以前投稿した Ansible 2.0 の新モジュール、新オプション一覧 の Ansible 2.2 版です。Ansible 2.2 の CHANGELOG と合わせてご参考ください。
Modules added in version 2.2
Cloud Modules
- atomic_host (E) - Manage the atomic host platform
- atomic_image (E) - Manage the container images on the atomic host platform
- cloudformation_facts (E) - Obtain facts about an AWS CloudFormation stack
- cloudwatchevent_rule (E) - Manage CloudWatch Event rules and targets
- cs_router (E) - Manages routers on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- cs_snapshot_policy (E) - Manages volume snapshot policies on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- digital_ocean_block_storage - Create/destroy or attach/detach Block Storage volumes in DigitalOcean
- digital_ocean_tag - Create and remove tag(s) to DigitalOcean resource.
- docker_network - Manage Docker networks
- ec2_asg_facts (E) - Gather facts about ec2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS
- ec2_customer_gateway (E) - Manage an AWS customer gateway
- ec2_lc_find (E) - Find AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
- ec2_vpc_dhcp_options_facts (E) - Gather facts about dhcp options sets in AWS
- ec2_vpc_nacl (E) - create and delete Network ACLs.
- ec2_vpc_nacl_facts (E) - Gather facts about Network ACLs in an AWS VPC
- ec2_vpc_nat_gateway (E) - Manage AWS VPC NAT Gateways.
- ec2_vpc_peer (E) - create, delete, accept, and reject VPC peering connections between two VPCs.
- ec2_vpc_vgw (E) - Create and delete AWS VPN Virtual Gateways.
- efs (E) - create and maintain EFS file systems
- efs_facts (E) - Get information about Amazon EFS file systems
- execute_lambda (E) - Execute an AWS Lambda function
- gcdns_record (E) - Creates or removes resource records in Google Cloud DNS
- gcdns_zone (E) - Creates or removes zones in Google Cloud DNS
- gce_mig - Create, Update or Destroy a Managed Instance Group (MIG).
- iam_mfa_device_facts (E) - List the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) devices registered for a user
- iam_server_certificate_facts (E) - Retrieve the facts of a server certificate
- kinesis_stream (E) - Manage a Kinesis Stream.
- lambda (E) - Manage AWS Lambda functions
- lambda_alias (E) - Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function aliases.
- lambda_event (E) - Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function event mappings.
- lambda_facts (E) - Gathers AWS Lambda function details as Ansible facts
- lxd_container (E) - Manage LXD Containers
- lxd_profile (E) - Manage LXD profiles
- os_keystone_service (E) - Manage OpenStack Identity services
- os_recordset (E) - Manage OpenStack DNS recordsets
- os_server_group (E) - Manage OpenStack server groups
- os_stack (E) - Add/Remove Heat Stack
- os_zone (E) - Manage OpenStack DNS zones
- ovh_ip_loadbalancing_backend (E) - Manage OVH IP LoadBalancing backends
- ovirt_auth (E) - Module to manage authentication to oVirt.
- ovirt_disks (E) - Module to manage Virtual Machine and floating disks in oVirt.
- ovirt_vms (E) - Module to manage Virtual Machines in oVirt.
- rhevm (E) - RHEV/oVirt automation
- s3_website (E) - Configure an s3 bucket as a website
- smartos_image_facts (E) - Get SmartOS image details.
- sts_session_token (E) - Obtain a session token from the AWS Security Token Service
- vmware_guest (E) - Manages virtualmachines in vcenter
- vmware_local_user_manager (E) - Manage local users on an ESXi host
- vmware_vmotion (E) - Move a virtual machine using vMotion
Database Modules
Files Modules
Identity Modules
Monitoring Modules
- honeybadger_deployment (E) - Notify Honeybadger.io about app deployments
- logicmonitor (E) - Manage your LogicMonitor account through Ansible Playbooks
- logicmonitor_facts (E) - Collect facts about LogicMonitor objects
- sensu_subscription (E) - Manage Sensu subscriptions
- statusio_maintenance (E) - Create maintenance windows for your status.io dashboard
Network Modules
- asa_acl (E) - Manage access-lists on a Cisco ASA
- asa_command (E) - Run arbitrary commands on Cisco ASA devices.
