Install nginx
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install nginx
Start nginx service
$ sudo service nginx start
Make sure nginx will start after server reboot
$ sudo update-rc.d nginx defaults
# should see sth like:
# System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/nginx already exist.
Configuration for virtual servers
Let's say there's an user called www-data
for the websites directories, and nginx's default root directory is under /usr/share/nginx/www
These pre-conditions will be used in these steps below:
Create directory for your site
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/www/
This will create a directory for
domain and we will put all website files under it.
Change owner and permissions
$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/nginx/www/
$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/share/nginx/www
Create a simple index.html
In order to test our virtual host, we can create a simple index.html to see if it's works.
You can use any editor to do this, as long as you make sure index.html is placed under:/usr/share/nginx/www/
Create the new virtual host configuration file
Nginx has provide a example configuration file, we can copy this:
$ cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/
or, you can create a blank file and fill these content below in it:
server {
listen 80; ## listen for ipv4; this line is default and implied
#listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## listen for ipv6
root /usr/share/nginx/www/;
index index.html index.htm;
Save and Exit.
Make a symbolic link
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
…and make sure to delete the default configuration file:
$ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
…after all, restart the nginx server:
$ sudo service nginx restart