c') in (6,7), 1, 0) y
,if(country = 'United States' and date_format(rental_date,'%c') between 6 and 8, 1, 0) z
from base_customer_rental
where city in ('Vicente Lpez', 'Tandil', 'Stara Zagora', 'Vancouver', 'Richmond Hill', 'Oshawa', 'Warren', 'Tallahassee', 'Sunnyvale')
) tmp
where x = 1 or (y = 1 and z = 0)
, rental_months as (
select sum(amount) sum_amount
from (
select p.amount
,date_format(p.payment_date ,'%Y-%m-01') mon
,if( is null, 0, s.store_id) store_partial
from payment p
left join staff s on (p.staff_id = s.staff_id)
left join rental r on (p.rental_id = r.rental_id)
left join inventory i on (r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id)
left join film f on (i.film_id = f.film_id)
left join film_category fc on (f.film_id = fc.film_id)
left join (
select *
from category
where name in ('Action', 'Animation', 'Children')
) c on (fc.category_id = c.category_id)
where r.rental_id not in (select * from zyogai_rental)
) tmp
group by mon, category_id, store_partial
select cm.mon
,if(rm.store_partial = 0, null, rm.store_partial)
,rm.sum_amount - rm_zen.sum_amount
from categoy_months cm
left join rental_months rm on (
cm.mon = rm.mon
and cm.category_id = rm.category_id
left join rental_months rm_zen on (
date_add(cm.mon, interval -1 month) = rm_zen.mon
and cm.category_id = rm_zen.category_id
and rm.store_partial = rm_zen.store_partial
order by cm.mon, cm.category_id, rm.store_partial
$months = Model::make()
->selectRaw('date_add(mon, interval 1 month) added_month')
->havingRaw("added_month <= '2005-08-01'")
$categoyMonths = Model::make()
$baseCustomerRental = Customer::select('cu.*')
->from(sprintf('%s as cu', Customer::make()->getTable()))
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as a', Address::make()->getTable()), 'cu.address_id', 'a.address_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as ci', City::make()->getTable()), 'a.city_id', 'ci.city_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as co', Country::make()->getTable()), 'ci.country_id', 'co.country_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as r', Rental::make()->getTable()), 'cu.customer_id', 'r.customer_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as i', Inventory::make()->getTable()), 'r.inventory_id', 'i.inventory_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as f', Film::make()->getTable()), 'i.film_id', 'f.film_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as fc', FilmCategory::make()->getTable()), 'f.film_id', 'fc.film_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as ca', Category::make()->getTable()), 'fc.category_id', 'ca.category_id');
$zyogaiRental = Rental::select('rental_id')
->selectRaw("count(*) over(partition by customer_id, date_format(rental_date,'%c')) cnt")
->whereIn('country', ['Brazil', 'China', 'Mexico'])
->whereIn('name', ['Action', 'Drama']),
->where('cnt', '!=', 1)
->selectRaw('min(cnt) over() min')
->selectRaw("count(*) over(partition by city_id, date_format(rental_date,'%c')) cnt")
->whereIn('country', ['Brazil', 'China', 'Mexico', 'Russian Federation', 'South Africa'])
->whereIn('name', ['Action', 'Animation']),
->where('cnt', DB::raw('min'))
->selectRaw("if(name = 'Action' and date_format(rental_date,'%c') in (7,8), 1, 0) x")
->selectRaw("if(name = 'Animation' and date_format(rental_date,'%c') in (6,7), 1, 0) y")
->selectRaw("if(country = 'United States' and date_format(rental_date,'%c') between 6 and 8, 1, 0) z")
->whereIn('city', ['Vicente Lpez', 'Tandil', 'Stara Zagora', 'Vancouver', 'Richmond Hill', 'Oshawa', 'Warren', 'Tallahassee', 'Sunnyvale']),
->where('x', 1)
->orWhere(function (EloquentBuilder $query) {
$query->where('y', 1)
->where('z', 0);
$rentalMonths = Category::selectRaw('sum(amount) sum_amount')
->selectRaw("date_format(p.payment_date ,'%Y-%m-01') mon")
