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Blender 4.1, Python 立方体 、照明、カメラ円周移動

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Blender 4.1, Python 立方体 、照明、カメラ円周移動

古い記事「Blender 2.8, Python 立方体 、照明、カメラ円周移動」の改良版です。blender 4.1.1向けにフレーム指定部分など変更。
謎のエラー[Performance Warning] cache is full (Size: 64), vertex descriptor will not be cached が出ています。

# bpy_nh41 照明移動,立方体移動 (nh13 kairyo)  後半カメラ移動
import bpy
# DELETE ALL mesh, light, camera, みな削除する2行
for item in bpy.data.objects:

#立方体 original script は  ---- http://tips.hecomi.com/entry/20120818/1345307205
#拡大参考資料 tatsuruM Qiita https://qiita.com/tatsuruM/items/9d4222c6c7d96b4c5b3c

#END   = 100
N     = 4

# Add color cubes
for x in range(0, N):
    for y in range(0, N):
        for z in range(0, N):
            # Add a color cube
            bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add( location=(x*3, y*3, z*3),size = (1.2) )
            bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.8, 0.1, 2.0))
            bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value= -3.1415/6 ,orient_axis='X')
            obj = bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active
            mat = bpy.data.materials.new('Cube')
            mat.diffuse_color = (x/N, y/N, z/N, 0)

# new lamps ( stack overflow Can you add a light source in blender using python)
# =============="light_spot3"
# create light datablock, set attributes
light_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="light_spot3", type='SPOT')
light_data.energy = 2000
# create new object with our light datablock
light_object = bpy.data.objects.new(name="light_spot3", object_data=light_data)
# link light object
# make it active 
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = light_object
#change location
light_object.location = (2, -2, 3)
light_object.delta_rotation_euler = (1.6, 0, 0) #ゼロゼロゼロで真下を向く。
# update scene, if needed
dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() 

# =============="light_spot2"
# create light datablock, set attributes
light_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="light_spot2", type='SPOT')
light_data.energy = 2000
# create new object with our light datablock
light_object = bpy.data.objects.new(name="light_spot2", object_data=light_data)
# link light object
# make it active 
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = light_object
#change location
light_object.location = (2, -4, 10)
light_object.delta_rotation_euler = (1.5, 0, 0) #ゼロゼロゼロで真下を向く。
# update scene, if needed
dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() 
# ============== "light_spot1"
# create light datablock, set attributes
light_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="light_spot1", type='SPOT')
light_data.energy = 3000
# create new object with our light datablock
light_object1 = bpy.data.objects.new(name="light_spot1", object_data=light_data)
# link light object
# make it active 
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = light_object1
#change location
light_object1.location = (5, -5, 10)
light_object1.delta_rotation_euler = (1.3, 0, -0.3) #ゼロゼロゼロで真下を向く。
# update scene, if needed
dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() 
# ================

#  MOVE  SPOT LIGHTs  "light_spot1"
bpy.context.scene.frame_start = 1
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = 30
bpy.context.scene.frame_current = 10
# make light ACTIVE 
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot3"].select_set(False) # ----- deselect
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot2"].select_set(False) # ----- deselect
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot1"].select_set(True) #---- select

cdnow  = bpy.context.object          # get ACTIVE object 
bpy.context.scene.frame_set(1) # set frame to 1 ### NEW2024

cdnow.location = (4, 2, 2) # set the location
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(10) # set frame to 10 ### NEW2024
cdnow.location = (5, 2, 4) # set the location
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(20) # set frame to 20 ### NEW2024
cdnow.location = (6, 2, 6)
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(30) # set frame to 30 ### NEW2024
cdnow.location = (7, 2, 8)
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME
# ================
#  MOVE a LIGHT  mesh with KEY FRAME spot 2 照明の移動  light_spot2
bpy.context.scene.frame_start = 1
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = 30
bpy.context.scene.frame_current = 10

# make POINT  light ACTIVE 
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot3"].select_set(False) # ----- deselect
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot1"].select_set(False) # ----- deselect
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot2"].select_set(True) #---- select

#cdnow  = bpy.context.object          # get ACTIVE object 
cdnow  = bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot2"]    # get ACTIVE object 

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(1) # set frame to 1
cdnow.location = (1,1,10) # set the location
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(10) # set frame to 10
cdnow.location = (1,2,9) # set the location
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(20) # set frame to 20
cdnow.location = (4,3,8)
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(30) # set frame to 30
cdnow.location = (1,4,7)
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME
#  ==================
#  MOVE a LIGHT  mesh with KEY FRAME spot 3 照明の移動  light_spot3
bpy.context.scene.frame_start = 1
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = 30
bpy.context.scene.frame_current = 10

# make POINT  light ACTIVE 
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot2"].select_set(False) # ----- deselect
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot1"].select_set(False) # ----- deselect
bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot3"].select_set(True)   #---- select

#cdnow  = bpy.context.object          # get ACTIVE object 
cdnow  = bpy.context.scene.objects["light_spot3"]    # get ACTIVE object 

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(1) # set frame to 1
cdnow.location = (5,-6,1) # set the location
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(10) # set frame to 10
cdnow.location = (9,-6,1) # set the location
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(20) # set frame to 20
cdnow.location = (9,-6,5)
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME

bpy.context.scene.frame_set(30) # set frame to 30
cdnow.location = (5,-6,1)
bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location') # KEY FRAME
#  ==================
# world - surface - background (背景) 
bpy.data.worlds["World"].node_tree.nodes["Background"].inputs[0].default_value = (0.01, 0.15, 0.25, 1)
bpy.data.worlds["World"].node_tree.nodes["Background"].inputs[1].default_value = 0.7            

#  ================== ================= camera movement
#bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_monkey_add(size=2, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0))

bpy.ops.curve.primitive_bezier_circle_add(enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0))
bpy.context.object.scale[0] = 6
bpy.context.object.scale[1] = 6
bpy.ops.object.empty_add(type='CUBE', align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0))
bpy.ops.object.camera_add(enter_editmode=False, align='VIEW', location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0))


bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = bpy.data.objects['Empty']


bpy.context.object.constraints["Follow Path"].target = bpy.data.objects["BézierCircle"]

bpy.context.object.constraints["Follow Path"].use_curve_follow = True
bpy.context.object.constraints["Follow Path"].use_fixed_location = True


#bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].target = bpy.data.objects["Suzanne"]
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].target = bpy.data.objects["Cube.016"]
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].up_axis = 'UP_Y'
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].track_axis = 'TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z'  #5m00sec
#Camera Keyframe #(Insert keyframe to object's Offset Factor Python API - stack exchange)
bpy.context.scene.frame_current = 1
bpy.context.object.constraints["Follow Path"].offset_factor = 0
ob = bpy.context.object
# ob.constraints['Follow Path']
# bpy.data.objects['Empty'].constraints["Follow Path"]
# [bpy.data.objects['Empty'].constraints["Follow Path"]]
con = ob.constraints.get("Follow Path")
con.offset_factor = 0.0
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=1)
con.offset_factor = 0.1
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=8)
con.offset_factor = 0.15
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=16)
con.offset_factor = 0.2
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=18)
con.offset_factor = 0.0
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=30)

# ===== end of bph_41 (2024.5.7)

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