- asa_config (E) - Manage Cisco ASA configuration sections
- bigip_device_dns (E) - Manage BIG-IP device DNS settings
- bigip_device_ntp (E) - Manage NTP servers on a BIG-IP
- bigip_device_sshd (E) - Manage the SSHD settings of a BIG-IP
- bigip_gtm_datacenter (E) - Manage Datacenter configuration in BIG-IP
- bigip_gtm_virtual_server (E) - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM virtual servers
- bigip_irule (E) - Manage iRules across different modules on a BIG-IP.
- bigip_routedomain (E) - Manage route domains on a BIG-IP
- bigip_selfip (E) - Manage Self-IPs on a BIG-IP system
- bigip_ssl_certificate (E) - Import/Delete certificates from BIG-IP
- bigip_sys_db (E) - Manage BIG-IP system database variables
- bigip_vlan (E) - Manage VLANs on a BIG-IP system
- dellos10_command - Run commands on remote devices running Dell OS10
- dellos10_config - Manage Dell OS10 configuration sections
- dellos10_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Dell OS10
- dellos6_command - Run commands on remote devices running Dell OS6
- dellos6_config - Manage Dell OS6 configuration sections
- dellos6_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Dell OS6
- dellos9_command - Run commands on remote devices running Dell OS9
- dellos9_config - Manage Dell OS9 configuration sections
- dellos9_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Dell OS9
- dladm_etherstub (E) - Manage etherstubs on Solaris/illumos systems.
- dladm_vnic (E) - Manage VNICs on Solaris/illumos systems.
- eos_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Arista EOS
- exo_dns_domain (E) - Manages domain records on Exoscale DNS API.
- exo_dns_record (E) - Manages DNS records on Exoscale DNS.
- flowadm (E) - Manage bandwidth resource control and priority for protocols, services and zones.
- ios_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running IOS
- iosxr_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running IOS-XR
- ipadm_if (E) - Manage IP interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems.
- ipadm_prop (E) - Manage protocol properties on Solaris/illumos systems.
- netconf_config (E) - netconf device configuration
- nxos_aaa_server - Manages AAA server global configuration.
- nxos_aaa_server_host - Manages AAA server host-specific configuration.
- nxos_acl - Manages access list entries for ACLs.
- nxos_acl_interface - Manages applying ACLs to interfaces.
- nxos_bgp - Manages BGP configuration.
- nxos_bgp_af - Manages BGP Address-family configuration.
- nxos_bgp_neighbor - Manages BGP neighbors configurations.
- nxos_bgp_neighbor_af - Manages BGP address-family’s neighbors configuration.
- nxos_evpn_global - Handles the EVPN control plane for VXLAN.
- nxos_evpn_vni - Manages Cisco EVPN VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI).
- nxos_file_copy - Copy a file to a remote NXOS device over SCP.
- nxos_gir - Trigger a graceful removal or insertion (GIR) of the switch.
- nxos_gir_profile - Create a maintenance-mode or normal-mode profile for GIR.
- nxos_hsrp - Manages HSRP configuration on NX-OS switches.
- nxos_igmp - Manages IGMP global configuration.
- nxos_igmp_interface - Manages IGMP interface configuration.
- nxos_igmp_snooping - Manages IGMP snooping global configuration.
- nxos_install_os - Set boot options like boot image and kickstart image.
- nxos_interface_ospf - Manages configuration of an OSPF interface instance.
- nxos_mtu - Manages MTU settings on Nexus switch.
- nxos_ntp - Manages core NTP configuration.
- nxos_ntp_auth - Manages NTP authentication.
- nxos_ntp_options - Manages NTP options.
- nxos_ospf - Manages configuration of an ospf instance.
- nxos_ospf_vrf - Manages a VRF for an OSPF router.
