Unityでのゲーム作り日記#4 ~自作言語の構文解析器を作る 前編~

Last updated at Posted at 2024-01-11





構文解析器とは、例えば字句解析器によって分解された 3, +, 5, *, x というトークンを、次のような構文木に変換するものです。



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;

namespace TurquoiseValue
   public interface Value //インターフェイス
       object get(); //object型で取得

       double getDouble(); //ダブル型で取得

       string getFunctionName(); //名前として取得(高階関数用)

   public class DoubleValue : Value //ダブル型を表す
       object value;

       public DoubleValue(double value)
           this.value = value;

       public object get()
           return value;

       public double getDouble()
           return (double)value;

       public string getFunctionName()
           throw new GarnetException($"{(double)value} is not a function name."); //名前はないのでエラー

   public class FunctionValue : Value
       object value;

       public FunctionValue(string value) //高階関数を表す
           this.value = value;

       public object get()
           return value;

       public double getDouble() //ダブル型ではないのでエラー
           throw new GarnetException($"{value.ToString()} is not a number.");

       public string getFunctionName()
           return value.ToString();

   static class ValueConvert //名前が合ってないかも...
       static public Value createValue(double v) //ダブル型を表す値を作る
           return new DoubleValue(v);

       static public Value createValue(string v) //高階関数を表す値を作る
           return new FunctionValue(v);

       static public Value createValue(object v) //ダブル型か高階関数かわからない場合
           double value;
           if (double.TryParse(v.ToString(), out value))
               return new DoubleValue(value);

           string valueS = v.ToString();
           return new FunctionValue(valueS);


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TurquoiseValue;
using System;
using Unity.VisualScripting;

namespace TurquoiseAstNode
   public interface IExpression //インターフェイス
       Value Evaluate(); //実行
       void printNode(); //デバッグ用の表示メソッド
       bool isFunctionCall(); //関数呼び出しかどうか

   public class NumberExpression : IExpression //数字を表すノード
       private Value _num;

       public NumberExpression(double num)
           _num = new DoubleValue(num);

       public Value Evaluate()
           return (DoubleValue)_num;

       public void printNode()

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return false;

   public class VariableExpression : IExpression //変数を表すノード
       private string _identifier;

       public VariableExpression(string identifier)
           _identifier = identifier;

       public Value Evaluate()
           Value value = Environments.getVarValue(_identifier);

           return value;

       public void printNode()

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return false;

       public string getName()
           return _identifier;

   public class FunctionExpression : IExpression //関数の呼び出しを表すノード
       private string _identifier;
       private ParameterExpression _parameter;

       public FunctionExpression(string identifier, ParameterExpression parameter)
           _identifier = identifier;
           _parameter = parameter;

       public Value Evaluate()
           Environment argments = new Environment();
           ParameterExpression dummyArgments = Environments.getFuncNameAndValue(_identifier).function.getParameter();

           for (int i = 0; i < _parameter.Size(); i++)
               VariableExpression dummyArgmentName = (VariableExpression)dummyArgments.Get(i);
               argments.addVarValue(dummyArgmentName.getName(), _parameter.Get(i).Evaluate()); //引数を環境に追加


           Value result = Environments.getFuncNameAndValue(_identifier).expression.Evaluate(); //結果を求める

           Environments.pop(); //引数の環境を削除

           return result;

       public void printNode()

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return true;

       public ParameterExpression getParameter()
           return _parameter;

   public class BinOpExpression : IExpression //二項演算子のノード
       private IExpression _left;
       private IExpression _right;
       private string _op;

       public BinOpExpression(IExpression left, IExpression right, string op)
           _left = left;
           _right = right;
           _op = op;

