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HTML composition

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This article is about several tags wrapped up, after reading the book, for instance, usage and position on a web site.
1冊ですべて身につくHTML & CSSとWebデザイン入門講座[第2版] (DL特典:Webデザイナーのポートフォリオの作り方入門講座) (1冊ですべて身につく)


image reference: https://chot.design/html-css-beginner/5cac8c19c5ec/

<header> Tag

This tag creates header, including a logo image, a page title and a navigation menu in most situations.

See the Pen <header> Tag by Nao (@naopon-hamumu) on CodePen.

<nav> Tag

This is used for a navigation menu, often located at

See the Pen <nav> Tag by Nao (@naopon-hamumu) on CodePen.

<main> Tag

See the Pen Untitled by Nao (@naopon-hamumu) on CodePen.

<article> Tag

We can make higlighted articles of what we would like to by this tag.
example: CBC NEWS

See the Pen <article> Tag by Nao (@naopon-hamumu) on CodePen.

<section> Tag

we can see the section tag, having one theme consisted of multiple things, for example, "DISCOGRAPHY" on timelesz.

See the Pen Untitled by Nao (@naopon-hamumu) on CodePen.

<aside> Tag

This tag is suitable putting contents aside, not related to what mainly convey.
We can see the web "はてなブログ" site, using this tag.

See the Pen <aside> Tag by Nao (@naopon-hamumu) on CodePen.

<footer> Tag

Any page we can see this tag at the bottom, written about copyright and so on.

See the Pen <footer> Tag by Nao (@naopon-hamumu) on CodePen.

<div> Tag

This tag has not decided roles like other tags I showed you. In the site "ILLIT JAPAN OFFICIAL SITE", the tag is used to give id on <div> to make hamburger menu.




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