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git diffの--ignoreオプションにおけるスペース、タブ、改行の扱いを理解する

Last updated at Posted at 2017-11-14

git diffコマンドの--ignoreオプションを指定した場合に どのような行を無視する(変更前後の差分として扱わない)のか をまとめました。


オプション 行末スペース 連続スペース スペース 連続空行
--ignore-space-at-eol 無視
-b, --ignore-space-change 無視 無視
-w, --ignore-all-space 無視 無視 無視
–ignore-blank-lines 無視
--ignore-all-space --ignore-blank-lines 無視 無視 無視 無視

git diffコマンドを使用する場合、どのようなオプションを指定するかによって 追加行数と削除行数に大きな差が生じます

もしgit diffコマンドを使用して論理LOCを算出しているのであれば、各オプションの違いについてしっかりと理解し、 論理LOCの明確な定義を定める ことによって生産性評価や品質評価、工数見積の精度を高めることができます。


  • HEAD^ : 変更前のコミット
  • HEAD : 変更後のコミット



HEAD^ : 変更前のコミット

$ cat -et sample.txt
Add a space in the end of line.$
Delete a space in the end of line. $
Add a tab in the end of line.$
Delete a tab in the end of line.^I$
Add a sequence of spaces.$
Delete     a sequence of spaces.$
Add^Ia sequence tabs.$
Delete^I^I^I^I^Ia sequence tabs.$
Add some spaces.$
D e l e t e some spaces.$
Add some tabs.$
D^Ie^Il^Ie^It^Ie some tabs.$
Add a line feed between this line$
and this line.$
Delete a line feed between this line$
and this line.$

HEAD : 変更後のコミット

$ cat -et sample.txt
Add a space in the end of line. $
Delete a space in the end of line.$
Add a tab in the end of line.^I$
Delete a tab in the end of line.$
Add     a sequence of spaces.$
Delete a sequence of spaces.$
Add^I^I^I^I^Ia sequence tabs.$
Delete^Ia sequence tabs.$
A d d some spaces.$
Delete some spaces.$
A^Id^Id some tabs.$
Delete some tabs.$
Add a line feed between this line$
and this line.$
Delete a line feed between this line$
and this line.$

オプションなし: あらゆる変更を差分として扱う


$ git diff HEAD^ HEAD
diff --git a/sample.txt b/sample.txt
index 491a2f5..71eaa57 100644
--- a/sample.txt
+++ b/sample.txt
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-Add a space in the end of line.
-Delete a space in the end of line.
-Add a tab in the end of line.
-Delete a tab in the end of line.       
-Add a sequence of spaces.
-Delete     a sequence of spaces.
-Add    a sequence tabs.
-Delete                                 a sequence tabs.
-Add some spaces.
-D e l e t e some spaces.
-Add some tabs.
-D      e       l       e       t       e some tabs.
+Add a space in the end of line.
+Delete a space in the end of line.
+Add a tab in the end of line.  
+Delete a tab in the end of line.
+Add     a sequence of spaces.
+Delete a sequence of spaces.
+Add                                    a sequence tabs.
+Delete a sequence tabs.
+A d d some spaces.
+Delete some spaces.
+A      d       d some tabs.
+Delete some tabs.
 Add a line feed between this line

 and this line.
 Delete a line feed between this line

 and this line.
$ git diff --numstat HEAD^ HEAD
13      13      sample.txt

--ignore-space-at-eol: 行末スペースの変更を無視する

Ignore changes in whitespace at EOL.


  • 行末スペースの追加
  • 行末スペースの削除
  • 行末タブの追加
  • 行末タブの削除
$ git diff --ignore-space-at-eol HEAD^ HEAD
diff --git a/sample.txt b/sample.txt
index 491a2f5..71eaa57 100644
--- a/sample.txt
+++ b/sample.txt
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@ Add a space in the end of line.
 Delete a space in the end of line.
 Add a tab in the end of line.  
 Delete a tab in the end of line.
-Add a sequence of spaces.
-Delete     a sequence of spaces.
-Add    a sequence tabs.
-Delete                                 a sequence tabs.
-Add some spaces.
-D e l e t e some spaces.
-Add some tabs.
-D      e       l       e       t       e some tabs.
+Add     a sequence of spaces.
+Delete a sequence of spaces.
+Add                                    a sequence tabs.
+Delete a sequence tabs.
+A d d some spaces.
+Delete some spaces.
+A      d       d some tabs.
+Delete some tabs.
 Add a line feed between this line

 and this line.
 Delete a line feed between this line

 and this line.
$ git diff --ignore-space-at-eol --numstat HEAD^ HEAD
9 9 sample.txt

-b, --ignore-space-change: 行末スペースと連続スペースの変更を無視する

Ignore changes in amount of whitespace. This ignores whitespace at line end, and considers all other sequences of one or more whitespace characters to be equivalent.