->selectRaw('if( is null, 0, s.store_id) store_partial')
->from(sprintf('%s as p', Payment::make()->getTable()))
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as s', Staff::make()->getTable()), 'p.staff_id', 's.staff_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as r', Rental::make()->getTable()), 'p.rental_id', 'r.rental_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as i', Inventory::make()->getTable()), 'r.inventory_id', 'i.inventory_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as f', Film::make()->getTable()), 'i.film_id', 'f.film_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as fc', FilmCategory::make()->getTable()), 'f.film_id', 'fc.film_id')
->leftJoinSub(Category::whereIn('name', ['Action', 'Animation', 'Children']), 'c', 'fc.category_id', 'c.category_id')
->whereNotIn('r.rental_id', function (Builder $query) {
->groupBy('mon', 'category_id', 'store_partial');
$q = Model::make()->setTable('categoy_months as cm')
->selectRaw('if(rm.store_partial = 0, null, rm.store_partial)')
->addSelect('rm_zen.sum_amount as sum_amount_zen')
->selectRaw('rm.sum_amount - rm_zen.sum_amount')
->leftJoin('rental_months as rm', function (JoinClause $join) {
$join->on('cm.mon', 'rm.mon');
$join->on('cm.category_id', 'rm.category_id');
->leftJoin('rental_months as rm_zen', function (JoinClause $join) {
$join->on(DB::raw('date_add(cm.mon, interval -1 month)'), 'rm_zen.mon');
$join->on('cm.category_id', 'rm_zen.category_id');
$join->on('rm.store_partial', 'rm_zen.store_partial');
$data = DB::select(
with recursive months (mon) as (
, categoy_months as (
, base_customer_rental as (
, zyogai_rental as (
, rental_months as (
$f = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
foreach ($data as $d) fputcsv($f, (array) $d);
return response(stream_get_contents($f), 200)
->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
- 総レンタル数が1000以下の国の中で、レンタル数が多い順に3つの国
- actorで一意
- actorのフルネーム
- actorの今までの出演本数
- actorが一度でも出ているカテゴリーを横つなぎで表示
- ※ただしGames,Horror,Musicは非表示
- actorがAnimationに一度でも出ていた「○」、出ていなかったら「×」
- actorがChildrenに一度でも出ていた「○」、出ていなかったら「×」
- 対象countryの中で一番目にレンタル数の多い国名
- 一番目にレンタル数の多い国のactor単位の売り上げ
- 一番目にレンタル数の多い国のactor単位の売り上げの割合
- 対象countryの中で二番目にレンタル数の多い国名
- 二番目にレンタル数の多い国のactor単位の売り上げ
- 二番目にレンタル数の多い国のactor単位の売り上げの割合
- 対象countryの中で三番目にレンタル数の多い国名
- 三番目にレンタル数の多い国のactor単位の売り上げ
- 三番目にレンタル数の多い国のactor単位の売り上げの割合
- Actionのジャンルの映画に一度でも出ているactorが対象
- 出演作品数が20本以上のactorが対象
select concat(a.first_name,' ',a.last_name)
,(select country from country where country_id = fugara.first_country_id) first_country
,concat(100 * (fugara.first_sum_amount / fugara.first_sum_country_amount), '%')
,(select country from country where country_id = fugara.second_country_id) second_country
,concat(100 * (fugara.second_sum_amount / fugara.second_sum_country_amount), '%')
,(select country from country where country_id = fugara.third_country_id) third_country_id
,concat(100 * (fugara.third_sum_amount / fugara.third_sum_country_amount), '%')
from actor a
left join (
select actor_id
,if(categories like concat('%','Animation','%'), '○', '×') animation_flg
,if(categories like concat('%','Children','%'), '○', '×') children_flg
from (
select fa.actor_id
,count(*) cnt
distinct (
select (
select name
from category c
where c.category_id = fc.category_id
and not in ('Games','Horror','Music')
from film_category fc
where fc.film_id = fa.film_id
) categories
from film_actor fa
group by fa.actor_id
) tmp
) hoge on a.actor_id = hoge.actor_id
left join (
select actor_id
,max(if(num = 1, country_id, null)) first_country_id
,max(if(num = 1, sum_amount, null)) first_sum_amount
,max(if(num = 1, sum_country_amount, null)) first_sum_country_amount
,max(if(num = 2, country_id, null)) second_country_id
,max(if(num = 2, sum_amount, null)) second_sum_amount
