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Enviro環境センサボード weather-and-lightサンプルのローカライズ

Last updated at Posted at 2021-02-12


Enviro環境センサボードとは以下の各センサとカラーLCDをオールインワンに搭載したRaspberry Pi HATである。


ちなみに、実験結果から**#4**と印刷された端子は、Raspberry PiのGPIO 23(物理ピン#16)に直結している。


  • MICS6814:ガスセンサ
  • PMS5003:粒子状物質センサ(PM1、PM2.5、PM10を検出)(ただし、別売)



  • 左上(10:10)  現在の時刻
  • 左上部(20°C) 現在の温度
  • 左下部(55%)  現在の湿度
  • 右上(15 Nov 19)現在の日付
  • 右上部(10,000) 現在の照度
  • 右下部(1,025) 現在の気圧
  • 背景色(オレンジ)日の出〜日の入(日中)、日が沈むと(夜間の)背景は




# The city and timezone that you want to display.
city_name = "Sheffield"
time_zone = "Europe/London"
# The city and timezone that you want to display.
city_name = "Tokyo"
time_zone = "Asis/Tokyo"



日付表示が欧米仕様であるが、日本人には 年.月.日の方が馴染みがあるので、フォーマットも変更する。また、各情報はリアルタイムに更新されるので、時刻にを追加する。weather-and-light.pyの行359〜360で設定しているので、これを変更する.

date_string = local_dt.strftime("%d %b %y").lstrip('0')
time_string = local_dt.strftime("%H:%M")
date_string = local_dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
time_string = local_dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S")


img = overlay_text(background, (0 + margin, 0 + margin), time_string, font_lg)
img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin, 0 + margin), date_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
img = overlay_text(background, (0 + margin, 0 + margin), date_string, font_lg)
img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin, 0 + margin), time_string, font_lg, align_right=True)


元のコードは全力で無限ループしているので、手持ちのRaspberry Pi Zero Wだと、CPU利用率が93.8%と高止まりとなる。そこでループ最後に500ミリ秒sleepを入れます。

time.sleep(0.5) # 500ms sleep





#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

f"Sorry! This program requires Python >= 3.6 😅"

import os
import time
import numpy
import colorsys
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter
from fonts.ttf import RobotoMedium as UserFont

import ST7735
from bme280 import BME280
from ltr559 import LTR559

import pytz
from pytz import timezone
from astral.geocoder import database, lookup
from astral.sun import sun
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

    from smbus2 import SMBus
except ImportError:
    from smbus import SMBus

def calculate_y_pos(x, centre):
    """Calculates the y-coordinate on a parabolic curve, given x."""
    centre = 80
    y = 1 / centre * (x - centre) ** 2

    return int(y)

def circle_coordinates(x, y, radius):
    """Calculates the bounds of a circle, given centre and radius."""

    x1 = x - radius  # Left
    x2 = x + radius  # Right
    y1 = y - radius  # Bottom
    y2 = y + radius  # Top

    return (x1, y1, x2, y2)

def map_colour(x, centre, start_hue, end_hue, day):
    """Given an x coordinate and a centre point, a start and end hue (in degrees),
       and a Boolean for day or night (day is True, night False), calculate a colour
       hue representing the 'colour' of that time of day."""

    start_hue = start_hue / 360  # Rescale to between 0 and 1
    end_hue = end_hue / 360

    sat = 1.0

    # Dim the brightness as you move from the centre to the edges
    val = 1 - (abs(centre - x) / (2 * centre))

    # Ramp up towards centre, then back down
    if x > centre:
        x = (2 * centre) - x

    # Calculate the hue
    hue = start_hue + ((x / centre) * (end_hue - start_hue))

    # At night, move towards purple/blue hues and reverse dimming
    if not day:
        hue = 1 - hue
        val = 1 - val

    r, g, b = [int(c * 255) for c in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, sat, val)]

    return (r, g, b)

def x_from_sun_moon_time(progress, period, x_range):
    """Recalculate/rescale an amount of progress through a time period."""

    x = int((progress / period) * x_range)

    return x

def sun_moon_time(city_name, time_zone):
    """Calculate the progress through the current sun/moon period (i.e day or
       night) from the last sunrise or sunset, given a datetime object 't'."""

    city = lookup(city_name, database())

    # Datetime objects for yesterday, today, tomorrow
    utc = pytz.utc
    utc_dt = datetime.now(tz=utc)
    local_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(pytz.timezone(time_zone))
    today = local_dt.date()
    yesterday = today - timedelta(1)
    tomorrow = today + timedelta(1)

    # Sun objects for yesterday, today, tomorrow
    sun_yesterday = sun(city.observer, date=yesterday)
    sun_today = sun(city.observer, date=today)
    sun_tomorrow = sun(city.observer, date=tomorrow)