- nxos_overlay_global - Configures anycast gateway MAC of the switch.
- nxos_pim - Manages configuration of a PIM instance.
- nxos_pim_interface - Manages PIM interface configuration.
- nxos_pim_rp_address - Manages configuration of an PIM static RP address instance.
- nxos_portchannel - Manages port-channel interfaces.
- nxos_reboot - Reboot a network device.
- nxos_rollback - Set a checkpoint or rollback to a checkpoint.
- nxos_smu - Perform SMUs on Cisco NX-OS devices.
- nxos_snapshot - Manage snapshots of the running states of selected features.
- nxos_snmp_community - Manages SNMP community configs.
- nxos_snmp_contact - Manages SNMP contact info.
- nxos_snmp_host - Manages SNMP host configuration.
- nxos_snmp_location - Manages SNMP location information.
- nxos_snmp_trap - Manages SNMP traps.
- nxos_snmp_user - Manages SNMP users for monitoring.
- nxos_static_route - Manages static route configuration
- nxos_udld - Manages UDLD global configuration params.
- nxos_udld_interface - Manages UDLD interface configuration params.
- nxos_vpc - Manages global VPC configuration
- nxos_vpc_interface - Manages interface VPC configuration
- nxos_vrf_af - Manages VRF AF.
- nxos_vtp - Manages VTP password configuration.
- nxos_vtp_domain - Manages VTP domain configuration.
- nxos_vtp_version - Manages VTP version configuration.
- nxos_vxlan_vtep - Manages VXLAN Network Virtualization Endpoint (NVE).
- nxos_vxlan_vtep_vni - Creates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI)
- pn_cluster - CLI command to create/delete a cluster.
- pn_ospf - CLI command to add/remove ospf protocol to a vRouter.
- pn_ospfarea - CLI command to add/remove ospf area to/from a vrouter.
- pn_show - Run show commands on nvOS device.
- pn_trunk - CLI command to create/delete/modify a trunk.
- pn_vlag - CLI command to create/delete/modify vlag.
- pn_vlan - CLI command to create/delete a VLAN.
- pn_vrouter - CLI command to create/delete/modify a vrouter.
- pn_vrouterbgp - CLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-bgp.
- pn_vrouterif - CLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-interface.
- pn_vrouterlbif - CLI command to add/remove vrouter-loopback-interface.
- sros_command - Run commands on remote devices running Nokia SR OS
- sros_config - Manage Nokia SR OS device configuration
- sros_rollback - Configure Nokia SR OS rollback
- vyos_command - Run one or more commands on VyOS devices
- vyos_config - Manage VyOS configuration on remote device
- vyos_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running OS
- wakeonlan (E) - Send a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet
Notification Modules
- rocketchat (E) - Send notifications to Rocket Chat
- telegram (E) - module for sending notifications via telegram
Packaging Modules
Remote Management Modules
Source Control Modules
Storage Modules
- netapp_e_amg (E) - Create, Remove, and Update Asynchronous Mirror Groups
- netapp_e_amg_role (E) - Update the role of a storage array within an Asynchronous Mirror Group (AMG).
- netapp_e_amg_sync (E) - Conduct synchronization actions on asynchronous member groups.
- netapp_e_auth (E) - Sets or updates the password for a storage array.
- netapp_e_facts (E) - Get facts about NetApp E-Series arrays
- netapp_e_flashcache (E) - Manage NetApp SSD caches
- netapp_e_host (E) - manage eseries hosts
- netapp_e_hostgroup (E) - Manage NetApp Storage Array Host Groups
- netapp_e_lun_mapping (E) - Create or Remove LUN Mappings
- netapp_e_snapshot_group (E) - Manage snapshot groups
- netapp_e_snapshot_images (E) - Create and delete snapshot images
- netapp_e_snapshot_volume (E) - Manage E/EF-Series snapshot volumes.
