
More than 3 years have passed since last update.

E2Eテスト 番外編 -metaとOGPの取得-

Last updated at Posted at 2020-11-10


Testcafeでmeta titileやdisctiptionなどを取得するには、クライアント側から任意のシリアライズ可能な値を返すことができるClientFunctionと呼ばれるクライアント関数を使用します。

import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';

const testUrl = 'https://example.com/'

// url path
export const getUrl = ClientFunction(() => location.pathname);
// meta titile
export const getTitle = ClientFunction(() => document.title);
// title文字数
export const getTitleLength = ClientFunction(() => document.title.length);
// meta description
export const getDesc = ClientFunction(() => {
  const description = document.getElementsByName('description')[0]
  if (description === undefined || description.content === '') return null
  return description.content
// meta description文字数
export const getDescLength = ClientFunction(() => {
  const description = document.getElementsByName('description')[0]
  if (description === undefined || description.content === '') return null
  return description.content.length
// meta keyword
export const getKeyword = ClientFunction(() => {
  const keyword = document.getElementsByName('keyword')[0]
  if (keyword === undefined || keyword.content === '') return null
  return keyword.content
// meta keyword個数
export const getKeywordLength = ClientFunction(() => {
  const keyword = document.getElementsByName('keyword')[0]
  if (keyword === undefined || keyword.content === '') return null
  return keyword.content.split(',').length
// og:title
export const getOgTitle = ClientFunction(() => {
  const ogTitle = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']")
  if (ogTitle === undefined || ogTitle.content === '') return null
  return ogTitle.content
// og:url
export const getOgUrl = ClientFunction(() => {
  const ogUrl = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:url']")
  if (ogUrl === undefined || ogUrl.content === '') return null
  return ogUrl.content
// og:image
export const getOgImg = ClientFunction(() => {
  const ogImg = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:image']")
  if (ogImg === undefined || ogImg.content === '') return null
  return ogImg.content
// og:site_name
export const getOgSiteName = ClientFunction(() => {
  const ogOgSiteName = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:site_name']")
  if (ogOgSiteName === undefined || ogOgSiteName.content === '') return null
  return ogOgSiteName.content
// og:description
export const getOgDesc = ClientFunction(() => {
  const ogDesc = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:description']")
  if (ogDesc === undefined || ogDesc.content === '') return null
  return ogDesc.content
// meta robots
export const getRobots = ClientFunction(() => {
  const robots = document.getElementsByName('robots')[0]
  if (robots === undefined || robots.content === '') return null
  return robots.content
// canonical
export const getCanonicalUrl = ClientFunction(() => {
  const links = document.getElementsByTagName('link')
  for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
    if (links[i].rel.toLowerCase() == 'canonical') {
      return links[i].href
  return null


import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe'
const common = require('../common')
const { testUrl, getUrl, getTitle, getTitleLength, getDesc, getDescLength, getKeyword, getKeywordLength, getOgTitle, getOgUrl, getOgImg, getOgSiteName, getOgDesc, getCanonicalUrl, getRobots } = common;

const screenShot = (testName, testUrl) => {

    .before( async t => {
        const pageUrl = await getUrl();
        const pageTitle = await getTitle();
        const pageTitleLength = await getTitleLength();
        const pageDesc = await getDesc();
        const pageDescLength = await getDescLength();
        const pageKeyword = await getKeyword();
        const pageKeywordLength = await getKeywordLength();
        const OgTitle = await getOgTitle();
        const OgUrl = await getOgUrl();
        const OgImg = await getOgImg();
        const OgSiteName = await getOgSiteName();
        const OgDesc = await getOgDesc();
        const canonicalUrl = await getCanonicalUrl();
        const robotsContent = await getRobots();
    (testName, async t => {

screenShot('top', `${testUrl}`)

これでtitileとdiscription etc...を取得することができました!

import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe'
const fs = require('fs')
const common = require('../common')
const { testUrl, getUrl, getTitle, getTitleLength, getDesc, getDescLength, getKeyword, getKeywordLength, getOgTitle, getOgUrl, getOgImg, getOgSiteName, getOgDesc, getCanonicalUrl, getRobots } = common;

const masterData = []

const screenShot = (testName, testUrl) => {

    .before( async t => {
        const pageUrl = await getUrl();
        const pageTitle = await getTitle();
        const pageTitleLength = await getTitleLength();
        const pageDesc = await getDesc();
        const pageDescLength = await getDescLength();
        const pageKeyword = await getKeyword();
        const pageKeywordLength = await getKeywordLength();
        const OgTitle = await getOgTitle();
        const OgUrl = await getOgUrl();
        const OgImg = await getOgImg();
        const OgSiteName = await getOgSiteName();
        const OgDesc = await getOgDesc();
        const canonicalUrl = await getCanonicalUrl();
        const robotsContent = await getRobots();

        const data = {
          page: pageUrl,
          title: [
              text: pageTitle,
              '最大29文字程度': pageTitleLength ? pageTitleLength <= '29' : pageTitleLength >= '29'
          description: [
              text: pageDesc,
              '最大110字程度': pageDescLength ? pageDescLength <= '110' : pageDescLength >= '110'
          keyword: [
              text: pageKeyword,
              '5〜6個程度': pageKeywordLength ? pageKeywordLength <= '6' : pageKeywordLength >= '6'
          'og:title': OgTitle,
          'og:url': OgUrl,
          'og:image': OgImg,
          'og:site_name': OgSiteName,
          'og:description': OgDesc,
          canonical: canonicalUrl,
          robots: robotsContent
        let str = JSON.stringify({meta: masterData}, null, ' ')
        fs.writeFileSync('./screenshots/data.json', str);
    (testName, async t => {

screenShot('top', `${testUrl}`)

まずconst masterData = []で空の配列を作成し、pushで値を入れ込んでいきます。

 "meta": [
   "page": "/",
   "title": [
     "text": "株式会社Sample",
     "最大29文字程度": true
   "description": [
     "text": "株式会社Sampleのdescriptionが入ります。",
     "最大110字程度": true
   "keyword": [
     "text": "株式会社Sample,サンプル,sample,北海道,東京,大阪,福岡",
     "5〜6個程度": false
   "og:title": "株式会社Sample",
   "og:url": "https://example.com/",
   "og:image": "https://example.com/img/ogp.png?1603865417442",
   "og:site_name": "株式会社Sample",
   "og:description": "株式会社Sampleのog:descriptionが入ります。",
   "canonical": "",
   "robots": null




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