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raspberry pi 1でtensorflow lite

Last updated at Posted at 2018-12-11


raspberry pi 1でtensorflow liteやってみた。
raspberry pi 1 model bに、インストールしてみた。


Raspberry pi 1 model b(element14)
sd-card 8GB
raspbian 2016-11-25 jessie with pixel


git cloneして、armv6lでビルドした。



./minimal xor_model.tflite

=== Pre-invoke Interpreter State ===
Interpreter has 13 tensors and 4 nodes
Inputs: 8
Outputs: 1

Tensor   0 activation/Tanh      kTfLiteFloat32  kTfLiteArenaRw         32 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  1 8
Tensor   1 activation_1/Sigmoid kTfLiteFloat32  kTfLiteArenaRw          4 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  1 1
Tensor   2 dense/BiasAdd        kTfLiteFloat32  kTfLiteArenaRw         32 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  1 8
Tensor   3 dense/MatMul_bias    kTfLiteFloat32   kTfLiteMmapRo         32 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  8
Tensor   4 dense/kernel/transpose kTfLiteFloat32   kTfLiteMmapRo         64 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  8 2
Tensor   5 dense_1/BiasAdd      kTfLiteFloat32  kTfLiteArenaRw          4 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  1 1
Tensor   6 dense_1/MatMul_bias  kTfLiteFloat32   kTfLiteMmapRo          4 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  1
Tensor   7 dense_1/kernel/transpose kTfLiteFloat32   kTfLiteMmapRo         32 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  1 8
Tensor   8 dense_input          kTfLiteFloat32  kTfLiteArenaRw          8 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  1 2
Tensor   9 (null)               kTfLiteNoType  kTfLiteMemNone          0 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  (null)
Tensor  10 (null)               kTfLiteNoType  kTfLiteMemNone          0 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  (null)
Tensor  11 (null)               kTfLiteNoType  kTfLiteMemNone          0 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  (null)
Tensor  12 (null)               kTfLiteNoType  kTfLiteMemNone          0 bytes ( 0.0 MB)  (null)

Node   0 Operator Builtin Code   9
  Inputs: 8 4 3
  Outputs: 2
Node   1 Operator Builtin Code  28
  Inputs: 2
  Outputs: 0
Node   2 Operator Builtin Code   9
  Inputs: 0 7 6
  Outputs: 5
Node   3 Operator Builtin Code  14
  Inputs: 5
  Outputs: 1

./benchmark_model --graph=xor_model.tflite

Min num runs: [50]
Min runs duration (seconds): [1]
Inter-run delay (seconds): [-1]
Num threads: [1]
Benchmark name: []
Output prefix: []
Min warmup runs: [1]
Min warmup runs duration (seconds): [0.5]
Graph: [xor_model.tflite]
Input layers: []
Input shapes: []
Use nnapi : [0]
Loaded model xor_model.tflite
resolved reporter
Initialized session in 4.23ms
Running benchmark for at least 1 iterations and at least 0.5 seconds
count=2963 first=385 curr=19 min=18 max=20218 avg=30.4077 std=377

Running benchmark for at least 50 iterations and at least 1 seconds
count=7331 first=43 curr=20 min=17 max=298 avg=22.4294 std=7

Average inference timings in us: Warmup: 30.4077, Init: 4230, no stats: 22.4294



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