,max(if(num = 2, sum_country_amount, null)) second_sum_country_amount
,max(if(num = 3, country_id, null)) third_country_id
,max(if(num = 3, sum_amount, null)) third_sum_amount
,max(if(num = 3, sum_country_amount, null)) third_sum_country_amount
from (
select piyo.num
,sum(p.amount) sum_amount
from (
select row_number() over() num
from (
select co.country_id
,sum(amount) sum_country_amount
from country co
left join city ci on co.country_id = ci.country_id
left join address a on ci.city_id = a.city_id
left join customer cu on a.address_id = cu.address_id
left join rental r on cu.customer_id = r.customer_id
left join payment p on r.rental_id = p.rental_id
group by co.country_id
having count(*) <= 1000
order by count(*) desc
limit 3
) fuga
) piyo
left join city ci on (piyo.country_id = ci.country_id)
left join address a on (ci.city_id = a.city_id)
left join customer cu on (a.address_id = cu.address_id)
left join payment p on (cu.customer_id = p.customer_id)
left join rental r on (p.rental_id = r.rental_id)
left join inventory i on (r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id)
left join film f on (i.film_id = f.film_id)
left join film_actor fa on (f.film_id = fa.film_id)
group by piyo.num, piyo.country_id, fa.actor_id
) hogera
group by actor_id
) fugara on (a.actor_id = fugara.actor_id)
where a.actor_id in (
select a.actor_id
from actor a
left join film_actor fa on a.actor_id = fa.actor_id
left join film_category fc on fa.film_id = fc.film_id
inner join (
select *
from category
where name = 'Action'
) c on (fc.category_id = c.category_id)
and exists (
select 'x'
from film_actor
where actor_id = a.actor_id
having count(*) >= 20
order by a.actor_id
$hoge = Actor::select('actor_id')
->selectRaw("if(categories like concat('%','Animation','%'), '○', '×') animation_flg")
->selectRaw("if(categories like concat('%','Children','%'), '○', '×') children_flg")
->selectRaw('count(*) cnt')
'group_concat( distinct ( %s ) ) categories',
$hogeCategory = Category::select('name')
->from(sprintf('%s as c', Category::make()->getTable()))
->whereRaw('c.category_id = fc.category_id')
->whereNotIn('', ['Games','Horror','Music']),
->from(sprintf('%s as fc', FilmCategory::make()->getTable()))
->whereRaw('fc.film_id = fa.film_id')
->from(sprintf('%s as fa', FilmActor::make()->getTable()))
$fugara = Actor::select('actor_id')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 1, country_id, null)) first_country_id')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 1, sum_amount, null)) first_sum_amount')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 1, sum_country_amount, null)) first_sum_country_amount')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 2, country_id, null)) second_country_id')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 2, sum_amount, null)) second_sum_amount')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 2, sum_country_amount, null)) second_sum_country_amount')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 3, country_id, null)) third_country_id')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 3, sum_amount, null)) third_sum_amount')
->selectRaw('max(if(num = 3, sum_country_amount, null)) third_sum_country_amount')
->selectRaw('sum(p.amount) sum_amount')
Country::selectRaw('row_number() over() num')
->selectRaw('sum(amount) sum_country_amount')
->from(sprintf('%s as co', Country::make()->getTable()))
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as ci', City::make()->getTable()), 'co.country_id', 'ci.country_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as a', Address::make()->getTable()), 'ci.city_id', 'a.city_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as cu', Customer::make()->getTable()), 'a.address_id', 'cu.address_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as r', Rental::make()->getTable()), 'cu.customer_id', 'r.customer_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as p', Payment::make()->getTable()), 'r.rental_id', 'p.rental_id')
