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OpenChain Japan workgroup FAQ subgroup 今年度のトピックのご紹介/This year's topic

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-14

*Please scroll down for the English version.

 本日は、OpenChain Japan workgroupFAQサブグループについて、今年度のトピックとFAQの最新版を紹介します。




 ところで、ドイツ語版FAQを参照してみると、1か所だけ日本の解釈と異なる箇所がありました。それは、public domainの扱いに関するものです。ドイツ語版FAQによると、ドイツの著作権法では、著作権を放棄することができないそうです。したがって、著作物がpublic domainになるのは、著作権の保護期間が終了後、つまり著作者の死後70年経ってからになるとのことです。ソフトウェアの歴史を考慮すると、ドイツにはまだpublic domainのソフトウェアは存在していないとのことです。







English version

 Hello. This is Ouchi from Fujitsu Limited.
 Today we will introduce you to this year's topics and the latest version of the FAQs in the OpenChain Japan workgroup FAQ subgroup.

Activities of the FAQ subgroup

 The FAQs subgroup has created and published FAQs for technicians who are not familiar with OSS licensing. Common misunderstandings and questions about licensing are formatted with short questions, YES/NO answers, and concise explanations for readability. In addition, we have received a review from a lawyer before disclosing it to the public, and we try to make sure that there are no errors in the content as much as possible. A Japanese version of the FAQ is also available in English.

Translation by the German community

 The main topic this year was that the German OpenChain community translated the English FAQ into German and created a German version. It is a great honor for engineers in Germany to refer to this FAQ. I am also very happy to be able to contribute to the understanding of licenses by people who use OSS, including overseas.
 By the way, in the German version of FAQ, there was only one part which was different from the Japanese interpretation. It concerns the treatment of public domains.According to the German version of the FAQ, German copyright law does not allow copyright to be waived. Therefore, a work does not become a public domain until after the copyright period expires, that is, 70 years after the author's death. Considering the history of the software, it seems that there is no software of public domain in Germany yet.
 On the other hand, Japan's copyright law does not explicitly state the abandonment. However, copyright is a kind of property right.
Therefore, the usual interpretation is that it is possible to waive a copyright if there is a clear statement of intent to do so.
 Not only in Germany, but every country has different laws, so when I do business with a foreign company about software, I realized again that it is important to understand the differences between the laws of that country and Japan.

Public version (V8)

 In December 2022 we published V8 of the Japanese version of FAQ “Misunderstandings_of_OSS_licenses”. This FAQ contains 56 FAQs. V8 also includes a brief illustration of Japanese copyright law for reference. An English version will be released soon.
 This FAQ document is published under a CC0 -1.0 license, and can be freely reproduced, modified, and distributed.
 We would appreciate it if you could refer to it and give us your feedback.


 The FAQ subgroup is collaborating with the Open Source License Institute to publish the "OSS License Easy FAQ". If you like, please use this. However, only the Japanese version is available.


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