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Swift(iOS)でイケてるトースト・バナー・ポップアップを導入する (SwiftEntryKit)

Last updated at Posted at 2020-01-26


トーストやポップアップ、プッシュ通知のようなビューを簡単に導入できるすごいライブラリ SwiftEntryKit をこの記事で紹介する。いくつか同様のライブラリ(Toast-Swiftなど)を試したが、SwiftEntryKitが圧倒的にイケてるUIUXを作れると感じた。イメージは以下の通り。

Toasts Notes Floats Popups
toasts_example notes_example floats_example popups_example
Alerts Forms Rating More...
alerts_example forms_example rating_example custom_example




import SwiftEntryKit


func test() {
    var attributes = EKAttributes.bottomFloat // bottomFloat以外に様々なタイプがある
    // プロパティを設定していく
    // attributes.xxx = xxx
    // たとえば以下の通り
    attributes.entryBackground = .gradient(gradient: .init(colors: [EKColor(UIColor.red), EKColor(UIColor.orange)], startPoint: .zero, endPoint: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 1)))
    attributes.popBehavior = .animated(animation: .init(translate: .init(duration: 0.3), scale: .init(from: 1, to: 0.7, duration: 0.7)))
    attributes.shadow = .active(with: .init(color: .black, opacity: 0.5, radius: 10, offset: .zero))
    attributes.statusBar = .light
    attributes.scroll = .enabled(swipeable: true, pullbackAnimation: .jolt)
    attributes.positionConstraints.maxSize = .init(width: .constant(value: UIScreen.main.bounds.width), height: .intrinsic)

    // EKNotificationMessageViewなど、EKxxxViewを作ってattributesとともにSwiftEntryKitに渡す
    // UIFont() は任意の形に変更する必要がある
    let title = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: "Sample Notification", style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .standardContent))
    let description = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: "Body message", style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .standardContent))
    let image = EKProperty.ImageContent(image: UIImage(named: "some image"), size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35))
    let simpleMessage = EKSimpleMessage(image: image, title: title, description: description)
    let notificationMessage = EKNotificationMessage(simpleMessage: simpleMessage)
    let contentView = EKNotificationMessageView(with: notificationMessage)

    // あとはSwiftEntryKit.displayを呼ぶだけ
    SwiftEntryKit.display(entry: contentView, using: attributes)

このライブラリでは、ビューのトップ、中央、ボトムの3つの位置(top / center / bottom)を選択でき、ビューのタイプは以下のような感じで10個以上定義されている。位置とビューのタイプを組み合わせて使うことになる。

  • EKAlertMessageView
  • EKFormMessageView
  • EKNotificationMessageView
  • EKNoteMessageView
  • EKPopUpMessageView
  • EKRatingMessageView


struct NotificationBanner {
    static func show(title: String, body: String, image: UIImage) {
        var attributes = EKAttributes.topFloat
        attributes.entryBackground = .gradient(gradient: .init(colors: [EKColor(UIColor.red), EKColor(UIColor.orange)], startPoint: .zero, endPoint: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 1)))
        attributes.popBehavior = .animated(animation: .init(translate: .init(duration: 0.3), scale: .init(from: 1, to: 0.7, duration: 0.7)))
        attributes.shadow = .active(with: .init(color: .black, opacity: 0.5, radius: 10, offset: .zero))
        attributes.statusBar = .light
        attributes.scroll = .enabled(swipeable: true, pullbackAnimation: .jolt)
        attributes.positionConstraints.maxSize = .init(width: .constant(value: UIScreen.main.bounds.width), height: .intrinsic)

        // UIFont() は任意の形に変更する必要がある        
        let title = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: title, style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .white))
        let description = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: body, style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .white))
        let image = EKProperty.ImageContent(image: image, size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35))
        let simpleMessage = EKSimpleMessage(image: image, title: title, description: description)
        let notificationMessage = EKNotificationMessage(simpleMessage: simpleMessage)

        let contentView = EKNotificationMessageView(with: notificationMessage)
        SwiftEntryKit.display(entry: contentView, using: attributes)


NotificationBanner.show(title: "Notification title", body: "Notification body", image: UIImage(named: "xxx"))


struct Alert {
    // ここではアクションが一つの場合
    static func show(title: String, body: String, image: UIImage, action: @escaping () -> Void) {
        var attributes = EKAttributes.topFloat
        attributes.displayDuration = .infinity
        attributes.entryBackground = .gradient(gradient: .init(colors: [EKColor(UIColor.purple), EKColor(UIColor.blue)], startPoint: .zero, endPoint: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 1)))
        attributes.screenBackground = .visualEffect(style: .prominent)
        attributes.popBehavior = .animated(animation: .init(translate: .init(duration: 0.3), scale: .init(from: 1, to: 0.7, duration: 0.7)))
        attributes.shadow = .active(with: .init(color: .black, opacity: 0.5, radius: 10, offset: .zero))
        attributes.scroll = .enabled(swipeable: true, pullbackAnimation: .jolt)
        attributes.positionConstraints.maxSize = .init(width: .constant(value: UIScreen.main.bounds.width), height: .intrinsic)
        // これがないとアクションが実行されない
        attributes.entryInteraction = .absorbTouches

