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React カスタムフック 覚書

Last updated at Posted at 2021-10-15

React カスタムフック覚書

////// useCustomHook.ts
import { useReducer, useCallback } from 'react';

type State = {
  name: string;
  isLoading: boolean;
  errorMessage?: string;

type Handlers = {
  onSubmit: (name: State['name']) => void;

enum ActionTypes {
  OnSubmit = 'on-submit',
  OnSuccess = 'on-success',
  OnFailure = 'on-failure',

type Action =
  | { type: ActionTypes.OnSubmit, name: State['name'] }
  | { type: ActionTypes.OnSuccess }
  | { type: ActionTypes.OnFailure, errorMessage: Required<State['errorMessage']> };

const reducer: React.Reducer<State, Action> = (state: State, action: Action) => {
  const patch = (diff: Partial<State>): State => ({ ...state, ...diff });
  switch (action.type) {
    case ActionTypes.OnSubmit:
      return patch({
        isLoading: true,
        effect: {
          cmd: Cmd.hogeHoge, // api叩いたり
          args: [action.name],
          successActionCreator: () => ({ type: ActionTypes.OnSuccess }),
          failureActionCreator: (error: Error) => ({ type: ActionTypes.OnFailure, errorMessage: error.message }),
    case ActionTypes.OnSuccess:
      return patch({
        isLoading: false,
        effect: undefined,
    case ActionTypes.OnFailure:
      return patch({
        isLoading: false,
        effect: undefined,
        errorMessage: action.errorMessage

const createInitialState = (name: State['name']): State => ({
  isLoading: false,

const useCustomHook = (name: State['name']): [State, Handlers] => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, name, createInitialState);
  const handlers: Handlers = {
    onSubmit: useCallback((name) => {
      dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.OnSubmit, name });
    }, []),
  return [state, handlers];

export default useCustomHook;

////// useCmd.ts 頭良すぎでわけわからん このコードは別の方が作成
import { useEffect, Dispatch } from 'react';

export type Effect<F, Action> = F extends (...args: infer Params) => Promise<infer Result> ? {
  cmd: F;
  args: Params;
  successActionCreator: (result: Result) => Action;
  failureActionCreator: (e: Error) => Action;
} : never;

const useCmd = <F, Action>(dispatch: Dispatch<Action>, effect?: Effect<F, Action>) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    if (effect) {
        .then(result => dispatch(effect.successActionCreator(result)))
        .catch((e: Error) => dispatch(effect.failureActionCreator(e)));
  }, [dispatch, effect]);

export default useCmd;

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Delete article

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