       public Value Evaluate()
           switch (_op)
               case "+":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() + _right.Evaluate().getDouble());
               case "-":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() - _right.Evaluate().getDouble());
               case "*":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() * _right.Evaluate().getDouble());
               case "/":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() / _right.Evaluate().getDouble());
               case "%":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() % _right.Evaluate().getDouble());
               case "^":
                   return new DoubleValue(Math.Pow(_left.Evaluate().getDouble(), _right.Evaluate().getDouble()));
               case "<":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() < _right.Evaluate().getDouble() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
               case ">":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() > _right.Evaluate().getDouble() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
               case "<=":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() <= _right.Evaluate().getDouble() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
               case ">=":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() >= _right.Evaluate().getDouble() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
               case "==":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() == _right.Evaluate().getDouble() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
               case "!=":
                   return new DoubleValue(_left.Evaluate().getDouble() != _right.Evaluate().getDouble() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
                   throw new GarnetException($"Binary operator \'{_op}\' is undefined.");

       public void printNode()
           Debug.Log($"(BinOp:{_op} ");

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return _left.isFunctionCall() || _right.isFunctionCall();

   public class UnuOpExpression : IExpression //単項演算子のノード(現時点では "-" のみ)
       private IExpression _factor;
       private string _op;

       public UnuOpExpression(IExpression factor, string op)
           _factor = factor;
           _op = op;

       public Value Evaluate()
           switch (_op)
               case "-":
                   return new DoubleValue(_factor.Evaluate().getDouble() * -1);
                   throw new GarnetException($"Unury operator \'{_op}\' is undefined.");

       public void printNode()
           Debug.Log($"(UnuOp:{_op} ");

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return _factor.isFunctionCall();

   public class ParameterExpression : IExpression //パラメータのノード
       private IExpression[] _expressions;

       public ParameterExpression()
           _expressions = new IExpression[0];

       public ParameterExpression(IExpression[] expressions)
           _expressions = expressions;

       public Value Evaluate() { return new DoubleValue(0); }

       public void printNode()
           Debug.Log("(Param ");
           foreach (IExpression expression in _expressions)

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return false;

       public IExpression Get(int i)
           return _expressions[i];

       public int Size()
           return _expressions.Length;

   public class AssignmentVarExpression : IExpression //変数定義のノード
       private string _name;
       private IExpression _valueExpression;

       public AssignmentVarExpression(string name, IExpression valueExpression)
           _name = name;
           _valueExpression = valueExpression;

       public Value Evaluate()
           Environment environment = Environments.peek();
           environment.addVarValue(_name, _valueExpression.Evaluate());

           return _valueExpression.Evaluate();

       public void printNode()
           Debug.Log($"Assignment {_name} {_valueExpression.Evaluate().getDouble()}");

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return false;

   public class DefineFuncExpression : IExpression
       private string _name;
       private FunctionsNameAndValue _nameAndValue;

       public DefineFuncExpression(string name, FunctionsNameAndValue nameAndValue)
           _name = name;
           _nameAndValue = nameAndValue;

       public Value Evaluate()
           Environment environment = Environments.pop();
           environment.addFuncNameAndValue(_name, _nameAndValue);

           return new DoubleValue(0);

       public void printNode()
           Debug.Log($"(DefFunc:{_name}) ");

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return false;

   public class Statement : IExpression
       private string[] _statementNames; //ifの場合は2つになることがある
       private IExpression[] _expressionAndBodys; //ifの場合はbodyが2つになることもある

       public Statement(string[] statementNames, IExpression[] expressionAndBodys)
           _statementNames = statementNames;
           _expressionAndBodys = expressionAndBodys;

       public Value Evaluate()
           switch (_statementNames[0])
               case "while":
                   IExpression expression = _expressionAndBodys[0];
                   IExpression body = _expressionAndBodys[1];

                   while(expression.Evaluate().getDouble() != 0)

                   return null;

                   throw new TurquoiseException($"{_statementNames[0]} is not define statement.");

       public void printNode()

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return false;

   public class BlockExpression : IExpression
       private IExpression[] _expressions;

       public BlockExpression(IExpression[] expressions)
           _expressions = expressions;

       public Value Evaluate()
           object result = null;
           foreach (IExpression expression in _expressions)
               result = expression.Evaluate().get();
           return ValueConvert.createValue(result);

       public void printNode()
           Debug.Log("(Block ");
           foreach (IExpression expression in _expressions)