        // UIFont() は任意の形に変更する必要がある
        let title = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: title, style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .white))
        let description = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: body, style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .white))
        let image = EKProperty.ImageContent(image: image, size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35))
        let simpleMessage = EKSimpleMessage(image: image, title: title, description: description)        

        let label = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: "OK", style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .black))
        let button = EKProperty.ButtonContent(label: label, backgroundColor: .white, highlightedBackgroundColor: .standardBackground) {
            // dismissを自分で呼ばないとビューが消えない
        let content = EKProperty.ButtonBarContent(with: [button], separatorColor: EKColor(UIColor.black), expandAnimatedly: true)

        let alertMessage = EKAlertMessage(simpleMessage: simpleMessage, buttonBarContent: content)
        let view = EKAlertMessageView(with: alertMessage)
        SwiftEntryKit.display(entry: view, using: attributes)


Alert.show(title: "Alert title", body: "Alert body") {


struct Popup {
    static func show(title: String, body: String, action: @escaping () -> Void) {
        var attributes = EKAttributes.centerFloat
        attributes.displayDuration = .infinity
        attributes.entryBackground = .gradient(gradient: .init(colors: [EKColor(UIColor.purple), EKColor(UIColor.blue)], startPoint: .zero, endPoint: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 1)))
        attributes.screenBackground = .visualEffect(style: .prominent)
        attributes.popBehavior = .animated(animation: .init(translate: .init(duration: 0.3), scale: .init(from: 1, to: 0.7, duration: 0.7)))
        attributes.shadow = .active(with: .init(color: .black, opacity: 0.5, radius: 10, offset: .zero))
        attributes.scroll = .enabled(swipeable: true, pullbackAnimation: .jolt)
        attributes.positionConstraints.maxSize = .init(width: .constant(value: UIScreen.main.bounds.width), height: .intrinsic)
        // これがないとアクションが実行されない
        attributes.entryInteraction = .absorbTouches
        // UIFont() は任意の形に変更する必要がある
        let title = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: title, style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .white))
        let description = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: body, style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .white))
        let label = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: "OK", style: .init(font: UIFont(), color: .black))
        let button = EKProperty.ButtonContent(label: label, backgroundColor: .white, highlightedBackgroundColor: .standardBackground)
        let action: EKPopUpMessage.EKPopUpMessageAction = {
            // ここにボタン押下時のアクションを入れることができる
        let popupMessage = EKPopUpMessage(title: title, description: description, button: button, action: action)
        let view = EKPopUpMessageView(with: popupMessage)
        SwiftEntryKit.display(entry: view, using: attributes)


Popup.show(title: "Popup title", body: "Popup body") {


struct Form {
    // フォームが1つの場合
    static func show(title: String, placeholder: String = "", image: UIImage, action: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
        var attributes = EKAttributes.centerFloat
        attributes.displayDuration = .infinity
        attributes.entryBackground = .gradient(gradient: .init(colors: [EKColor(UIColor.purple), EKColor(UIColor.blue)], startPoint: .zero, endPoint: CGPoint(x: 1, y: 1)))
        attributes.screenBackground = .visualEffect(style: .prominent)
        attributes.popBehavior = .animated(animation: .init(translate: .init(duration: 0.3), scale: .init(from: 1, to: 0.7, duration: 0.7)))
        attributes.shadow = .active(with: .init(color: .black, opacity: 0.5, radius: 10, offset: .zero))
        attributes.scroll = .enabled(swipeable: true, pullbackAnimation: .jolt)
        attributes.positionConstraints.maxSize = .init(width: .constant(value: UIScreen.main.bounds.width), height: .intrinsic)
        // これがないとアクションが実行されない
        attributes.entryInteraction = .absorbTouches

        let white = EKColor(UIColor.white)
        let black = EKColor(UIColor.black)
        let gray = EKColor(UIColor.gray)
        let whiteStyle = EKProperty.LabelStyle(font: UIFont(), color: white)
        let blackStyle = EKProperty.LabelStyle(font: UIFont(), color: black)
        let title = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: title, style: whiteStyle)
        let ok = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: "OK", style: blackStyle)
        let placeholder = EKProperty.LabelContent(text: placeholder, style: whiteStyle)
        let content = EKProperty.TextFieldContent(keyboardType: .asciiCapable, placeholder: placeholder, tintColor: white, displayMode: .inferred, textStyle: whiteStyle, leadingImage: image, bottomBorderColor: white)
        let button = EKProperty.ButtonContent(label: ok, backgroundColor: .white, highlightedBackgroundColor: gtray) {
        let view = EKFormMessageView(with: title, textFieldsContent: [content], buttonContent: button)
        SwiftEntryKit.display(entry: view, using: attributes)


Form.show(title: "Form title", body: "Form body") { value in
    print("input value: \(value)")




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