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[Java11] Stream 使い方まとめ -基本編-

Last updated at Posted at 2019-12-10







  • 本記事はJava11の仕様に基づいて書いています
  • 全てのメソッドを網羅しているわけではありません
  • わかりやすいように1操作ごとに変数に置いていますが、実際は1文で書くことが好ましいです
  • また、中間操作では各操作後のStreamの中身の変化をコメントで表していますが、実際は終端操作をするまでは中間操作は行われないことに留意してください



class Widget {
    private Color color;
    private int weight;
    private String text;
    private List<Widget> childWeights = new ArrayList<>();
    public Widget(Color color, int weight) {
        this.color = color;
        this.weight = weight;
    public Widget(Color color, int weight, String text) {
        this(color, weight);
        this.text = text;
    public Color getColor() {
        return color;
    public int getWeight() {
        return weight;
    public Optional<String> getText() {
        return Optional.ofNullable(text);
    public List<Widget> getChildWeights() {
        return childWeights;
    public void setChildWeights(List<Widget> childWeights) {
       this.childWeights = childWeights;
    public boolean isColorRed() {
        return color == RED;
    public boolean isColorBlue() {
        return color == BLUE;
    public String toString() {
        return "Widget {color: " + color + ", weigth: " + weight + "}";
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        Widget w = (Widget) o;
        return this.color == w.color && this.weight == w.weight;


⭐️ List・Set・Mapから


Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

// Listから
List<Widget> list = List.of(a, b, c); // [a, b, c]
Stream<Widget> listToStream = list.stream(); // <a, b, c>
// Setから
Set<Widget> set = Set.of(a, b, c); // {a, b, c}
Stream<Widget> setToStream = set.stream(); // <a, b, c>
// Mapから
Map<Long, Widget> map = Map.of(1L, a, 2L, b, 3L, c); // {1L : a, 2L : b, 3L : c}
Stream<Long> mapKeyToStream = map.keySet().stream(); // <1L, 2L, 3L>
Stream<Widget> mapValueToStream = map.values().stream(); // <a, b, c>
Stream<Entry<Long, Widget>> mapToStream = map.entrySet().stream(); // <{1L : a}, {2L : b}, {3L : c}>


Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

// Listから
List<Widget> list = List.of(a, b, c); // [a, b, c]
Stream<Widget> listToStream = list.parallelStream(); // <a, b, c>
// Setから
Set<Widget> set = Set.of(a, b, c); // {a, b, c}
Stream<Widget> setToStream = set.parallelStream(); // <a, b, c>
// Mapから
Map<Long, Widget> map = Map.of(1L, a, 2L, b, 3L, c); // {1L : a, 2L : b, 3L : c}
Stream<Long> mapKeyToStream = map.keySet().parallelStream(); // <1L, 2L, 3L>
Stream<Widget> mapValueToStream = map.values().parallelStream(); // <a, b, c>
Stream<Entry<Long, Widget>> mapToStream = map.entrySet().parallelStream(); // <{1L : a}, {2L : b}, {3L : c}>


Widget[] arr = {a, b, c};
Stream<Widget> arrayToStream = Arrays.stream(arr); // <a, b, c>



Stream<Long> stream1 = Stream.of(100L); // <100L>

// × エラー
Stream<Long> stream2 = Stream.of(null); // <null> ?


