<script type="text/javascript">
function Calculator() {
var rate, amount, period;
rate = parseInt(document.myform.rate.value, 10);
amount = parseInt(document.myform.amount.value, 10);
period = parseInt(document.myform.period.value, 10);
document.myform.receipt.value = fukuri(rate, amount, period);
function fukuri(rate, amount, period) {
var receipt;
receipt = amount;
var str = "";
str += "<table class=’test’>";
str += "<tr><th>預入期間</th><th>受取金額</th></tr>";
for (var i = 1; i <= period; i++) {
receipt = Math.round(receipt * (1 + rate / 100));
str += "<tr><td>" + i + "年</td><td>" + receipt + "円</td></tr>";
str += "</table>";
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = str;
return receipt;
function TableClear() {
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "";
<form name="myform">
<td><input type="text" name="rate" size="22" value="4" />%</td>
<td><input type="text" name="amount" size="22" value="10000" />円</td>
<td><input type="text" name="period" size="22" value="10" />年</td>
<td colspan="2" class="btn">
<input type="button" onclick="Calculator()" value="計算" />
<input type="reset" onclick="TableClear()" value="クリア" />
<td><input type="text" name="receipt" size="22" />円</td>
<hr />
<div id="result"></div>
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