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x64 アセンブリ 命令一覧

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Operation code Effect on x86
Add registers add %ebx, %eax eax += ebx
Add immediate add $50, %eax eax += 50
Load constant mov $50, %eax eax = 50
Move among regs mov %ebx, %eax eax = ebx
Load word mov [4 + %ebx], %eax eax = *(4 + ebx)
Store word mov %eax, [4 + %ebx] *(4 + ebx) = eax
Shift left sal $3, %eax eax <<= 3
Bitwise AND and %ebx, %eax eax &= ebx
No-op nop -
Conditional test %ecx;cmovnz %ebx, %eax (Set condition flags based on ecx) if (last_alu_op_is_nonzero) eax=ebx
Compare cmp %eax, %ebx (Set condition flags based on eax-ebx)
Stack push push %ecx *sp = ecx; sp-=4
Jump jmp $label pc=label
Function call call $label *sp = pc + len;SP -= 4; PC = label
Function return ret pc = *sp;sp += 4
Branch if less than cmp %ebx, %eax; jl $label if (eax<ebx) PC=label
Request syscall int 0x80 (syscall) Requests kernel


Opcode Description
AAA ASCII Adjust After Addition
AAD ASCII Adjust AX Before Division
AAS ASCII Adjust AL After Subtraction
ADC Add with Carry
ADDPD Add Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
ADDPS Add Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
ADDSD Add Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
ADDSS Add Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
ADDSUBPD Packed Double-FP Add/Subtract
ADDSUBPS Packed Single-FP Add/Subtract
AND Logical AND
ANDPD Bitwise Logical AND of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
ANDPS Bitwise Logical AND of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
ANDNPD Bitwise Logical AND NOT of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
ANDNPS Bitwise Logical AND NOT of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
ARPL Adjust RPL Field of Segment Selector
BOUND Check Array Index Against Bounds
BSF Bit Scan Forward
BSR Bit Scan Reverse
BSWAP Byte Swap
BT Bit Test
BTC Bit Test and Complement
BTR Bit Test and Reset
BTS Bit Test and Set
CALL Call Procedure
CBW/CWDE Convert Byte to Word/Convert Word to Doubleword
CLC Clear Carry Flag
CLD Clear Direction Flag
CLFLUSH Flush Cache Line
CLI Clear Interrupt Flag
CLTS Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0
CMC Complement Carry Flag
CMOVcc Conditional Move
CMP Compare Two Operands
CMPPD Compare Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
CMPPS Compare Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
CMPS/CMPSB/CMPSW/CMPSD Compare String Operands
CMPSD Compare Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
CMPSS Compare Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
CMPXCHG Compare and Exchange
CMPXCHG8B Compare and Exchange 8 Bytes
COMISD Compare Scalar Ordered Double-Precision Floating- Point Values and Set EFLAGS
COMISS Compare Scalar Ordered Single-Precision Floating- Point Values and Set EFLAGS
CPUID CPU Identification
CVTDQ2PD Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
CVTDQ2PS Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
CVTPD2DQ Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
CVTPD2PI Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
CVTPD2PS Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
CVTPI2PD Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
CVTPI2PS Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
CVTPS2DQ Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
CVTPS2PD Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
CVTPS2PI Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
CVTSD2SI Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer
CVTSD2SS Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value
CVTSI2SD Convert Doubleword Integer to Scalar Double- Precision Floating-Point Value
CVTSI2SS Convert Doubleword Integer to Scalar Single- Precision Floating-Point Value
CVTSS2SD Convert Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
CVTSS2SI Convert Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer
CVTTPD2PI Convert with Truncation Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
CVTTPD2DQ Convert with Truncation Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
CVTTPS2DQ Convert with Truncation Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
CVTTPS2PI Convert with Truncation Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
CVTTSD2SI Convert with Truncation Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Signed Doubleword Integer
CVTTSS2SI Convert with Truncation Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer
CWD/CDQ Convert Word to Doubleword/Convert Doubleword to Quadword
DAA Decimal Adjust AL after Addition
DAS Decimal Adjust AL after Subtraction
DEC Decrement by 1
DIV Unsigned Divide
DIVPD Divide Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
DIVPS Divide Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
DIVSD Divide Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
DIVSS Divide Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
EMMS Empty MMX Technology State
ENTER Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters
F2XM1 Compute 2x-1
FABS Absolute Value
FBLD Load Binary Coded Decimal
FBSTP Store BCD Integer and Pop
FCHS Change Sign
FCLEX/FNCLEX Clear Exceptions
FCMOVcc Floating-Point Conditional Move