Stream<Long> stream1 = Stream.of(100L, 200L); // <100L, 200L>
Stream<String> stream2 = Stream.of("A", "B", "C", null); // <"A", "B", "C", null>

Stream<Long> stream3 = Stream.of(null, null); // <null, null>


Stream<Long> stream1 = Stream.ofNullable(100L); // <100L>

Stream<Long> stream2 = Stream.ofNullable(null); // <>
Stream<Long> stream3 = Stream.empty(); // <>


⭐️ 2個のStreamから

Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Stream<Widget> stream2 = Stream.of(x, y, z); // <x, y, z>
Stream<Widget> stream3 = Stream.concat(stream1, stream2); // <a, b, c, x, y, z>



Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b); // <a, b>
Stream<Widget> stream2 = Stream.of(c, d); // <c, d>
Stream<Widget> stream3 = Stream.of(e, f); // <e, f>
Stream<Widget> stream4 = Stream.of(g, h); // <g, h>
Stream<Stream<Widget>> stream5_1 = Stream.of(stream1, stream2, stream3, stream4); // <<a, b>, <c, d>, <e, f>, <g, h>>
Stream<Widget> stream5_2 = stream5_1.flatMap(UnaryOperator.identity()); // <a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h>


IntStream stream1To4 = IntStream.range(1, 5); // IntStream<1, 2, 3, 4>
IntStream stream1To5 = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5); // IntStream<1, 2, 3, 4, 5>


⭐️ マッピング

1 : 1 変換

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

// Widget -> Color
Stream<Widget> stream1_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Stream<Color> stream1_2 = stream1_1.map(Widget::getColor); // <RED, RED, BLUE>

// Widget -> 重さ(int)
Stream<Widget> stream2_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Stream<Integer> stream2_2 = stream2_1.map(Widget::getWeight); // <10, 15, 20>

// number -> number * 2
IntStream stream3_1 = IntStream.range(1, 5); // IntStream<1, 2, 3, 4>
IntStream stream3_2 = stream3_1.map(i -> i * 2); // IntStream<2, 4, 6, 8>

1 : 0..N 変換

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget a_1 = new Widget(RED, 1);
Widget a_2 = new Widget(RED, 2);
Widget a_3 = new Widget(RED, 4);
a.setChildWeights(List.of(a_1, a_2, a_3));
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget b_1 = new Widget(RED, 8);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

// Widget -> それぞれの子Widget
Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Stream<List<Widget>> stream2 = stream1.map(Widget::getChildWeights); // <[a_1, a_2, a_3], [b_1], []>
Stream<Widget> stream3 = stream2.flatMap(Collection::stream); // <a_1, a_2, a_3, b_1>

1 : 0..1 変換

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10, "A");
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15, "B");
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

// Widget -> text(String)
Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Stream<Optional<String>> stream2 = stream1.map(Widget::getText); // <<"A">, <"B">, <>>
Stream<String> stream3 = stream2.flatMap(Optional::stream); // <"A", "B">


Stream<Integer> stream1_1 = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4); // <1, 2, 3, 4>
IntStream stream1_2 = stream1_1.mapToInt(i -> i); // IntStream<1, 2, 3, 4>


IntStream stream1_1 = IntStream.range(1, 5); // IntStream<1, 2, 3, 4>
Stream<Integer> stream1_2 = stream1_1.boxed(); // <1, 2, 3, 4>

IntStream stream2_1 = IntStream.range(1, 5); // IntStream<1, 2, 3, 4>
Stream<String> stream2_2 = stream2_1.mapToObj(i -> String.valueOf(i)); // <"1", "2", "3", "4">

⭐️ フィルター

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);
Widget d = new Widget(GREEN, 25);

// 赤色のものを抽出
Stream<Widget> stream1_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c, d); // <a, b, c, d>
Stream<Widget> stream1_2 = stream1_1.filter(Widget::isColorRed); // <a, b>
// 重さが10より大きいものを抽出
Stream<Widget> stream1_3 = Stream.of(a, b, c, d); // <a, b, c, d>
Stream<Widget> stream1_4 = stream1_3.filter(w -> w.getWeight() > 10); // <b, c, d>

// 赤色でないものを抽出(1)
Stream<Widget> stream2_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c, d); // <a, b, c, d>
Stream<Widget> stream2_2 = stream2_1.filter(w -> !w.isColorRed()); // <c, d>
// 赤色でないものを抽出(2)
Stream<Widget> stream2_3 = Stream.of(a, b, c, d); // <a, b, c, d>
Stream<Widget> stream2_4 = stream2_2.filter(Predicate.not(Widget::isColorRed)); // <c, d>

