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Spring Boot 2.2 ドキュメントまとめ

Last updated at Posted at 2019-11-05

Spring Boot 2.2.0 リリース情報

対応している Java のバージョン

Long-Term Support (LTS) バージョンである Java 8, Java 11 は完全にサポート。
LTS ではない Java 10, Java 12, Java 13 は技術的に可能な限り対処するが、サービスレベルの保証は提供されない。

Spring Boot 2.2.0

Following on from Spring Framework 5.2’s support for Java 13, Spring Boot 2.2 now also supports Java 13 while also remaining compatible with Java 11 and 8.

Spring Framework Versions · spring-projects/spring-framework Wiki · GitHub

Spring Framework 5.2.x: JDK 8-14

We fully test and support Spring on Long-Term Support (LTS) releases of the JDK, i.e. currently JDK 8 and 11 (both with a lifetime until 2023). Additionally, there is support for intermediate releases such as JDK 9/10/12/13 or the upcoming JDK 14 on a best-effort basis, meaning that we accept bug reports and will try to address them as far as technically possible but won't provide any service level guarantees.


Spring Boot 2.2.0

Dependency upgrades

Spring Boot 2.2 moves to new versions of several Spring projects:

・Spring AMQP 2.2
・Spring Batch 4.2
・Spring Data Moore
・Spring Framework 5.2
・Spring HATEOAS 1.0
・Spring Integration 5.2
・Spring Kafka 2.3
・Spring Security 5.2
・Spring Session Corn

We’ve also upgraded to the latest stable releases of other third-party libraries wherever possible. Some of the more notable third-party dependency upgrades in this release include:

・Elasticsearch 6.7
・Flyway 6.0
・Jackson 2.10
・JUnit 5.5
・Micrometer 1.3
・Reactor Dysprosium
・Solr 8.0

その他の依存ライブラリは Dependency versions に記されている。

Spring Boot 2.2.0

Spring Framework 5.2.0

Java Servlet 4.0

Thymeleaf 3.0


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