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Last updated at Posted at 2024-12-14

*Please scroll down for the English version.






1. Webサービス利用に伴うツール配布での違反

 WEBサイトからダウンロードできるようにしていたツールにOSS(Apache License)を含んでいたが、ライセンスを添付していなかった。
⇒ ソフトウェアをダウンロードできるようにするときには、OSSを含むか否かを確認し、含む場合はそのOSSのライセンス条件を遵守することが大切です。

2. 貸与に伴う違反

⇒ 貸与の場合でも、その製品が他者の管理下になり、OSSが他者へ配布されるのであれば、そのOSSのライセンス条件を遵守する必要があります。

3. 退職者によるライセンス違反

⇒ 退職前にOSSの開発に携わっていたとしても、退職後に利用する際は、そのOSSのライセンス条件を遵守する必要があります。

4. 著作権表示の変更に伴うトラブル

⇒ 初期開発者の依頼により著作権表示を削除している旨を明記しておくことで、ライセンス違反の誤解を回避できるのではと思われます。

5. ソースコード提供不足の指摘

 *SFC(Software Freedom Conservancy):GPL遵守の指導を行っている団体
⇒ 仮に、ライセンス違反が判明した場合でも、ライセンス遵守にむけて迅速にソースコード提供などの対応を行うことが大切です。

6. コピーライトトロールによる活動

⇒ 指摘された以外に違反がないか、指摘された箇所が本当に違反しているか、契約に不利な点がないかといった点を専門家に確認してもらうことが大切です。

7. 顧客以外からのソースコードの要求への対応

⇒ OSSのライセンスは顧客が見つけやすい箇所に掲載する必要があります。また、製品の顧客以外がソースコードを要求して来る可能性がある場合は、対応方法を事前に決めておくことをお勧めします。

8. ソースコード要求に対する対応不備

⇒ 他社からライセンスされた製品にOSSが含まれるか、また、ライセンス条件を遵守しているかを確認し、必要な場合はソースコードを入手しておく必要があります。また、ライセンス条件の解釈が顧客と異なる場合、専門家にきちんと確認することをお勧めします。


 宛先: staff@osll.jp



1. IT用語の基礎知識

 本ドキュメントは、IT 用語に詳しくない法務部門、知財部門のメンバが、OSSのライセンスを理解するため、あるいは開発部門と会話できるようにするために、必要な IT 用語の概要を説明したドキュメントです。分かりやすくするために、技術的には正確でない部分もありますので、ご了承ください。

2. OSSライセンス簡単FAQ

 なお、OLLは、OpenChain JapanWGのFAQ-sgと連携しています。


 OLLでは、昨年度に続きOLL Awardsを予定しています。近日中に募集案内が公開されますので、自薦、他薦を問わず、ぜひご応募の程、よろしくお願いいたします。

#English version

 Hello. My name is Yoshiko Ouchi, and I am the advisor of the Open Source License Laboratory.
 Today, I would like to introduce the activities of this Laboratory.

About Open Source License Laboratory (abbreviated as OLL)

 OLL was established in 2011 with the aim of promoting sound business use of OSS by conducting research on OSS licenses, which have become increasingly complex, for the further development of the software industry. The institute is also involved in research activities related to various issues faced by companies. In addition to members from the IT industry, the Institute's collaborators include members from universities and the legal profession.
 Specific activities include seminars and workshops held throughout Japan, training sessions for companies, and thematic subcommittees.
 In this issue, we would like to introduce our main activity this year, the “OSS License Inadvertent Error Prevention Study Group".

About “OSS License Inadvertent Error Prevention Study Group"

 This study group investigates trouble cases related to OSS licenses posted on the Internet and summarizes points to keep in mind in order to avoid getting into trouble.
 Below is a brief overview of the main points of the case studies described at the November 14 workshop.

1. Violation in distribution of tools for use of Web services

 The tools available for download from the website included OSS (Apache License), but not Apache License files.
⇒ It is important to check whether the software to be made available for download includes OSS and, if so, to comply with the license terms of that OSS.