  • 行末スペースの追加
  • 行末スペースの削除
  • 行末タブの追加
  • 行末タブの削除
  • 1文字以上 の連続したスペースに対するスペースの追加
  • 1文字以上 の連続したスペースに対するスペースの削除
  • 1文字以上 の連続したタブに対するタブの追加
  • 1文字以上 の連続したタブに対するタブの削除
$ git diff --ignore-space-change HEAD^ HEAD
diff --git a/sample.txt b/sample.txt
index 491a2f5..71eaa57 100644
--- a/sample.txt
+++ b/sample.txt
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ Add a sequence of spaces.
 Delete a sequence of spaces.
 Add                                    a sequence tabs.
 Delete a sequence tabs.
-Add some spaces.
-D e l e t e some spaces.
-Add some tabs.
-D      e       l       e       t       e some tabs.
+A d d some spaces.
+Delete some spaces.
+A      d       d some tabs.
+Delete some tabs.
 Add a line feed between this line

 and this line.
 Delete a line feed between this line

 and this line.
$ git diff --ignore-space-change --numstat HEAD^ HEAD
5 5 sample.txt

-w, --ignore-all-space: スペースの変更を無視する

Ignore whitespace when comparing lines. This ignores differences even if one line has whitespace where the other line has none.


  • スペースの追加
  • スペースの削除
  • タブの追加
  • タブの削除
$ git diff --ignore-all-space HEAD^ HEAD
diff --git a/sample.txt b/sample.txt
index 491a2f5..71eaa57 100644
--- a/sample.txt
+++ b/sample.txt
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ D     e       l       e       t       e some tabs.
 Add a line feed between this line

 and this line.
 Delete a line feed between this line

 and this line.
$ git diff --ignore-all-space --numstat HEAD^ HEAD
1 1 sample.txt

--ignore-blank-lines: 連続した空行の変更を無視する

Ignore changes whose lines are all blank.


  • 2文字以上 の連続した空行に対する空行の追加
  • 2文字以上 の連続した空行に対する空行の削除
$ git diff --ignore-blank-lines HEAD^ HEAD
diff --git a/sample.txt b/sample.txt
index 491a2f5..71eaa57 100644
--- a/sample.txt
+++ b/sample.txt
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-Add a space in the end of line.
-Delete a space in the end of line.
-Add a tab in the end of line.
-Delete a tab in the end of line.       
-Add a sequence of spaces.
-Delete     a sequence of spaces.
-Add    a sequence tabs.
-Delete                                 a sequence tabs.
-Add some spaces.
-D e l e t e some spaces.
-Add some tabs.
-D      e       l       e       t       e some tabs.
+Add a space in the end of line.
+Delete a space in the end of line.
+Add a tab in the end of line.  
+Delete a tab in the end of line.
+Add     a sequence of spaces.
+Delete a sequence of spaces.
+Add                                    a sequence tabs.
+Delete a sequence tabs.
+A d d some spaces.
+Delete some spaces.
+A      d       d some tabs.
+Delete some tabs.
 Add a line feed between this line
$ git diff --ignore-blank-lines --numstat HEAD^ HEAD
12 12 sample.txt

--ignore-all-space --ignore-blank-lines


  • スペースの追加
  • スペースの削除
  • タブの追加
  • タブの削除
  • 2文字以上 の連続した空行に対する空行の追加
  • 2文字以上 の連続した空行に対する空行の削除

$ git diff --ignore-all-space --ignore-blank-lines HEAD^ HEAD

$ git diff --ignore-all-space --ignore-blank-lines --numstat HEAD^ HEAD
0 0 sample.txt

Git - git-diff Documentation


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