FCOM/FCOMP/FCOMPP Compare Floating Point Values
FCOMI/FCOMIP/FUCOMI/FUCOMIP Compare Floating Point Values and Set EFLAGS
FCOS Cosine
FDECSTP Decrement Stack-Top Pointer
FFREE Free Floating-Point Register
FICOM/FICOMP Compare Integer
FILD Load Integer
FINCSTP Increment Stack-Top Pointer
FINIT/FNINIT Initialize Floating-Point Unit
FIST/FISTP Store Integer
FISTTP Store Integer with Truncation
FLD Load Floating Point Value
FLDCW Load x87 FPU Control Word
FLDENV Load x87 FPU Environment
FNOP No operation
FPATAN Partial Arctangent
FPREM Partial Remainder
FPREM1 Partial Remainder
FPTAN Partial Tangent
FRNDINT Round to Integer
FRSTOR Restore x87 FPU State
FSAVE/FNSAVE Store x87 FPU State
FSINCOS Sine and Cosine
FSQRT Square Root
FST/FSTP Store Floating Point Value
FSTCW/FNSTCW Store x87 FPU Control Word
FSTENV/FNSTENV Store x87 FPU Environment
FSTSW/FNSTSW Store x87 FPU Status Word
FTST Test Floating Point Value
FUCOM/FUCOMP/FUCOMPP Unordered Compare Floating Point Values
FXAM Examine Floating Point Value
FXCH Exchange Register Contents
FXRSTOR Restore x87 FPU, MMX Technology, SSE, and SSE2 State
FXSAVE Save x87 FPU, MMX Technology, SSE, and SSE2 State
FXTRACT Extract Exponent and Mantissa
FYL2X Compute y * log_2(x)
FYL2XP1 Compute y * log_2(x + 1)
HADDPD Packed Double-FP Horizontal Add
HADDPS Packed Single-FP Horizontal Add
HLT Halt
HSUBPD Packed Double-FP Horizontal Subtract
HSUBPS Packed Single-FP Horizontal Subtract
IDIV Signed Divide
IMUL Signed Multiply
IN Input from Port
INC Increment by 1
INS/INSB/INSW/INSD Input from Port to String
INT n/INTO/INT 3 Call to Interrupt Procedure
INVD Invalidate Internal Caches
INVLPG Invalidate TLB Entry
IRET/IRETD Interrupt Return
Jcc Jump if Condition Is Met
JMP Jump
LAHR Load Status Flags into AH Register
LAR Load Access Rights Byte
LDDQU Load Unaligned Integer 128 Bits
LDS/LES/LFS/LGS/LSS Load Far Pointer
LEA Load Effective Address
LEAVE High Level Procedure Exit
LFENCE Load Fence
LGDT/LIDT Load Global/Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
LLDT Load Local Descriptor Table Register
LMSW Load Machine Status Word
LOCK Assert LOCK# Signal Prefix
LOOP/LOOPcc Loop According to ECX Counter
LSL Load Segment Limit
LTR Load Task Register
MASKMOVDQU Store Selected Bytes of Double Quadword
MASKMOVQ Store Selected Bytes of Quadword
MAXPD Return Maximum Packed Double-Precision Floating- Point Values
MAXPS Return Maximum Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
MAXS Return Maximum Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
MAXSS Return Maximum Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value
MFENCE Memory Fence
MINPD Return Minimum Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
MINPS Return Minimum Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
MINSD Return Minimum Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
MINSS Return Minimum Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value
MONITOR Setup Monitor Address
MOV Move
MOV Move to/from Control Registers
MOV Move to/from Debug Registers
MOVAPD Move Aligned Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
MOVAPS Move Aligned Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
MOVD Move Doubleword
MOVDDUP Move One Double-FP and Duplicate
MOVDQA Move Aligned Double Quadword
MOVDQU Move Unaligned Double Quadword
MOVDQ2Q Move Quadword from XMM to MMX Technology Register
MOVHLPS Move Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values High to Low
MOVHPD Move High Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
MOVHPS Move High Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
MOVLHPS Move Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values Low to High
MOVLPD Move Low Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
MOVLPS Move Low Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
MOVMSKPD Extract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Sign Mask
MOVMSKPS Extract Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Sign Mask
MOVNTDQ Store Double Quadword Using Non-Temporal Hint
MOVNTI Store Doubleword Using Non-Temporal Hint
MOVNTPD Store Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values Using Non-Temporal Hint
MOVNTPS Store Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values Using Non-Temporal Hint
MOVNTQ Store of Quadword Using Non-Temporal Hint
MOVSHDUP Move Packed Single-FP High and Duplicate
MOVSLDUP Move Packed Single-FP Low and Duplicate
MOVQ Move Quadword
MOVQ2DQ Move Quadword from MMX Technology to XMM Register
MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW/MOVSD Move Data from String to String
MOVSD Move Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
MOVSS Move Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
MOVSX Move with Sign-Extension
MOVUPD Move Unaligned Packed Double-Precision Floating- Point Values
MOVUPS Move Unaligned Packed Single-Precision Floating- Point Values
MOVZX Move with Zero-Extend
MUL Unsigned Multiply
MULPD Multiply Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
MULPS Multiply Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
MULSD Multiply Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
MULSS Multiply Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
MWAIT Monitor Wait
NEG Two's Complement Negation
