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オープンソース界隈における2022年の政府系&法的トピックをふり返る (A Look Back at Governmental & Legal Topics in the Open Source Community in 2022)

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-20




  • Apache log4j 脆弱性(CVE-2021-44228)問題
  • 米国防総省のソフトウェア調達におけるOSSを第一優先とする指針
  • GitHub Copilot 集団訴訟

Apache log4j 脆弱性(CVE-2021-44228)問題







SUBJECT: Software Development and Open Source Software

A. Employee participation in OSS projects used by DoD is often in the Government's interest, and is typically a legitimate use of government resources when the Government uses the software in question, either directly, as a component of a larger government system, or as a component of underlying government infrastructure.

(1) Government employees may contribute to existing OSS projects (including being the primary maintainer) as part of their official duties, so long as they consult with their supervisor first to ensure a common-sense approach for contributions that preserve Operations Security (OPSEC) and further the Government's interests.

(2) Contractors may contribute to OSS projects at government expense when the government task monitor authorizes such activity as being in the Government's interest, subject to the scope and provisions of the contract.

B. Creating a separate, DoD-specific version of any OSS project, for any reason, increases support risk and should be avoided whenever possible. Creating such a DoD-specific fork creates risk by requiring separate maintenance, reducing access to software capabilities from the OSS community, and may require the Department to assume full management responsibility of the software's source code, thereby increasing costs.

C. Any improvements or new capabilities added to an OSS project should be contributed back to the upstream open source project via pull/merge request, in accordance with the processes used by that project



4. オープンソースソフトウェアプロジェクトへの貢献

A. 国防総省が利用する OSS プロジェクトへの従業員の参加は、多くの場合、政府の利益につながるものであり、政府が当該ソフトウェアを直接、大規模な政府システムの構成要素として、または基礎となる政府インフラの構成要素として使用する場合、通常、政府リソースの正当な利用となる。

(1) 政府職員は、運用セキュリティ(OPSEC)を維持し政府の利益を促進する貢献のための常識的なアプローチを確保するために上司と最初に相談する限り、公務の一環として既存のOSSプロジェクトに貢献(主要なメンテナーになることを含む)することができる

(2) 政府のタスク・モニター(※)が、契約の範囲および条項に従って、当該活動が政府の利益となることを承認した場合、請負業者は、政府費用でOSSプロジェクトに貢献することができる
 (※) 契約管理を行う専門職?のようです

B. いかなる理由であれ、OSS プロジェクトの国防総省固有の別バージョンを作成することは、サポートリスクを高めるため、可能な限り回避されるべきである。そのような国防総省固有のフォークの作成は、個別の保守を必要とし、OSSコミュニティからのソフトウェアの機能へのアクセスを減少させ、ソフトウェアのソースコードの完全な管理責任を省が負うことを必要と場合があり、それによってコストが増加するため、リスクを生じさせる。

C. OSSプロジェクトに追加された改良または新しい機能は、そのプロジェクトで使用されているプロセスに従って、プル/マージ要求を通じて上流のオープンソースプロジェクトにコントリビュートされるべきである



GitHub Copilot の集団訴訟

関数名やコメントから関数のコードを自動補完するAIプログラミング機能として2021年に鮮烈デビューを果たしたGitHub Copilotですが、その出力はOSSのコードスニペットを含んでいるにもかかわらず著作権帰属やライセンス(情報・文書)が削除されておりライセンス違反にあたるのではないかという指摘がされていました。この問題が今年ついに集団訴訟につながるという事態に発展しました。

GitHub Copilotに集団訴訟 AI訓練データで初 (クラウドWatch)

GitHub CopilotにかぎらずAIと訓練データとしてのオープンソース・オープンデータの問題は以前から議論がされていましたが、この集団訴訟により一つの判例=結論がでるということになりそうなので継続して注視が必要そうです。

GitHub CEOが来日、会見で開発者体験の重要性をアピール 「開発者を幸福にすることで成功をおさめられる」 (クラウドWatch)





いわゆるJASRAC 対 音楽教室、教師の演奏については著作権使用料の請求対象、生徒の演奏については対象外ということで確定しました。




The year 2022 will soon come to an end, so I thought I would take a look back at the topics that have been discussed over the past year or so....
However, I think it is no exaggeration to say that the topics can be summarized as follows.