    # Work out sunset yesterday, sunrise/sunset today, and sunrise tomorrow
    sunset_yesterday = sun_yesterday["sunset"]
    sunrise_today = sun_today["sunrise"]
    sunset_today = sun_today["sunset"]
    sunrise_tomorrow = sun_tomorrow["sunrise"]

    # Work out lengths of day or night period and progress through period
    if sunrise_today < local_dt < sunset_today:
        day = True
        period = sunset_today - sunrise_today
        # mid = sunrise_today + (period / 2)
        progress = local_dt - sunrise_today

    elif local_dt > sunset_today:
        day = False
        period = sunrise_tomorrow - sunset_today
        # mid = sunset_today + (period / 2)
        progress = local_dt - sunset_today

        day = False
        period = sunrise_today - sunset_yesterday
        # mid = sunset_yesterday + (period / 2)
        progress = local_dt - sunset_yesterday

    # Convert time deltas to seconds
    progress = progress.total_seconds()
    period = period.total_seconds()

    return (progress, period, day, local_dt)

def draw_background(progress, period, day):
    """Given an amount of progress through the day or night, draw the
       background colour and overlay a blurred sun/moon."""

    # x-coordinate for sun/moon
    x = x_from_sun_moon_time(progress, period, WIDTH)

    # If it's day, then move right to left
    if day:
        x = WIDTH - x

    # Calculate position on sun/moon's curve
    centre = WIDTH / 2
    y = calculate_y_pos(x, centre)

    # Background colour
    background = map_colour(x, 80, mid_hue, day_hue, day)

    # New image for background colour
    img = Image.new('RGBA', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), color=background)
    # draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # New image for sun/moon overlay
    overlay = Image.new('RGBA', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    overlay_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay)

    # Draw the sun/moon
    circle = circle_coordinates(x, y, sun_radius)
    overlay_draw.ellipse(circle, fill=(200, 200, 50, opacity))

    # Overlay the sun/moon on the background as an alpha matte
    composite = Image.alpha_composite(img, overlay).filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=blur))

    return composite

def overlay_text(img, position, text, font, align_right=False, rectangle=False):
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    w, h = font.getsize(text)
    if align_right:
        x, y = position
        x -= w
        position = (x, y)
    if rectangle:
        x += 1
        y += 1
        position = (x, y)
        border = 1
        rect = (x - border, y, x + w, y + h + border)
        rect_img = Image.new('RGBA', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
        rect_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(rect_img)
        rect_draw.rectangle(rect, (255, 255, 255))
        rect_draw.text(position, text, font=font, fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
        img = Image.alpha_composite(img, rect_img)
        draw.text(position, text, font=font, fill=(255, 255, 255))
    return img

def get_cpu_temperature():
    with open("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp", "r") as f:
        temp = f.read()
        temp = int(temp) / 1000.0
    return temp

def correct_humidity(humidity, temperature, corr_temperature):
    dewpoint = temperature - ((100 - humidity) / 5)
    corr_humidity = 100 - (5 * (corr_temperature - dewpoint))
    return min(100, corr_humidity)

def analyse_pressure(pressure, t):
    global time_vals, pressure_vals, trend
    if len(pressure_vals) > num_vals:
        pressure_vals = pressure_vals[1:] + [pressure]
        time_vals = time_vals[1:] + [t]

        # Calculate line of best fit
        line = numpy.polyfit(time_vals, pressure_vals, 1, full=True)

        # Calculate slope, variance, and confidence
        slope = line[0][0]
        intercept = line[0][1]
        variance = numpy.var(pressure_vals)
        residuals = numpy.var([(slope * x + intercept - y) for x, y in zip(time_vals, pressure_vals)])
        r_squared = 1 - residuals / variance

        # Calculate change in pressure per hour
        change_per_hour = slope * 60 * 60
        # variance_per_hour = variance * 60 * 60

        mean_pressure = numpy.mean(pressure_vals)

        # Calculate trend
        if r_squared > 0.5:
            if change_per_hour > 0.5:
                trend = ">"
            elif change_per_hour < -0.5:
                trend = "<"
            elif -0.5 <= change_per_hour <= 0.5:
                trend = "-"

            if trend != "-":
                if abs(change_per_hour) > 3:
                    trend *= 2
        mean_pressure = numpy.mean(pressure_vals)
        change_per_hour = 0
        trend = "-"

    # time.sleep(interval)
    return (mean_pressure, change_per_hour, trend)

def describe_pressure(pressure):
    """Convert pressure into barometer-type description."""
    if pressure < 970:
        description = "storm"
    elif 970 <= pressure < 990:
        description = "rain"
    elif 990 <= pressure < 1010:
        description = "change"
    elif 1010 <= pressure < 1030:
        description = "fair"
    elif pressure >= 1030:
        description = "dry"
        description = ""
    return description

def describe_humidity(humidity):
    """Convert relative humidity into good/bad description."""
    if 40 < humidity < 60:
        description = "good"
        description = "bad"
    return description

def describe_light(light):
    """Convert light level in lux to descriptive value."""
    if light < 50:
        description = "dark"
    elif 50 <= light < 100:
        description = "dim"
    elif 100 <= light < 500:
        description = "light"
    elif light >= 500:
        description = "bright"
    return description