- netapp_e_storage_system (E) - Add/remove arrays from the Web Services Proxy
- netapp_e_storagepool (E) - Manage disk groups and disk pools
- netapp_e_volume (E) - Manage storage volumes (standard and thin)
- netapp_e_volume_copy (E) - Create volume copy pairs
System Modules
- sefcontext (E) - Manages SELinux file context mapping definitions
- systemd - Manage services.
- timezone (E) - Configure timezone setting
Univention Modules
- udm_dns_record (E) - Manage dns entries on a univention corporate server
- udm_dns_zone (E) - Manage dns zones on a univention corporate server
- udm_group (E) - Manage of the posix group
- udm_share (E) - Manage samba shares on a univention corporate server
- udm_user (E) - Manage posix users on a univention corporate server
Utilities Modules
Web Infrastructure Modules
- apache2_mod_proxy (E) - Set and/or get members’ attributes of an Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool
- jenkins_job (E) - Manage jenkins jobs
- jenkins_plugin (E) - Add or remove Jenkins plugin
- letsencrypt (E) - Create SSL certificates with Let’s Encrypt
Windows Modules
- win_command - Executes a command on a remote Windows node
- win_robocopy (E) - Synchronizes the contents of two directories using Robocopy.
- win_shell - Execute shell commands on target hosts.
Options added in version 2.2
Cloud Modules
azure_rm_storageaccount - Manage Azure storage accounts.
- kind: The 'kind' of storage.
cs_ip_address (E) - Manages public IP address associations on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- vpc: VPC the IP address is related to.
cs_project (E) - Manages projects on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- tags: List of tags. Tags are a list of dictionaries having keys key and value.If you want to delete all tags, set a empty list e.g. tags: [].
cs_staticnat (E) - Manages static NATs on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- network: Network the IP address is related to.
digital_ocean - Create/delete a droplet/SSH_key in DigitalOcean
- ipv6: Optional, Boolean, enable IPv6 for your droplet.
docker_container - manage docker containers
- cleanup: Use with detach to remove the container after successful execution.
- env_file: Path to a file containing environment variables FOO=BAR.If variable also present in env, then env value will override.Requires docker-py >= 1.4.0.
- ignore_image: When state is present or started the module compares the configuration of an existing container to requested configuration. The evaluation includes the image version. If the image version in the registry does not match the container, the container will be recreated. Stop this behavior by setting ignore_image to True.
- networks: List of networks the container belongs to.Each network is a dict with keys name, ipv4_address, ipv6_address, links, aliases.For each network name is required, all other keys are optional.If included, links or aliases are lists.For examples of the data structure and usage see EXAMPLES below.To remove a container from one or more networks, use the purge_networks option.
- oom_score_adj: An integer value containing the score given to the container in order to tune OOM killer preferences.
- purge_networks: Remove the container from ALL networks not included in networks parameter.Any default networks such as bridge, if not found in networks, will be removed as well.
docker_image - Manage docker images.
- buildargs: Provide a dictionary of key:value build arguments that map to Dockerfile ARG directive.Docker expects the value to be a string. For convenience any non-string values will be converted to strings.Requires Docker API >= 1.21 and docker-py >= 1.7.0.
- load_path: Use with state present to load an image from a .tar file.
- push: Push the image to the registry. Specify the registry as part of the name or repository parameter.
docker_service - Manage docker services and containers.
- nocache: Use with the build option to ignore the cache during the image build process.
- pull: Use with state present to always pull images prior to starting the application.Same as running docker-compose pull.When a new image is pulled, services using the image will be recreated unless recreate is never.
ec2 - create, terminate, start or stop an instance in ec2
- instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior: Set whether AWS will Stop or Terminate an instance on shutdown
ec2_ami_copy (E) - copies AMI between AWS regions, return new image id
- encrypted: Whether or not to encrypt the target image
- kms_key_id: KMS key id used to encrypt image. If not specified, uses default EBS Customer Master Key (CMK) for your account.
ec2_asg - Create or delete AWS Autoscaling Groups
- notification_topic: A SNS topic ARN to send auto scaling notifications to.