2. Violations associated with lending

 You distributed a product that contained OSS (GPL), but did not comply with the terms of the GPL by saying that you were lending the product to your customers.
⇒ Even if the product is leased, if the product is under the control of another party and the OSS is effectively distributed to another party, then the license terms of the OSS must be complied with.

3. License Violations by Retirees

  After retiring from the company that developed and published OSS (GPLv3), the retiree modified and published OSS, but did not indicate the original company's copyright and did not notify the company of the modification.
⇒ Even if you were involved in the development of the OSS before you retired, you must comply with the terms of the license of the OSS when you use it after you retire.

4. Trouble with change of copyright notice

 When a developer modified OSS (GPLv3) and released it, the company that was the original developer requested that the copyright notice of the original developer be removed, so when the developer removed the copyright notice and released it, the recipient of the OSS complained that it violated the GPL.
⇒ We believe that we can avoid misunderstanding of license violation by clearly stating that we are removing the copyright notice at the request of the initial developer.

5. Pointing out the lack of source code provision

 Several customers have notified the SFC (*) of GPL violations for products containing OSS (GPL). Therefore, the SFC instructed product developers on GPL compliance and advised them on the scope of source code for binaries.
 *SFC (Software Freedom Conservancy): Organizations providing guidance for compliance with the GPL
⇒ Even if a license violation is found, it is important to take prompt action to comply with the license, such as providing source code.

6. Activities by copyright trolls

 A company was found to have violated the license by the copyright holder of OSS, and when it paid damages, it entered into a contract with a penalty that it would no longer violate the license. After that, the company was pointed out another violation and paid a penalty repeatedly, which resulted in a high payment.
⇒ It is important to have an expert check the contract to see if there are any violations other than the one pointed out, if the point pointed out is indeed a violation, and if there are any disadvantages to the contract.

7. Responding to requests for source code from non-customers

 A customer who purchased the product posted on the Internet that there was no OSS license on the document, and a person who saw it requested the source code of OSS from the product support center, but the sales company of the product did not respond promptly, and this situation was written and caused a stir on the Internet.
⇒ OSS licenses should be listed in a place where customers can easily find them. Also, if there is a possibility that non-customers of the product will request the source code, it is advisable to decide in advance how to respond.

8. Failure to Respond to Source Code Requests

 A third-party licensed product included multiple OSS(GPLv2, other), but the license terms for each OSS were not complied with. In addition, when the customer of the product requested the source code, it was not possible to interpret the license correctly as a result of handling it by the judgment of the engineer.
⇒ You should check whether OSS is included in products licensed by other companies, and if so, ensure that you comply with the license terms and obtain the source code if necessary. In addition, if you and your customer interpret the license terms differently, we recommend that you check with a professional.

Recruitment of collaborators

 We are looking for people who can participate in the OSS license inadvertent error prevention workshop, plan and propose OLL activities, and others who can cooperate with us. If you are interested, please contact:
To: staff@osll.jp

Reference: Introduction to Publications

The following documents are available from the OLL website. We hope you will find them useful.

1. Basic Knowledge of IT Terminology

 This document provides an overview of IT terminology necessary for members of the legal and intellectual property departments who are not familiar with IT terminology to understand OSS licensing or to be able to converse with the development department. Please note that, for the sake of clarity, some parts of this document may not be technically accurate.
 An English version is currently being prepared.

2. OSS Licensing Quick FAQ

OSS License Simple FAQ
 This document is a collection of QAs on questions and interpretations regarding OSS licenses. Please note that the concept regarding licensing may differ depending on the business type.
Note that OLL is collaborating with FAQ-sg of OpenChain JapanWG.

Future Plans

 OLL plans to hold the OLL Awards, following the previous year. The recruitment announcement will be published soon, so please apply whether you are a self-nominee or someone else.
Please refer to the "Announcements" on the OLL website for specific events. Thank you and best regards,
 Open Source License Laboratory


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