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Open3DをJetson AGX Orinでbuild する

Last updated at Posted at 2024-12-03

そうなるとJetson AGX Orin 上でも使えるようにすることだ。

Jetson (JetPack 4.5) でOpen3D + Open3D-MLをビルドする

bash docker_build.sh
Error: invalid number of arguments: 0.
docker_build.sh [OPTION]

# OpenBLAS AMD64 (Dockerfile.openblas)
openblas-amd64-py38-dev : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.8 wheel, developer mode
openblas-amd64-py39-dev : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.9 wheel, developer mode
openblas-amd64-py310-dev : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.10 wheel, developer mode
openblas-amd64-py311-dev : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.11 wheel, developer mode
openblas-amd64-py312-dev : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.12 wheel, developer mode
openblas-amd64-py38 : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.8 wheel, release mode
openblas-amd64-py39 : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.9 wheel, release mode
openblas-amd64-py310 : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.10 wheel, release mode
openblas-amd64-py311 : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.11 wheel, release mode
openblas-amd64-py312 : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.12 wheel, release mode

# OpenBLAS ARM64 (Dockerfile.openblas)
openblas-arm64-py38-dev     : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.8 wheel, developer mode
openblas-arm64-py39-dev     : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.9 wheel, developer mode
openblas-arm64-py310-dev    : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.10 wheel, developer mode
openblas-arm64-py311-dev    : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.11 wheel, developer mode
openblas-arm64-py312-dev    : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.12 wheel, developer mode
openblas-arm64-py38         : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.8 wheel, release mode
openblas-arm64-py39         : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.9 wheel, release mode
openblas-arm64-py310        : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.10 wheel, release mode
openblas-arm64-py311        : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.11 wheel, release mode
openblas-arm64-py312        : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.12 wheel, release mode

# Ubuntu CPU CI (Dockerfile.ci)
cpu-static                  : Ubuntu CPU static
cpu-shared                  : Ubuntu CPU shared (cxx11_abi)
cpu-shared-release          : Ubuntu CPU shared (cxx11_abi), release mode
cpu-shared-ml               : Ubuntu CPU shared with ML (pre_cxx11_abi)
cpu-shared-ml-release       : Ubuntu CPU shared with ML (pre_cxx11_abi), release mode

# Sycl CPU CI (Dockerfile.ci)
sycl-shared                : SYCL (oneAPI) with shared lib
sycl-static                : SYCL (oneAPI) with static lib

# ML CIs (Dockerfile.ci)
2-focal                   : CUDA CI, 2-bionic, developer mode
3-ml-shared-focal-release : CUDA CI, 3-ml-shared-bionic (pre_cxx11_abi), release mode
3-ml-shared-focal         : CUDA CI, 3-ml-shared-bionic (pre_cxx11_abi), developer mode
4-shared-focal            : CUDA CI, 4-shared-bionic (cxx11_abi), developer mode
4-shared-focal-release    : CUDA CI, 4-shared-bionic (cxx11_abi), release mode
5-ml-jammy                 : CUDA CI, 5-ml-focal, developer mode

# CUDA wheels (Dockerfile.wheel)
cuda_wheel_py38_dev        : CUDA Python 3.8 wheel, developer mode
cuda_wheel_py39_dev        : CUDA Python 3.9 wheel, developer mode
cuda_wheel_py310_dev       : CUDA Python 3.10 wheel, developer mode
cuda_wheel_py311_dev       : CUDA Python 3.11 wheel, developer mode
cuda_wheel_py312_dev       : CUDA Python 3.12 wheel, developer mode
cuda_wheel_py38            : CUDA Python 3.8 wheel, release mode
cuda_wheel_py39            : CUDA Python 3.9 wheel, release mode
cuda_wheel_py310           : CUDA Python 3.10 wheel, release mode
cuda_wheel_py311           : CUDA Python 3.11 wheel, release mode
cuda_wheel_py312           : CUDA Python 3.12 wheel, release mode

openblas-amd64-py38-dev     : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.8 wheel, developer mode
openblas-amd64-py38         : OpenBLAS AMD64 3.8 wheel, release mode
openblas-arm64-py38-dev     : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.8 wheel, developer mode
openblas-arm64-py38         : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.8 wheel, release mode
cuda_wheel_py38_dev        : CUDA Python 3.8 wheel, developer mode
cuda_wheel_py38            : CUDA Python 3.8 wheel, release mode
  • openblas-arm64-py38 : OpenBLAS ARM64 3.8 wheel, release mode
    cuda_wheel_py38 : CUDA Python 3.8 wheel, release mode



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