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intel 8080 アセンブラ 命令セット

Last updated at Posted at 2015-04-23


MOV r1, r2    r1 <- r2    Move register r2 to register r1
MOV M, r      [hl] <- r   Move register to memory thru H-L
MOV r, M      r <- [hl]   Move memory to register thru H-L
MVI r, d8     r <- d8     Move immediate to register
MVI M, d8     [hl] <- d8  Move immediate to memory thru H-L
STAX B        [bc] <- a   Store A indirect thru BC
STAX D        [de] <- a   Store A indirect thru DE
LDAX B        a <- [bc]   Load A indirect thru BC
LDAX D        a <- [de]   Load A indirect thru DE
STA ad        [ad] <- a   Store A to memory
LDA ad        a <- [hl]   Load A from memory
LXI B, d16    bc <- d16   Load register pair B-C immediate
LXI D, d16    de <- d16   Load register pair D-E immediate
LXI H, d16    hl <- d16   Load register pair H-L immediate
SHLD ad       [ad] <- hl  Store H:L to memory
LHLD ad       hl <- [ad]  Load H:L from memory
XCHG          de <=> hl   Exchange D-E and H-L content


ADD r   a <- a + r         Add register to A
ADD M   a <- a + [hl]      Add register to A thru H-L
ADI d8  a <- a + d8        Add immediate to A
ADC r   a <- a + r + cy    Add register to A with carry
ADC M   a <- a + [hl] + cy Add register to A with carry thru H-L
ACI d8  a <- a + d8 + cy   Add immediate to A with carry
DAD B   HL <- HL + BC      Add register pair B-C to H-L 
DAD D   HL <- HL + DE      Add register pair D-E to H-L 
DAD H   HL <- HL + HL      Add register pair H-L to H-L 
DAD SP  HL <- HL + SP      Add stack pointer to H-L 


SUB r   a <- a - r         Subtract register from A
SUB M   a <- a - [hl]      Subtract register from A thru H-L
SUI d8  a <- a - d8        Subtract immediate from A
SBB r   a <- a - r + cy    Subtract register from A with borrow
SBB M   a <- a - [hl] + cy Subtract register from A with borrow thru H-L
SBI d8  a <- a - d8 + cy   Subtract immediate from A with borrow


ANA r   a <- a & r         AND register with A
ANA M   a <- a & [hl]      AND register with A thru H-L
ANI d8  a <- a & d8        AND immediate with A
ORA r   a <- a | r         OR register with A
ORA M   a <- a | [hl]      OR register with A thru H-L
ORI d8  a <- a | d8        OR immediate with A
XRA r   a <- a ^ r         ExclusiveOR register with A
XRA M   a <- a ^ [hl]      ExclusiveOR register with A thru H-L
XRI d8  a <- a ^ d8        ExclusiveOR immediate with A
CMP r   flg <- a - r       Compare register with A
CMP M   flg <- a - [hl]    Compare register with A thru H-L
CPI d8  flg <- a - d8      Compare immediate with A


RLC 左循環        Rotate A left(with carry affected)
RRC 右循環        Rotate A right(with carry affected)
RAL cy + 左循環   Rotate A left through carry
RAR cy + 右循環   Rotate A right through carry


CMA cy <- Compliment A
CMC cy <- Compliment Carry flag
STC cy <- 1  Set Carry flag
DAA a <- Decimal Adjust accumulator


INR r   r <- r + 1       Increment register
INR M   [hl] <- [hl] + 1 Increment memory thru H-L
DCR r   r <- r - 1       Decrement register
DCR M   [hl] <- [hl] - 1 Decrement memory thru H-L
INX B   bc <- bc + 1     Increment B-C register pair
INX D   de <- de + 1     Increment D-E register pair
INX H   hl <- hl + 1     Increment H-L register pair
DCX B   bc <- bc - 1     Decrement B-C register pair
DCX D   de <- de - 1     Decrement D-E register pair
DCX H   hl <- hl - 1     Decrement H-L register pair


JMP ad  pc <- ad           jump Unconditional 
JC ad   cy ? pc <- ad :    jump on carry
JNC ad  cy ? : pc <- ad    jump on no carry
JZ ad   zero ? pc <- ad :  jump on zero 
JNZ ad  zero ? pc <- ad :  jump on no zero
JP ad   posi ? pc <- ad :  jump on positive
JM ad   minus ? pc <- ad : jump on minus
JPE ad  even ? pc <- ad :  jump on parity even
JPO ad  odd ? pc <- ad :   jump on parity odd
PCHL    pc <- hl           H-L to program counter


CALL ad [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad           CALL Unconditional 
CC ad   cy ? [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad :    CALL on carry
CNC ad  cy ? : [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad    CALL on no carry
CZ ad   zero ? [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad :  CALL on zero 
CNZ ad  zero ? : [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad  CALL on no zero
CP ad   posi ? [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad :  CALL on positive
CM ad   minus ? [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad : CALL on minus
CPE ad  even ? [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad :  CALL on parity even
CPO ad  odd ? [sp--] <- PC; PC <- ad :   CALL on parity odd
RST m   Restart from m


RET     PC <- [sp++] Return
RC ad   cy ? PC <- [sp++] :    Return on carry
RNC ad  cy ? : PC <- [sp++]    Return on no carry
RZ ad   zero ? PC <- [sp++] :  Return on zero 
RNZ ad  zero ? : PC <- [sp++]  Return on no zero
RP ad   posi ? PC <- [sp++] :  Return on positive
RM ad   minus ? PC <- [sp++] : Return on minus
RPE ad  even ? PC <- [sp++] :  Return on parity even
RPO ad  odd ? PC <- [sp++] :   Return on parity odd


PUSH B   [sp--] <- bc  Push register pair B-C on the stack
PUSH D   [sp--] <- de  Push register pair D-E on the stack
PUSH H   [sp--] <- hl  Push register pair H-L on the stack
PUSH PSW [sp--] <- af  Push A and flags on the stack
POP B    bc <- [sp++]  Pop register pair B-C from the stack
POP D    de <- [sp++]  Pop register pair D-E from the stack
POP H    hl <- [sp++]  Pop register pair H-L from the stack
POP PSW  af <- [sp++]  Pop A and flags from the stack
XTHL     hl <=> [sp]   Swap H:L with top word on stack
SPHL     sp <- hl      Set SP to content of H:L
LXI SP, ad sp <- [ad]  Load immediate stack pointer
INX SP   sp <- sp + 1  Increment stack pointer
DCX SP   sp <- sp - 1  Decrement stack pointer


IN n    a <- port[n]  Input from port n
OUT n   port[n] <- a  Output to port n


EI  Enable interrupts
DI  Disable interrupts
HLT Halt processor
NOP No operation


アキュムレータ : A (8bit)
フラグレジスタ : PSW (8bit)
6つの汎用レジスタ : B, C, D, E, H, L (8bit)
スタックポインタ : SP (16bit)
プログラムカウンタ : PC (16bit)



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