# Initialise the LCD
disp = ST7735.ST7735(


WIDTH = disp.width
HEIGHT = disp.height

# The city and timezone that you want to display.
city_name = "Tokyo"
time_zone = "Asia/Tokyo"

# Values that alter the look of the background
blur = 50
opacity = 125

mid_hue = 0
day_hue = 25

sun_radius = 50

# Fonts
font_sm = ImageFont.truetype(UserFont, 12)
font_lg = ImageFont.truetype(UserFont, 14)

# Margins
margin = 3

# Set up BME280 weather sensor
bus = SMBus(1)
bme280 = BME280(i2c_dev=bus)

min_temp = None
max_temp = None

factor = 2.25
cpu_temps = [get_cpu_temperature()] * 5

# Set up light sensor
ltr559 = LTR559()

# Pressure variables
pressure_vals = []
time_vals = []
num_vals = 1000
interval = 1
trend = "-"

# Keep track of time elapsed
start_time = time.time()

while True:
    path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    progress, period, day, local_dt = sun_moon_time(city_name, time_zone)
    background = draw_background(progress, period, day)

    # Time.
    time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
    date_string = local_dt.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
    time_string = local_dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    img = overlay_text(background, (0 + margin, 0 + margin), date_string, font_lg)
    img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin, 0 + margin), time_string, font_lg, align_right=True)

    # Temperature
    temperature = bme280.get_temperature()

    # Corrected temperature
    cpu_temp = get_cpu_temperature()
    cpu_temps = cpu_temps[1:] + [cpu_temp]
    avg_cpu_temp = sum(cpu_temps) / float(len(cpu_temps))
    corr_temperature = temperature - ((avg_cpu_temp - temperature) / factor)

    if time_elapsed > 30:
        if min_temp is not None and max_temp is not None:
            if corr_temperature < min_temp:
                min_temp = corr_temperature
            elif corr_temperature > max_temp:
                max_temp = corr_temperature
            min_temp = corr_temperature
            max_temp = corr_temperature

    temp_string = f"{corr_temperature:.0f}°C"
    img = overlay_text(img, (68, 18), temp_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
    spacing = font_lg.getsize(temp_string)[1] + 1
    if min_temp is not None and max_temp is not None:
        range_string = f"{min_temp:.0f}-{max_temp:.0f}"
        range_string = "------"
    img = overlay_text(img, (68, 18 + spacing), range_string, font_sm, align_right=True, rectangle=True)
    temp_icon = Image.open(f"{path}/icons/temperature.png")
    img.paste(temp_icon, (margin, 18), mask=temp_icon)

    # Humidity
    humidity = bme280.get_humidity()
    corr_humidity = correct_humidity(humidity, temperature, corr_temperature)
    humidity_string = f"{corr_humidity:.0f}%"
    img = overlay_text(img, (68, 48), humidity_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
    spacing = font_lg.getsize(humidity_string)[1] + 1
    humidity_desc = describe_humidity(corr_humidity).upper()
    img = overlay_text(img, (68, 48 + spacing), humidity_desc, font_sm, align_right=True, rectangle=True)
    humidity_icon = Image.open(f"{path}/icons/humidity-{humidity_desc.lower()}.png")
    img.paste(humidity_icon, (margin, 48), mask=humidity_icon)

    # Light
    light = ltr559.get_lux()
    light_string = f"{int(light):,}"
    img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin, 18), light_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
    spacing = font_lg.getsize(light_string.replace(",", ""))[1] + 1
    light_desc = describe_light(light).upper()
    img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin - 1, 18 + spacing), light_desc, font_sm, align_right=True, rectangle=True)
    light_icon = Image.open(f"{path}/icons/bulb-{light_desc.lower()}.png")
    img.paste(humidity_icon, (80, 18), mask=light_icon)

    # Pressure
    pressure = bme280.get_pressure()
    t = time.time()
    mean_pressure, change_per_hour, trend = analyse_pressure(pressure, t)
    pressure_string = f"{int(mean_pressure):,} {trend}"
    img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin, 48), pressure_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
    pressure_desc = describe_pressure(mean_pressure).upper()
    spacing = font_lg.getsize(pressure_string.replace(",", ""))[1] + 1
    img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin - 1, 48 + spacing), pressure_desc, font_sm, align_right=True, rectangle=True)
    pressure_icon = Image.open(f"{path}/icons/weather-{pressure_desc.lower()}.png")
    img.paste(pressure_icon, (80, 48), mask=pressure_icon)

    # Display image

    time.sleep(0.5) # 500ms sleep





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