// 等価のものを抽出(1)
Stream<Widget> stream3_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c, d, null); // <a, b, c, d, null>
Stream<Widget> stream3_2= stream3_1.filter(w -> Objects.equals(w, new Widget(RED, 15))); // <b>
// 等価のものを抽出(2)
Stream<Widget> stream3_3 = Stream.of(a, b, c, d, null); // <a, b, c, d, null>
Stream<Widget> stream3_4= stream3_3.filter(Predicate.isEqual(new Widget(RED, 15))); // <b>

// 赤色か青色のものを抽出(1)
Stream<Widget> stream4_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c, d); // <a, b, c, d>
Stream<Widget> stream4_2 = stream4_1.filter(w -> w.isColorRed() || w.isColorBlue()); // <a, b, c>
// 赤色か青色のものを抽出(2)
Stream<Widget> stream4_3 = Stream.of(a, b, c, d); // <a, b, c, d>
Predicate<Widget> isColorRed = Widget::isColorRed; 
// Widget::isColorRedがPredicateである保証がないため
// filter((Widget::isColorRed).or(Widget::isColorBlue))とは書けない
Stream<Widget> stream4_4 = stream4_2.filter(isColorRed.or(Widget::isColorBlue)); // <a, b, c>


Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);

Stream<Widget> stream1_1 = Stream.of(a, a, b, b, null, null); // <a, a, b, b, null, null>
Stream<Widget> stream1_2 = stream1_1.distinct(); // <a, b, null>

⭐️ ソート

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10, "A");
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15, "B");
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);
Widget d = new Widget(GREEN, 25;

// 重さでソート
Stream<Widget> stream1_1 = Stream.of(b, c, a); // <b, c, a>
Stream<Widget> stream1_2 = stream1_1.sorted(Comparator.comparing(Widget::getWeight)); // <a, b, c>

// 重さでソート(降順)
Stream<Widget> stream2_1 = Stream.of(b, c, a); // <b, c, a>
Stream<Widget> stream2_2 = stream2_1.sorted(Comparator.comparing(Widget::getWeight, Comparator.reverseOrder())); // <c, b, a>

// テキストでソート(nullを最初にする)
Stream<Widget> stream3_1 = Stream.of(b, c, a); // <b, c, a>
Stream<Widget> stream3_2 = stream3_1.sorted(Comparator.comparing(w -> w.getText().orElse(null), Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.naturalOrder()))); <c, a, b>

// 第一ソート: 赤色か, 第二ソート: 重さ
Stream<Widget> stream4_1 = Stream.of(b, c, a, d); // <b, c, a, d>
Stream<Widget> stream4_2 = stream4_1.sorted(Comparator.comparing(Widget::isColorRed).thenComparing(Widget::getWeight)); // <c, d, a, b>


Stream<Integer> stream1 = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // <1, 2, 3, 4, 5>
Stream<Integer> stream2 = stream1.limit(3); // <1, 2, 3>


Stream<Integer> stream1 = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // <1, 2, 3, 4, 5>
Stream<Integer> stream2 = stream1.skip(2); // <3, 4, 5>


⭐️ Listを作成

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

Stream<Widget> stream = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
List<Widget> list = stream.collect(Collectors.toList()); // [a, b, c]


Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

Stream<Widget> stream = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Set<Widget> set = stream.collect(Collectors.toSet()); // {a, b, c}

⭐️ Mapを作成

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Map<Integer, Color> map1 = stream.collect(Collectors.toMap(Widget::getWeight, Widget::getColor)); // {10: RED, 15: RED, 20: BLUE}