- notification_types: A list of auto scaling events to trigger notifications on.
ec2_eni (E) - Create and optionally attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an instance
- attached: Specifies if network interface should be attached or detached from instance. If ommited, attachment status won't change
- secondary_private_ip_address_count: The number of secondary IP addresses to assign to the network interface. This option is mutually exclusive of secondary_private_ip_addresses
- secondary_private_ip_addresses: A list of IP addresses to assign as secondary IP addresses to the network interface. This option is mutually exclusive of secondary_private_ip_address_count
gce - create or terminate GCE instances
- subnetwork: name of the subnetwork in which the instance should be created
gce_img (E) - utilize GCE image resources
- family: an optional family name
gce_net - create/destroy GCE networks and firewall rules
- mode: network mode for Google Cloud "legacy" indicates a network with an IP address range "auto" automatically generates subnetworks in different regions "custom" uses networks to group subnets of user specified IP address ranges https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/networking#network_types
- subnet_desc: description of subnet to create
- subnet_name: name of subnet to create
- subnet_region: region of subnet to create
iam - Manage IAM users, groups, roles and keys
- trust_policy: The inline (JSON or YAML) trust policy document that grants an entity permission to assume the role. Mutually exclusive with trust_policy_filepath.
- trust_policy_filepath: The path to the trust policy document that grants an entity permission to assume the role. Mutually exclusive with trust_policy.
os_router - Create or delete routers from OpenStack
- project: Unique name or ID of the project.
os_server - Create/Delete Compute Instances from OpenStack
- delete_fip: When state is absent and this option is true, any floating IP associated with the instance will be deleted along with the instance.
- reuse_ips: When auto_ip is true and this option is true, the auto_ip code will attempt to re-use unassigned floating ips in the project before creating a new one. It is important to note that it is impossible to safely do this concurrently, so if your use case involves concurrent server creation, it is highly recommended to set this to false and to delete the floating ip associated with a server when the server is deleted using delete_fip.
os_subnet - Add/Remove subnet to an OpenStack network
- no_gateway_ip: The gateway IP would not be assigned for this subnet
profitbricks (E) - Create, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a ProfitBricks virtual machine.
- cpu_family: The CPU family type to allocate to the virtual machine.
- image_password: Password set for the administrative user.
- ssh_keys: Public SSH keys allowing access to the virtual machine.
profitbricks_volume (E) - Create or destroy a volume.
- image_password: Password set for the administrative user.
- ssh_keys: Public SSH keys allowing access to the virtual machine.
proxmox (E) - management of instances in Proxmox VE cluster
- mounts: specifies additional mounts (separate disks) for the container
s3 - manage objects in S3.
- rgw: Enable Ceph RGW S3 support. This option requires an explicit url via s3_url.
s3_bucket (E) - Manage S3 buckets in AWS, Ceph, Walrus and FakeS3
- ceph: Enable API compatibility with Ceph. It takes into account the S3 API subset working with Ceph in order to provide the same module behaviour where possible.
sqs_queue (E) - Creates or deletes AWS SQS queues.
- redrive_policy: json dict with the redrive_policy (see example)
vmware_portgroup (E) - Create a VMware portgroup
- network_policy: Network policy specifies layer 2 security settings for a portgroup such as promiscuous mode, where guest adapter listens to all the packets, MAC address changes and forged transmits. Settings are promiscuous_mode, forged_transmits, mac_changes
Clustering Modules
consul_session (E) - manipulate consul sessions
- behavior: the optional behavior that can be attached to the session when it is created. This can be set to either ‘release’ or ‘delete’. This controls the behavior when a session is invalidated.
Database Modules
mongodb_user (E) - Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database.
- ssl_cert_reqs: Specifies whether a certificate is required from the other side of the connection, and whether it will be validated if provided.
Files Modules
assemble - Assembles a configuration file from fragments
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
blockinfile (E) - Insert/update/remove a text block surrounded by marker lines.
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
copy - Copies files to remote locations.
