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circuitjsの作法 その34

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$ 1 0.000005 54.00526672067058 50 5 50 5e-11
178 416 192 416 320 6 2 0.2 0.014313113722851479 0.05 1000000 0.02 20 0.015 0.005 2
r 384 320 384 416 0 150
g 384 416 384 448 0 0
R 272 112 208 112 0 0 40 5 0 0 0.5
w 384 192 384 160 0
c 304 208 304 304 0 0.0033 0.2389604561869484 0.001
w 304 208 304 160 0
w 304 160 384 160 0
w 304 304 304 320 0
w 304 320 384 320 0
s 272 112 368 112 0 0 false
w 368 112 384 112 0
w 640 112 640 160 0
w 624 112 640 112 0
w 560 320 640 320 0
w 560 304 560 320 0
w 560 160 640 160 0
w 560 208 560 160 0
c 560 208 560 304 0 0.0013000000000000002 0.45380682631044866 0.001
w 640 192 640 160 0
g 640 416 640 448 0 0
r 640 320 640 416 0 150
178 672 192 672 320 6 1 0.2 0.019664027986471093 0.05 1000000 0.02 20 0.015 0.005 0
w 464 112 464 192 0
w 416 192 416 112 0
w 384 112 416 112 0
w 416 112 464 112 0
w 480 320 512 320 0
w 512 320 512 160 0
w 384 160 512 160 0
w 400 320 400 336 0
w 400 336 528 336 0
w 528 336 528 112 0
w 528 112 624 112 0
w 416 112 416 80 0
w 416 80 672 80 0
w 672 80 672 192 0
162 448 368 448 400 2 default-led 1 0 0 0.01
162 768 336 768 368 2 default-led 1 0 0 0.01
g 448 400 448 416 0 0
g 768 368 768 384 0 0
w 656 320 656 336 0
w 656 336 768 336 0
w 448 320 448 368 0
o 28 64 0 4099 5 51.2 0 4 28 3 42 0 42 3



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