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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2018-11-11




start iexplore.exe

#Set the average time to your system load and open an iexplorer page
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

[system.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | out-null

# Set the exactly position of cursor in some iexplore hyperlink between the (open parenthesis) below: 
[System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(1240,489)

function Click-MouseButton
      [DllImport("user32.dll",CharSet=CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
      public static extern void mouse_event(long dwFlags, long dx, long dy, long cButtons, long dwExtraInfo);

    $SendMouseClick = Add-Type -memberDefinition $signature -name "Win32MouseEventNew" -namespace Win32Functions -passThru 

        $SendMouseClick::mouse_event(0x00000002, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        $SendMouseClick::mouse_event(0x00000004, 0, 0, 0, 0);



# PowerShellでマウスポインタの座標を取得する

# アセンブリのロード
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

# フォームの作成・ボタンの作成
$form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$form.Size = "200,200"
$form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"

$Button = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button.Location = "50,50"
$Button.Size = "100,50"
$Button.Text = "クリック!"

# クリックイベント
$click = {
    for ( $a = 0 ; $a -lt 10 ; $a++ )
        $x = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X # マウスのX座標
        $y = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y # マウスのY座標
        Write-Host "マウスの現在座標は($x,$y)です"
    Write-Host "終わり"



$provider = New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider
$params = New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
$params.GenerateInMemory = $True
$params.TreatWarningsAsErrors = $True
$refs = "System.dll","mscorlib.dll","System.Drawing.dll","System.Windows.Forms.dll"

# C Sharp
$txtCode = '
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class MouseTrace {
	bool cap_stat = false;
	Form f1 = new Form();
	TextBox tb_x = new TextBox();
	TextBox tb_y = new TextBox();
	Button btn1 = new Button();
	Label lbl1 = new Label();
	Color c_on = Color.Green;
	Color c_off = Color.Red;
	System.Timers.Timer tm1 = new System.Timers.Timer(100.0);
	public MouseTrace(){
		Font font1 = new Font("MS ゴシック",16);
		f1.Text = "Mouse Trace";
		tb_x.Font = font1;
		tb_x.Location = new Point(10,10);
		tb_x.Text = "0";
		tb_x.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
		tb_x.Width = 100;
		tb_y.Font = font1;
		tb_y.Location = new Point(tb_x.Right+10,10);
		tb_y.Text = "0";
		tb_y.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
		tb_y.Width = 100;
		btn1.Location = new Point(10,tb_x.Bottom+10);
		btn1.Text = "Mouse Capture";
		btn1.Width = 110;
		btn1.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(btn1_MouseClick);
		lbl1.Location = new Point(btn1.Right+10,btn1.Top);
		lbl1.Text = "Off";
		lbl1.ForeColor = c_off;
		lbl1.Font = font1;
		f1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(tb_y.Right+30,btn1.Bottom+50);
		tm1.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(WriteMousePosition);
	public void Show(){
	private void WriteMousePosition(object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e){
		// 画面上の絶対座標
		tb_x.Text = Cursor.Position.X.ToString();
		tb_y.Text = Cursor.Position.Y.ToString();
	private void btn1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e){
			lbl1.ForeColor = c_off;
			lbl1.Text = "Off";
			cap_stat = false;
			lbl1.ForeColor = c_on;
			lbl1.Text = "On";
			cap_stat = true;

$results = $provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($params, $txtCode)
$mAssembly = $results.CompiledAssembly
$i = $mAssembly.CreateInstance("MouseTrace")

##PowwershellでUI Automationで電卓計算

#REQUIRES -Version 3.0

# This is a simple sample for access the MS UIAutomation in PowerShell. 
# In this sample:
#  1. Load the MS UIA via System.Reflection.Assembly
#  2. Launch the AUT ( calc.exe )
#  3. Find the AutomationElement via the AUT Process Id
#  4. Find buttons via 'ClassName' and 'Name' property
#  5. Click the '1', '+', '1', '=' buttons. 
# At last, we will get '2' in the result of calc App.

# Load MS UIAutomation assemblies
Write-Host "Loading MS UIA assemblies"

# Register client side provider
Write-Host "Register client-side provider"
$client = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("UIAutomationClientsideProviders")

# Launch the AUT ( calc.exe ) & sleep 10 seconds for wait the process start
Write-Host "Launching the AUT"
$autProc =  Start-Process calc -PassThru
Start-Sleep -s 10

# Find the calc Element via the process Id
Write-Host "Searching the AUT Root element"
$rootElement = [Windows.Automation.AutomationElement]::RootElement
$condAUTProc = New-Object Windows.Automation.PropertyCondition([Windows.Automation.AutomationElement]::ProcessIdProperty, $autProc.Id)
$autElement = $rootElement.FindFirst([Windows.Automation.TreeScope]::Children, $condAUTProc)

# Find the buttons '1', '+', '='
Write-Host "Searching the button elements"
$condBtn = New-Object Windows.Automation.PropertyCondition([Windows.Automation.AutomationElement]::ClassNameProperty, "Button")

$condName = New-Object Windows.Automation.PropertyCondition([Windows.Automation.AutomationElement]::NameProperty, "1")
$condTarget = New-Object Windows.Automation.AndCondition($condBtn, $condName)
$btn1Element = $autElement.FindFirst([Windows.Automation.TreeScope]::Descendants, $condTarget)

$condName = New-Object Windows.Automation.PropertyCondition([Windows.Automation.AutomationElement]::NameProperty, "+")
$condTarget = New-Object Windows.Automation.AndCondition($condBtn, $condName)
$btnPlusElement = $autElement.FindFirst([Windows.Automation.TreeScope]::Descendants, $condTarget)

$condName = New-Object Windows.Automation.PropertyCondition([Windows.Automation.AutomationElement]::NameProperty, "=")
$condTarget = New-Object Windows.Automation.AndCondition($condBtn, $condName)
$btnEqualElement = $autElement.FindFirst([Windows.Automation.TreeScope]::Descendants, $condTarget)

# Click the buttons
Write-Host "Clicking the buttons"
Start-Sleep -s 1
Start-Sleep -s 1
Start-Sleep -s 1
Start-Sleep -s 1

Write-Host "Finished. Please check the results on the AUT."


add-type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms


start-sleep -Milliseconds 500

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