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Find bug test

Last updated at Posted at 2013-06-08
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

//Example #1 (C code): What is the bug and why is it a problem? 
/* 配列a[10]の宣言位置に問題がある。繰り返しの値を受けるためにはbuggy内で宣言しなければならない
int a[10];         //a配列宣言	
void buggy() {     //関数の宣言
	int i;         //i変数宣言
	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++);{  //iが10未満の時1ずつ足していく
    a[i] = 0;   //0をiに入れていく。???**

int main(void){
	int i;
	int a[10];	
	for( i = 0; i < 10 ; i++){
		a[i] = i;
	printf("iの値は%2dです ",i);
	return 0;

//Example #2 (C code): What is the bug and why is it a problem?

int main(void){
int my_crazy_calc(int area, int length, int width) {
  int l_length = length;
  while (l_length) {
    area += length * width;
	return area;
return 0;
int main(void){
	int my_crazy_cal(
	int area = 1;
	int length = 2;
	int width = 3;
	int l_length = length;
		while(l_length){area += length * width;
		//return area;
	printf("length is %d\n", length);
	printf("l_length is %d\n", l_length);
 return 0;	

//Example #6 (C code): What is the bug and why is it a problem?
// バグではないが#include<string.h> が必ず必要
// 最初の”が全角。"を使用しなければいけない。
// 0を返すのではなく'\0' strncpy関数は文字列の最後にNullを付け加える必要がある。
		char * PrintMe() {
  char str[12];
  strncpy (str, ”hello world", 11);
  str[11] = 0;
  return str;
//Example #7 (C code): What is the bug and why is it a problem?

struct my_struct { int val; };
int my_func( struct my_struct *ptr, int x, int y)  {
  int z = 0; 
  if((ptr != NULL) && (x < y) || (ptr->val > 0)) {
    z = x + y - ptr->val;
  return z; 

//Example #9 (C code): What is the bug and why is it a problem?
/*配列の要素数を増やすor whileの条件をi < 9にする等
int main(void){
void foo(int x[10]) {
  int i = 0;
  do { 
    x[i] = i++; 
  } while( i < 10 );
//Example #10 (C code): What is the bug and why is it a problem?
int foo(int in) {
  int *buf1 = (int *)malloc(1000*sizeof(int));
  if(!buf1) return -1;
  int *buf2 = (int *)malloc(2000*sizeof(int));
  if(!buf2) return -1;

  int retVal = process(in,buf1,buf2);


  return retVal;


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