
Route 53でドメイン登録時のstateが必須になったらしい件

Last updated at Posted at 2023-12-21



Aws::Route53Domains::Errors::TLDRulesViolation [ADMIN.STATE not allowed, expected one of the following: JP-01, JP-02, JP-03, JP-04, JP-05, JP-06, JP-07, JP-08, JP-09, JP-10, JP-11, JP-12, JP-13, JP-14, JP-15, JP-16, JP-17, JP-18, JP-19, JP-20, JP-21, JP-22, JP-23, JP-24, JP-25, JP-26, JP-27, JP-28, JP-29, JP-30, JP-31, JP-32, JP-33, JP-34, JP-35, JP-36, JP-37, JP-38, JP-39, JP-40, JP-41, JP-42, JP-43, JP-44, JP-45, JP-46, JP-47, OWNER.STATE not allowed, expected one of the following: JP-01, JP-02, JP-03, JP-04, JP-05, JP-06, JP-07, JP-08, JP-09, JP-10, JP-11, JP-12, JP-13, JP-14, JP-15, JP-16, JP-17, JP-18, JP-19, JP-20, JP-21, JP-22, JP-23, JP-24, JP-25, JP-26, JP-27, JP-28, JP-29, JP-30, JP-31, JP-32, JP-33, JP-34, JP-35, JP-36, JP-37, JP-38, JP-39, JP-40, JP-41, JP-42, JP-43, JP-44, JP-45, JP-46, JP-47, TECH.STATE not allowed, expected one of the following: JP-01, JP-02, JP-03, JP-04, JP-05, JP-06, JP-07, JP-08, JP-09, JP-10, JP-11, JP-12, JP-13, JP-14, JP-15, JP-16, JP-17, JP-18, JP-19, JP-20, JP-21, JP-22, JP-23, JP-24, JP-25, JP-26, JP-27, JP-28, JP-29, JP-30, JP-31, JP-32, JP-33, JP-34, JP-35, JP-36, JP-37, JP-38, JP-39, JP-40, JP-41, JP-42, JP-43, JP-44, JP-45, JP-46, JP-47, BILL.STATE not allowed, expected one of the following: JP-01, JP-02, JP-03, JP-04, JP-05, JP-06, JP-07, JP-08, JP-09, JP-10, JP-11, JP-12, JP-13, JP-14, JP-15, JP-16, JP-17, JP-18, JP-19, JP-20, JP-21, JP-22, JP-23, JP-24, JP-25, JP-26, JP-27, JP-28, JP-29, JP-30, JP-31, JP-32, JP-33, JP-34, JP-35, JP-36, JP-37, JP-38, JP-39, JP-40, JP-41, JP-42, JP-43, JP-44, JP-45, JP-46, JP-47]

従来、Route 53でのドメイン登録において state は入力不要とされていたのが、仕様変更となった模様。
サーバー側でバリデーションが実行されているので、おそらくRuby SDKに限った事象ではないはず。






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