->havingRaw('count(*) <= ?', [1000])
->orderByRaw('count(*) desc')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as ci', City::make()->getTable()), 'piyo.country_id', 'ci.country_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as a', Address::make()->getTable()), 'ci.city_id', 'a.city_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as cu', Customer::make()->getTable()), 'a.address_id', 'cu.address_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as p', Payment::make()->getTable()), 'cu.customer_id', 'p.customer_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as r', Rental::make()->getTable()), 'p.rental_id', 'r.rental_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as i', Inventory::make()->getTable()), 'r.inventory_id', 'i.inventory_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as f', Film::make()->getTable()), 'i.film_id', 'f.film_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as fa', FilmActor::make()->getTable()), 'f.film_id', 'fa.film_id')
->groupBy('piyo.num', 'piyo.country_id', 'fa.actor_id'),
$data = Actor::selectRaw("concat(a.first_name,' ',a.last_name)")
->selectSub(Country::select('country')->where('country_id', DB::raw('fugara.first_country_id')), 'first_country')
->selectRaw("concat(100 * (fugara.first_sum_amount / fugara.first_sum_country_amount), '%')")
->selectSub(Country::select('country')->where('country_id', DB::raw('fugara.second_country_id')), 'second_country')
->selectRaw("concat(100 * (fugara.second_sum_amount / fugara.second_sum_country_amount), '%')")
->selectSub(Country::select('country')->where('country_id', DB::raw('fugara.third_country_id')), 'third_country')
->selectRaw("concat(100 * (fugara.third_sum_amount / fugara.third_sum_country_amount), '%')")
->from(sprintf('%s as a', Actor::make()->getTable()))
->leftJoinSub($hoge->toSql(), 'hoge', 'a.actor_id', 'hoge.actor_id')
->leftJoinSub($fugara->toSql(), 'fugara', 'a.actor_id', 'fugara.actor_id')
->whereIn('a.actor_id', function (Builder $query) {
$query->from(sprintf('%s as a', Actor::make()->getTable()))
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as fa', FilmActor::make()->getTable()), 'a.actor_id', 'fa.actor_id')
->leftJoin(sprintf('%s as fc', FilmCategory::make()->getTable()), 'fa.film_id', 'fc.film_id')
->joinSub(Category::where('name', 'Action'), 'c', 'fc.category_id', 'c.category_id');
'exists ( %s )',
->where('actor_id', DB::raw('a.actor_id'))
->havingRaw('count(*) >= ?')
$f = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
foreach ($data as $d) fputcsv($f, $d);
return response(stream_get_contents($f), 200)
->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
最後まで読んでいただいてありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
- MySQL王国に黒船(Window関数)がやってきた! - Qiita
- 再帰SQL -図解- - Qiita
- MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 13.2.13 WITH Syntax (Common Table Expressions)
- MySQLで日付の切り捨て(DATE_TRUNCもどき): ギジュツメモ
- MySQL DATE_ADD() Function
- MySQL DATE_FORMAT() Function
- MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 12.20.1 Aggregate (GROUP BY) Function Descriptions
- The Ultimate Guide to MySQL EXISTS
- Laravel Fluent Query Builder Join with subquery - Stack Overflow
- php - Laravel Eloquent inner join with multiple conditions - Stack Overflow
- PHP Array to CSV - Stack Overflow
- PHPでメモリ上に一時ファイルを作る - Qiita
- Create a CSV File for a user in PHP - Stack Overflow
- PHP - laravel5.4.30 SQL文を実行したい|teratail
- eloquent - Laravel how to get query with bindings? - Stack Overflow
- Laravel eloquent multiple WHERE with OR AND OR and LIKE? - Stack Overflow
- php - How to do this in Laravel, subquery where in - Stack Overflow