Stream<Widget> stream2_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Map<Color, Widget> map2_1 = stream.collect(Collectors.toMap(Widget::getColor, UnaryOperator.identity(), (w1, w2) -> w1)); // {RED: a, BLUE: c}
Stream<Widget> stream2_2 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Map<Color, Widget> map2_2 = stream.collect(Collectors.toMap(Widget::getColor, UnaryOperator.identity(), (w1, w2) -> w2)); // {RED: b, BLUE: c}
// × エラー (キーが衝突する場合は先の方と後の方のどちらを優先するかを指定する必要がある)
Stream<Widget> stream2_3 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Map<Color, Widget> map2_3 = stream.collect(Collectors.toMap(Widget::getColor, UnaryOperator.identity())); 

Stream<Widget> stream3 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Map<Color, List<Widget>> map3 = stream3.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Widget::getColor)); // {RED: [a, b], BLUE: [c]}

⭐️ 繰り返し処理(forEach)

Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3); // <1, 2, 3>
// 標準出力:
// 1
// 2
// 3


Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3); // <1, 2, 3>
long cnt = stream.count(); // 3L

⭐️ 文字列を結合

Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of("A", "B", "C"); // <"A", "B", "C">
String str1 = stream1.collect(Collectors.joining()); // "ABC"

Stream<Widget> stream2 = Stream.of("A", "B", "C"); // <"A", "B", "C">
String str2 = stream2.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); // "A, B, C"

Stream<Widget> stream3 = Stream.of("A", "B", "C"); // <"A", "B", "C">
String str3 = stream3.collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "[", "]")); // "[A, B, C]"


Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

Stream<Widget> stream1_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
IntStream stream1_2 = stream1_1.mapToInt(Widget::getWeight); // <10, 15, 20>
int sum1 = stream1_2.sum(); // 45

Stream<Widget> stream2_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
int sum2 = stream2.collect(Collectors.summingInt(Widget::getWeight)); // 45

⭐️ 最大値を取得

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Optional<Widget> widget = stream1.max(Comparator.comparing(Widget::getWeight)); // <c>

Stream<Widget> stream2_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
IntStream stream2_2 = stream2_1.mapToInt(Widget::getWeight); // <10, 15, 20>
OptionalInt max = stream2_2.max(); // <20>

⭐️ 最小値を取得

Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
Optional<Widget> widget = stream1.min(Comparator.comparing(Widget::getWeight)); // <a>

Stream<Widget> stream2_1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
IntStream stream2_2 = stream2_1.mapToInt(Widget::getWeight); // <10, 15, 20>
OptionalInt min = stream2_2.min(); // <10>

⭐️ 最初の要素を取得

Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3); // <1, 2, 3>
Optional<Integer> n = stream.findFirst() // <1>

⭐️ 任意の要素を取得

Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3); // <1, 2, 3>
Optional<Integer> n = stream.findAny() // <1>

⭐️ 真偽値を返す


Widget a = new Widget(RED, 10);
Widget b = new Widget(RED, 15);
Widget c = new Widget(BLUE, 20);

Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b, c); // <a, b, c>
boolean bool1 = stream1.anyMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // true

Stream<Widget> stream2 = Stream.of(c); // <c>
boolean bool2 = stream2.anyMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // false

Stream<Widget> stream3 = Stream.of(); // <>
boolean bool3 = stream3.anyMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // false



Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(a, b); // <a, b>
boolean bool1 = stream1.allMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // true

Stream<Widget> stream2 = Stream.of(b, c); // <b, c>
boolean bool2 = stream2.allMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // false

Stream<Widget> stream3 = Stream.of(); // <>
boolean bool3 = stream3.allMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // true



Stream<Widget> stream1 = Stream.of(c); // <c>
boolean bool1 = stream1.noneMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // true

Stream<Widget> stream2 = Stream.of(b, c); // <a, b, c>
boolean bool2 = stream2.noneMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // false

Stream<Widget> stream3 = Stream.of(); // <>
boolean bool3 = stream3.noneMatch(Widget::isColorRed); // true

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