NOP No Operation
NOT One's Complement Negation
OR Logical Inclusive OR
ORPD Bitwise Logical OR of Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
ORPS Bitwise Logical OR of Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
OUT Output to Port
OUTS/OUTSB/OUTSW/OUTSD Output String to Port
PACKSSWB/PACKSSDW Pack with Signed Saturation
PACKUSWB Pack with Unsigned Saturation
PADDB/PADDW/PADDD Add Packed Integers
PADDQ Add Packed Quadword Integers
PADDSB/PADDSW Add Packed Signed Integers with Signed Saturation
PADDUSB/PADDUSW Add Packed Unsigned Integers with Unsigned Saturation
PAND Logical AND
PAUSE Spin Loop Hint
PAVGB/PAVGW Average Packed Integers
PCMPEQB/PCMPEQW/PCMPEQD Compare Packed Data for Equal
PCMPGTB/PCMPGTW/PCMPGTD Compare Packed Signed Integers for Greater Than
PEXTRW Extract Word
PINSRW Insert Word
PMADDWD Multiply and Add Packed Integers
PMAXSW Maximum of Packed Signed Word Integers
PMAXUB Maximum of Packed Unsigned Byte Integers
PMINSW Minimum of Packed Signed Word Integers
PMINUB Minimum of Packed Unsigned Byte Integers
PMOVMSKB Move Byte Mask
PMULHUW Multiply Packed Unsigned Integers and Store High Result
PMULHW Multiply Packed Signed Integers and Store High Result
PMULLW Multiply Packed Signed Integers and Store Low Result
PMULUDQ Multiply Packed Unsigned Doubleword Integers
POP Pop a Value from the Stack
POPA/POPAD Pop All General-Purpose Registers
POPF/POPFD Pop Stack into EFLAGS Register
POR Bitwise Logical OR
PREFETCHh Prefetch Data Into Caches
PSADBW Compute Sum of Absolute Differences
PSHUFD Shuffle Packed Doublewords
PSHUFHW Shuffle Packed High Words
PSHUFLW Shuffle Packed Low Words
PSHUFW Shuffle Packed Words
PSLLDQ Shift Double Quadword Left Logical
PSLLW/PSLLD/PSLLQ Shift Packed Data Left Logical
PSRAW/PSRAD Shift Packed Data Right Arithmetic
PSRLDQ Shift Double Quadword Right Logical
PSRLW/PSRLD/PSRLQ Shift Packed Data Right Logical
PSUBB/PSUBW/PSUBD Subtract Packed Integers
PSUBQ Subtract Packed Quadword Integers
PSUBSB/PSUBSW Subtract Packed Signed Integers with Signed Saturation
PSUBUSB/PSUBUSW Subtract Packed Unsigned Integers with Unsigned Saturation
PUSH Push Word or Doubleword Onto the Stack
PUSHA/PUSHAD Push All General-Purpose Registers
PUSHF/PUSHFD Push EFLAGS Register onto the Stack
PXOR Logical Exclusive OR
RCPPS Compute Reciprocals of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
RCPSS Compute Reciprocal of Scalar Single-Precision Floating- Point Values
RDMSR Read from Model Specific Register
RDPMC Read Performance-Monitoring Counters
RDTSC Read Time-Stamp Counter
REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE/REPNZ Repeat String Operation Prefix
RET Return from Procedure
RSM Resume from System Management Mode
RSQRTPS Compute Reciprocals of Square Roots of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
RSQRTSS Compute Reciprocal of Square Root of Scalar Single- Precision Floating-Point Value
SAHF Store AH into Flags
SBB Integer Subtraction with Borrow
SETcc Set Byte on Condition
SFENCE Store Fence
SGDT Store Global Descriptor Table Register
SHLD Double Precision Shift Left
SHRD Double Precision Shift Right
SHUFPD Shuffle Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SHUFPS Shuffle Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SIDT Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
SLDT Store Local Descriptor Table Register
SMSW Store Machine Status Word
SQRTPD Compute Square Roots of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SQRTPS Compute Square Roots of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SQRTSD Compute Square Root of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SQRTSS Compute Square Root of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value
STC Set Carry Flag
STD Set Direction Flag
STI Set Interrupt Flag
STMXCSR Store MXCSR Register State
STR Store Task Register
SUB Subtract
SUBPD Subtract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SUBPS Subtract Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SUBSD Subtract Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SUBSS Subtract Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SYSENTER Fast System Call
SYSEXIT Fast Return from Fast System Call
TEST Logical Compare
UCOMISD Unordered Compare Scalar Double-Precision Floating- Point Values and Set EFLAGS
UCOMISS Unordered Compare Scalar Single-Precision Floating- Point Values and Set EFLAGS
UD2 Undefined Instruction
UNPCKHPD Unpack and Interleave High Packed Double- Precision Floating-Point Values
UNPCKHPS Unpack and Interleave High Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
UNPCKLPD Unpack and Interleave Low Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
UNPCKLPS Unpack and Interleave Low Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
VERR/VERW Verify a Segment for Reading or Writing
WBINVD Write Back and Invalidate Cache
WRMSR Write to Model Specific Register
XADD Exchange and Add
XCHG Exchange Register/Memory with Register
XLAT/XLATB Table Look-up Translation
XOR Logical Exclusive OR
XORPD Bitwise Logical XOR for Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
XORPS Bitwise Logical XOR for Single-Precision Floating-Point Values



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