LaTeX Rules
Update if necessary.
- input space after comma.
- input break line after a period.
- input blank line by entering break line two or more times.
- make space = [\ +,]
- make hyperlink
- write the official name for the first abbreviation that appears.
- check the citation of papers
- use centering instead of begin{center} in figure environment
- use mathrm instead of rm
- Table captions are above, figure captions are below.
- Units and subscripts are in roman, physical quantities are in italic
\usepackage{pxjahyper} %link
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} %mathmatics
\usepackage{ascmac} %making frame
\usepackage{mathrsfs} %花文字
\usepackage{geometry} %margin setting
\usepackage{multicol,multirow} %multi column
\usepackage{bm} %boldsymbol
\usepackage{epigraph} %make epigraph
\usepackage{acronym} %make abbreviation
\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx} %insert images
\usepackage{comment} %comment
\usepackage{physics} %about physics