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OpenChain Japan workgroup FAQ subgroup 最新状況のご紹介/Latest Status Update

Last updated at Posted at 2021-12-15

*Please scroll down for the English version.

 本日は、OpenChain Japan workgroupのFAQサブグループについて、今年の取り組みから最新状況までを紹介します。







#English version

 Hello. This is Ouchi from Fujitsu Limited.
 Today, I would like to introduce the FAQ subgroup of the OpenChain Japan workgroup, from this year's activities to the latest status.

Activities of the FAQ subgroup

 The FAQ subgroup creates and publishes FAQs about OSS licensing for engineers who are not very familiar with it. Since it is not intended for legal or contract experts, it is in the form of simple questions that can be answered with Yes/No and a short explanation to avoid reading fatigue.
 The questions are based on questions that can be found at the company or on the Internet, or questions that participants have wondered about, and the content is discussed in monthly online meetings. Once the content is FIXED, it is reviewed by lawyers and then published. 

 In the FAQ sub-group, we take care to maintain psychological safety by adopting the Chatham House Rule (the content of the meeting is freely available, but we don't say who said it). So, we are careful to maintain psychological safety.
 I think it is a good learning experience to refer to the FAQ as a deliverable, and by joining the subgroup meetings and participating in the discussions, we can have conversations about the background behind the explanations, such as copyrights, prominent license conditions, and related technical information. It is a great learning experience for me.
 If you are interested, please send your request to the following ML.

Public version (V6)

 In V6, which was released in February this year, 46 FAQs were posted from various perspectives, including those related to commercial use of OSS, provision of license documents and source codes, dual licenses and copyright notices, and the number of downloads reached more than 3,000.


Plans for the latest version(V7)

 The latest version in Japanese was released yesterday, December 15, 2012, with additional information on OSS lending, DaaS, etc. We are in the process of translating it into English and will release it soon.

 The FAQ subgroup is collaborating with the Open Source License Institute. If you would like to join, please feel free to do so. However, it is in Japanese only.
 Please refer to "OSS License Easy FAQ" from "Public Documents" in the following URL.
 (If you are using a smart phone, please click the PC icon at the bottom of the above page to view it on a PC screen.)


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