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
file - Sets attributes of files
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
ini_file - Tweak settings in INI files
- create: If specified, the file will be created if it does not already exist. By default it will fail if the file is missing.
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression.
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
replace - Replace all instances of a particular string in a file using a back-referenced regular expression.
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
template - Templates a file out to a remote server.
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
unarchive - Unpacks an archive after (optionally) copying it from the local machine.
- remote_src: Set to yes to indicate the archived file is already on the remote system and not local to the Ansible controller.This option is mutually exclusive with copy.
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
- validate_certs: This only applies if using a https url as the source of the file.This should only set to no used on personally controlled sites using self-signed cerPrior to 2.2 the code worked as if this was set to yes.
Monitoring Modules
datadog_event (E) - Posts events to DataDog service
- app_key: Your DataDog app key.
datadog_monitor (E) - Manages Datadog monitors
- locked: A boolean indicating whether changes to this monitor should be restricted to the creator or admins.
- tags: A list of tags to associate with your monitor when creating or updating. This can help you categorize and filter monitors.
Network Modules
a10_virtual_server (E) - Manage A10 Networks devices’ virtual servers
- validate_certs: If no, SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled devices using self-signed certificates.
- write_config: If yes, any changes will cause a write of the running configuration to non-volatile memory. This will save all configuration changes, including those that may have been made manually or through other modules, so care should be taken when specifying yes.
a10_service_group (E) - Manage A10 Networks devices’ service groups
- validate_certs: If no, SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled devices using self-signed certificates.
- write_config: If yes, any changes will cause a write of the running configuration to non-volatile memory. This will save all configuration changes, including those that may have been made manually or through other modules, so care should be taken when specifying yes.
a10_server (E) - Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices
- validate_certs: If no, SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled devices using self-signed certificates.
- write_config: If yes, any changes will cause a write of the running configuration to non-volatile memory. This will save all configuration changes, including those that may have been made manually or through other modules, so care should be taken when specifying yes.
bigip_facts (E) - Collect facts from F5 BIG-IP devices
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_gtm_facts (E) - Collect facts from F5 BIG-IP GTM devices.
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_gtm_wide_ip (E) - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM wide ip
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_hostname (E) - Manage the hostname of a BIG-IP.
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_monitor_tcp (E) - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_monitor_http (E) - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM http monitors
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_pool (E) - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pools
- reselect_tries: Sets the number of times the system tries to contact a pool member after a passive failure
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_node (E) - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes
- monitor_type: Monitor rule type when monitors > 1
- monitors: Monitor template name list. Always use the full path to the monitor.
- quorum: Monitor quorum value when monitor_type is m_of_n
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_pool_member (E) - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_snat_pool (E) - Manage SNAT pools on a BIG-IP.
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_sys_global (E) - Manage BIG-IP global settings.
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
bigip_virtual_server (E) - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM virtual servers
- all_rules: List of rules to be applied in priority order
- enabled_vlans: List of vlans to be enabled. When a VLAN named ALL is used, all VLANs will be allowed.
- server_port: The BIG-IP server port.
eos_command - Run arbitrary commands on an Arista EOS device
- match: The match argument is used in conjunction with the wait_for argument to specify the match policy. Valid values are all or any. If the value is set to all then all conditionals in the wait_for must be satisfied. If the value is set to any then only one of the values must be satisfied.
- wait_for: Specifies what to evaluate from the output of the command and what conditionals to apply. This argument will cause the task to wait for a particular conditional to be true before moving forward. If the conditional is not true by the configured retries, the task fails. See examples.
aliases: waitfor
eos_config - Manage Arista EOS configuration sections
- backup: This argument will cause the module to create a full backup of the current running-config from the remote device before any changes are made. The backup file is written to the backup folder in the playbook root directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
- defaults: The defaults argument will influence how the running-config is collected from the device. When the value is set to true, the command used to collect the running-config is append with the all keyword. When the value is set to false, the command is issued without the all keyword
- save: The save argument instructs the module to save the running-config to startup-config. This operation is performed after any changes are made to the current running config. If no changes are made, the configuration is still saved to the startup config. This option will always cause the module to return changed.
