Network administration
- Configure network services to start automatically at boot
- Implement packet filtering
- Monitor network performance
- Produce and deliver reports on system use, outages and user requests
- Route IP traffic statically and dynamically
- Troubleshoot network issues
Network filesystems and file services
- Configure systems to mount standard, encrypted and network file systems on demand
- Create, mount and unmount standard Linux file systems
- Provide/configure network shares via NFS
- Transfer files securely via the network
- Update packages from the network, a repository or the local file system
Network security
- Configure Apache log files
- Configure the firewall with iptables
- Install and configure SSL with Apache
Remote access
- Configure the firewall with iptables
HTTP services
- Configure an http client to automatically use a proxy server
- Install and configure an Apache web server
- Install and configure the Squid proxy server
- Restrict access to a web page with Apache
- Restrict access to the Squid proxy server
- Setting up name-based virtual web hosts
Email services
- Configure email aliases
- Install and configure an IMAP and IMAPS service
- Install and configure an smtp service
- Restrict access to an smtp server