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Last updated at Posted at 2024-08-11








Docker: 23.0.1, build a5ee5b1
docker-compose: 1.28.2, build 67630359

1. 事前準備


git clone https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch.git
cd manticoresearch/dist/build_dockers/cross/external_toolchain/


docker build .
[root@docker001 tmp]# docker images | head -n 2  # IMAGE ID をメモする
REPOSITORY       TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
<none>           <none>    fb58f1dc27f9   9 hours ago     1.49GB

では、コンテナを起動しましょう。ディレクトリをmanticoresearchに移動してdocker runで起動します。

cd ../../../..
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/manticore -e DISTR=bullseye -e arch=x86_64 -e SYSROOT_URL=https://repo.manticoresearch.com/repository/sysroots -e boosboost=boost_nov22 -e sysroot=roots_nov22 fb58f1dc27f9 bash


Arch is x86_64
Distr is bullseye
Sysroot URL is https://repo.manticoresearch.com/repository/sysroots (configured most probably in gitlab variable)
Will use Boost from dir boost_178 on the server; may be set to 'none', or other value with boost=XYZ clause
Will use sysroot from dir roots_nov22 on the server; may be set to other value with sysroot=XYZ clause
Fetching and unpacking boost headers...
Fetching and unpacking boost libraries...
Fetching and unpacking sysroot...
Preparing boost and sysroot done

2. コンパイル


cd /manticore/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPACK=1 ..
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 16.0.6
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 16.0.6
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib/llvm-16/bin/clang - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib/llvm-16/bin/clang++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Automatically set build type to RelWithDebInfo since no other provided
# ~~~~省略~~~~ #
-- Enabled features compiled in:
 * Galera, replication of indexes
 * re2, a regular expression library
 * stemmer, stemming library (Snowball)
 * nlohmann_json, JSON for Modern C++ library
 * uni-algo, unicode algorithm implementation for C/C++
 * icu, International Components for Unicode
 * OpenSSL, for encrypted networking
 * ZLIB, for compressed data and networking
 * ZSTD, for compressed networking, <https://github.com/facebook/zstd>
 * CURL, for enhanced network communication
 * ODBC, for indexing MSSQL (windows) and generic ODBC sources with indexer
 * EXPAT, for indexing xmlpipe sources with indexer
 * Iconv, for support different encodings when indexing xmlpipe sources with indexer
 * Mysql, for indexing mysql sources with indexer
 * PostgreSQL, for indexing postgresql sources with indexer

-- Available runtime features:
 * ZSTD, for compressed networking, <https://github.com/facebook/zstd>

-- Configuring done (106.4s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /manticore/build


cmake --build . --target package
[1/279] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/lmanticore_coro.dir/coro_stack.cpp.o
# ~~~~省略~~~~ #
[278/279] Run CPack packaging tool...
-- CHECK_GIT_COMMIT_ID=4bd6b3b52
CPack: Create package using DEB
CPack: Install projects
CPack: - Install project: MANTICORE []
CPack: -   Install component: common
CPack: -   Install component: converter
CPack: -   Install component: devel
CPack: -   Install component: icudata
CPack: -   Install component: searchd
CPack: -   Install component: server
CPack: -   Install component: tools
CPack: -   Install component: meta
CPack: Create package
-- CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS not set, the package will have no dependencies.
-- CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS not set, the package will have no dependencies.
-- CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS not set, the package will have no dependencies.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-common_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_all.deb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-converter_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-converter-dbgsym_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.ddeb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-dev_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_all.deb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-icudata-65l.deb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-server-core_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-server-core-dbgsym_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.ddeb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-server_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-tools_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb generated.
CPack: - package: /manticore/build/manticore-tools-dbgsym_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.ddeb generated.

# 確認
root@d0423f5890ec:/manticore/build [llvm-16 bullseye x86_64]$ ls *.deb
manticore-common_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_all.deb       manticore-server-core_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb
manticore-converter_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb  manticore-server_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb
manticore-dev_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_all.deb          manticore-tools_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb
manticore-icudata-65l.deb                               manticore_6.3.7-24081018-4bd6b3b52_amd64.deb


3. その他



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Delete article

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Draft of this article would be also deleted.

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