- src: The src argument provides a path to the configuration file to load into the remote system. The path can either be a full system path to the configuration file if the value starts with / or relative to the root of the implemented role or playbook. This argument is mutually exclusive with the lines and parents arguments.
eos_eapi - Manage and configure Arista EOS eAPI.
- config: The module, by default, will connect to the remote device and retrieve the current running-config to use as a base for comparing against the contents of source. There are times when it is not desirable to have the task get the current running-config for every task in a playbook. The config argument allows the implementer to pass in the configuration to use as the base config for comparison.
- vrf: The vrf argument will configure eAPI to listen for connections in the specified VRF. By default, eAPI transports will listen for connections in the global table. This value requires the VRF to already be created otherwise the task will fail.
get_url - Downloads files from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
haproxy (E) - Enable, disable, and set weights for HAProxy backend servers using socket commands.
- fail_on_not_found: Fail whenever trying to enable/disable a backend host that does not exist
ios_command - Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS
- match: The match argument is used in conjunction with the wait_for argument to specify the match policy. Valid values are all or any. If the value is set to all then all conditionals in the wait_for must be satisfied. If the value is set to any then only one of the values must be satisfied.
- wait_for: List of conditions to evaluate against the output of the command. The task will wait for each condition to be true before moving forward. If the conditional is not true within the configured number of retries, the task fails. See examples.
aliases: waitfor
ios_config - Manage Cisco IOS configuration sections
- backup: This argument will cause the module to create a full backup of the current running-config from the remote device before any changes are made. The backup file is written to the backup folder in the playbook root directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
- config: The config argument allows the playbook designer to supply the base configuration to be used to validate configuration changes necessary. If this argument is provided, the module will not download the running-config from the remote node.
- defaults: This argument specifies whether or not to collect all defaults when getting the remote device running config. When enabled, the module will get the current config by issuing the command show running-config all.
- save: The save argument instructs the module to save the running- config to the startup-config at the conclusion of the module running. If check mode is specified, this argument is ignored.
- src: Specifies the source path to the file that contains the configuration or configuration template to load. The path to the source file can either be the full path on the Ansible control host or a relative path from the playbook or role root directory. This argument is mutually exclusive with lines.
iosxr_command - Run commands on remote devices running Cisco iosxr
- match: The match argument is used in conjunction with the wait_for argument to specify the match policy. Valid values are all or any. If the value is set to all then all conditionals in the wait_for must be satisfied. If the value is set to any then only one of the values must be satisfied.
- wait_for: List of conditions to evaluate against the output of the command. The task will wait for each condition to be true before moving forward. If the conditional is not true within the configured number of retries, the task fails. See examples.
aliases: waitfor
iosxr_config - Manage Cisco IOS XR configuration sections
- backup: This argument will cause the module to create a full backup of the current running-config from the remote device before any changes are made. The backup file is written to the backup folder in the playbook root directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
- comment: Allows a commit description to be specified to be included when the configuration is committed. If the configuration is not changed or committed, this argument is ignored.
- force: The force argument instructs the module to not consider the current devices running-config. When set to true, this will cause the module to push the contents of src into the device without first checking if already configured.Note this argument should be considered deprecated. To achieve the equivalent, set the match=none which is idempotent. This argument will be removed in a future release.
- src: Specifies the source path to the file that contains the configuration or configuration template to load. The path to the source file can either be the full path on the Ansible control host or a relative path from the playbook or role root directory. This argument is mutually exclusive with lines.
junos_command - Execute arbitrary commands on a remote device running Junos
- match: The match argument is used in conjunction with the wait_for argument to specify the match policy. Valid values are all or any. If the value is set to all then all conditionals in the wait_for must be satisfied. If the value is set to any then only one of the values must be satisfied.