  • Apache log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)
  • U.S. Department of Defense's guideline to give first priority to OSS in software procurement
  • GitHub Copilot class action lawsuit

Apache log4j Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)

The issue itself started in late November 2021... but with the release of the version (2.15.0) that fixed CVE-2021-44228 around December 10, it was widely reported in the news and other media, and the uproar was not resolved with this single fix/update. The vulnerabilities were discovered one after another without being resolved in a single fix/update, and because of the time difference, especially in Japan, the vulnerabilities were discovered during the year-end and New Year holidays, many organizations probably had to wait over the New Year's holidays to see the first disturbances of the year.
The vulnerability issue left a lot of confusion and challenges, including the following

U.S. Department of Defense Guideline to "Make OSS First Priority" in Software Procurement

The U.S. Department of Defense's policy of "giving first priority to OSS" in software procurement has also left a lasting impression.
This policy was more than just the priority given to OSS, of course, but the fact that it went as far as to prohibit DoD employees from participating in and contributing to OSS projects as part of their official duties, to prohibit the creation of DoD-specific forks as much as possible, and to encourage contributions to upstream.... I think the impact was significant.

Source: https://dodcio.defense.gov/Portals/0/Documents/Library/SoftwareDev-OpenSource.pdf

Software Development and Open Source Software


A. Employee participation in OSS projects used by DoD is often in the Government's interest, and is typically a legitimate use of government resources when the Government uses the software in question, either directly, as a component of a larger government system, or as a component of underlying government infrastructure.

(1) Government employees may contribute to existing OSS projects (including being the primary maintainer) as part of their official duties, so long as they consult with their supervisor first to ensure a common-sense approach for contributions that preserve Operations Security (OPSEC) and further the Government's interests.

(2) Contractors may contribute to OSS projects at government expense when the government task monitor authorizes such activity as being in the Government's interest, subject to the scope and provisions of the contract.

B. Creating a separate, DoD-specific version of any OSS project, for any reason, increases support risk and should be avoided whenever possible. Creating such a DoD-specific fork creates risk by requiring separate maintenance, reducing access to software capabilities from the OSS community, and may require the Department to assume full management responsibility of the software's source code, thereby increasing costs.

C. Any improvements or new capabilities added to an OSS project should be contributed back to the upstream open source project via pull/merge request, in accordance with the processes used by that project

Incidentally, in Japan, there was a move by the Fair Trade Commission to consider vendor lock-in as a problem in procuring systems for public offices & to encourage open systems.

GitHub Copilot Class Action Lawsuit

GitHub Copilot made a strong debut in 2021 as an AI programming function that automatically completes function code from function names and comments, but its output has had its copyright attribution and license (information and documentation) removed even though it contains OSS code snippets, and It has been pointed out that this may be a violation of the license. This issue finally led to a class action lawsuit this year.

GitHub Copilot Sued in Class Action First for AI Training Data (Cloud Watch)

The issue of open source and open data as AI and training data has been discussed for a long time, not only for GitHub Copilot, but it seems that this class action lawsuit will set a precedent and conclusion, so we will have to keep an eye on it.

GitHub CEO visits Japan, stresses importance of developer experience at press conference: "We can be successful by making developers happy" (Cloud Watch)

During the Q&A session, reporters asked about copyright and licensing of code written in Copilot, and Dohmke began by saying that There is a setting in Copilot that blocks proposals based on code published on GitHub.

He seems to be saying that the rest of the output is ok? Isn't it possible that there is a rights issue but the comment line has been erased & the code is not publicly available so it can't be discovered or something like that? I have so many questions.

Other & Extra

The following are links only, as I cannot say anything irresponsible or careless in terms of material.

This is not related to OSS, but there was also this one that became a hot topic in copyright-related issues.
The so-called "JASRAC v. Music Schools" case was decided, in which teachers' performances are subject to copyright royalty charges, while students' performances are not.


There have been quite a few big topics here and there this year. I am trembling now that I realize that it has already been more than a year since the Log4j vulnerability was discovered. Time flies...



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