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return false;

   public class BlockExpression : IExpression //ブロックを表すノード({と}で囲まれた部分)
       private IExpression[] _expressions;

       public BlockExpression(IExpression[] expressions)
           _expressions = expressions;

       public Value Evaluate()
           object result = null;
           foreach (IExpression expression in _expressions)
               result = expression.Evaluate().get();
           return ValueConvert.createValue(result);

       public void printNode()
           Debug.Log("(Block ");
           foreach (IExpression expression in _expressions)

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return false;
   public class NativeProcess : IExpression //ネイティブ関数の処理
       private string _funcName;
       private string[] _argmentNames;

       public NativeProcess(string funcName, string[] argmentNames)
           _funcName = funcName;
           _argmentNames = argmentNames;

       public Value Evaluate()
           switch (_funcName)
               case "print":
                       Value printValue = Environments.getVarValue(_argmentNames[0]);


                       return printValue;
                   throw new TurquoiseException($"{_funcName} is not defined native function");

       public void printNode()

       public bool isFunctionCall()
           return true;

   public class Environment //環境(スコープ)
       private Dictionary<string, Value> variables; //変数のリスト
       private Dictionary<string, FunctionsNameAndValue> functions; //関数のリスト

       public Environment()
           variables = new Dictionary<string, Value>();
           functions = new Dictionary<string, FunctionsNameAndValue>();
       public Environment(Dictionary<string, Value> variables, Dictionary<string, FunctionsNameAndValue> functions)
           this.variables = variables;
           this.functions = functions;

       public void addVarValue(string name, Value value) //変数の追加
           variables[name] = value;

       public void addFuncNameAndValue(string name, FunctionsNameAndValue nameAndValue) //関数の追加
           functions[name] = nameAndValue;

       public Value getVarValue(string name) //変数の取得
           return variables[name];

       public FunctionsNameAndValue getFuncNameAndValue(string name) //関数の取得
           return functions[name];

       public bool isItExistsVar(string name) //特定の変数があるかどうか
           return variables.ContainsKey(name);

       public bool isItExistsFunc(string name) //特定の関数があるかどうか
           return functions.ContainsKey(name);

   public static class Environments //環境を管理するクラス
       private static Stack<Environment> environments = new Stack<Environment>(); //スタックで管理

       static Environments()
           Environment firstEnvironment = new Environment();

           ParameterExpression printParameter = new ParameterExpression(new IExpression[]{ new VariableExpression("n")});
           NativeProcess printProcess = new NativeProcess("print", new string[]{ "n"});
           firstEnvironment.addFuncNameAndValue("print", new FunctionsNameAndValue(new FunctionExpression("print", printParameter), printProcess));

           environments.Push(firstEnvironment); //ネイティブ関数の追加

       public static void push(Environment environment) //環境の追加
           if (environments.Count > 1000)
               throw new TurquoiseException("Stack over flow.");

       public static Environment pop() //環境の削除
           return environments.Pop();

       public static Environment peek() //一番上の環境を取得
           return environments.Peek();

       public static Value getVarValue(string name) //すべての環境の中から特定の変数を探す
           foreach (Environment environment in environments)
               if (environment.isItExistsVar(name))
                   return environment.getVarValue(name);
           throw new TurquoiseException($"'{name}' is undefined.");

       public static FunctionsNameAndValue getFuncNameAndValue(string name) //すべての環境の中から特定の関数を探す
           foreach(Environment environment in environments)
               if (environment.isItExistsFunc(name))
                   return environment.getFuncNameAndValue(name);
           throw new TurquoiseException($"'{name}' is undefined.");

   public class FunctionsNameAndValue //関数を表すクラス
       public FunctionExpression function;
       public IExpression expression;

       public FunctionsNameAndValue(FunctionExpression function, IExpression expression)
           this.function = function;
           this.expression = expression;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;

public class TurquoiseException : Exception
   public TurquoiseException() : base() { }
   public TurquoiseException(string message) : base(message) { }
   public TurquoiseException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }



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