- wait_for: Specifies what to evaluate from the output of the command and what conditionals to apply. This argument will cause the task to wait for a particular conditional to be true before moving forward. If the conditional is not true by the configured retries, the task fails. See examples.
aliases: waitfor
junos_config - Manage configuration on devices running Juniper JUNOS
- backup: This argument will cause the module to create a full backup of the current running-config from the remote device before any changes are made. The backup file is written to the backup folder in the playbook root directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
- src: The src argument provides a path to the configuration file to load into the remote system. The path can either be a full system path to the configuration file if the value starts with / or relative to the root of the implemented role or playbook. This argument is mutually exclusive with the lines argument.
- src_format: The src_format argument specifies the format of the configuration found int src. If the src_format argument is not provided, the module will attempt to determine the format of the configuration file specified in src.
junos_netconf - Configures the Junos Netconf system service
- netconf_port: This argument specifies the port the netconf service should listen on for SSH connections. The default port as defined in RFC 6242 is 830.
aliases: listens_on
- netconf_port: This argument specifies the port the netconf service should listen on for SSH connections. The default port as defined in RFC 6242 is 830.
junos_template - Manage configuration on remote devices running Junos
- action: The action argument specifies how the module will apply changes.
nxos_command - Run arbitrary command on Cisco NXOS devices
- match: The match argument is used in conjunction with the wait_for argument to specify the match policy. Valid values are all or any. If the value is set to all then all conditionals in the wait_for must be satisfied. If the value is set to any then only one of the values must be satisfied.
- wait_for: Specifies what to evaluate from the output of the command and what conditionals to apply. This argument will cause the task to wait for a particular conditional to be true before moving forward. If the conditional is not true by the configured retries, the task fails. See examples.
aliases: waitfor
nxos_config - Manage Cisco NXOS configuration sections
- backup: This argument will cause the module to create a full backup of the current running-config from the remote device before any changes are made. The backup file is written to the backup folder in the playbook root directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
- defaults: The defaults argument will influence how the running-config is collected from the device. When the value is set to true, the command used to collect the running-config is append with the all keyword. When the value is set to false, the command is issued without the all keyword
- save: The save argument instructs the module to save the running-config to startup-config. This operation is performed after any changes are made to the current running config. If no changes are made, the configuration is still saved to the startup config. This option will always cause the module to return changed.
- src: The src argument provides a path to the configuration file to load into the remote system. The path can either be a full system path to the configuration file if the value starts with / or relative to the root of the implemented role or playbook. This argument is mutually exclusive with the lines and parents arguments.
nxos_facts - Gets facts about NX-OS switches
- gather_subset: When supplied, this argument will restrict the facts collected to a given subset. Possible values for this argument include all, hardware, config, legacy, and interfaces. Can specify a list of values to include a larger subset. Values can also be used with an initial ! to specify that a specific subset should not be collected.
nxos_interface - Manages physical attributes of interfaces.
- fabric_forwarding_anycast_gateway: Associate SVI with anycast gateway under VLAN configuration mode.
- interface_type: Interface type to be unconfigured from the device.
- ip_forward: Enable/Disable ip forward feature on SVIs.
nxos_nxapi - Manage NXAPI configuration on an NXOS device.
- config: The config argument provides an optional argument to specify the device running-config to used as the basis for configuring the remote system. The config argument accepts a string value that represents the device configuration.
nxos_switchport - Manages Layer 2 switchport interfaces.
- trunk_allowed_vlans: if mode=trunk, these are the only VLANs that will be configured on the trunk, i.e. "2-10,15".
nxos_vlan - Manages VLAN resources and attributes.
- mapped_vni: The Virtual Network Identifier (VNI) ID that is mapped to the VLAN. Valid values are integer and keyword 'default'.
nxos_vrf - Manages global VRF configuration.
- route_distinguisher: VPN Route Distinguisher (RD). Valid values are a string in one of the route-distinguisher formats (ASN2:NN, ASN4:NN, or IPV4:NN); the keyword 'auto', or the keyword 'default'.
- vni: Specify virtual network identifier. Valid values are Integer or keyword 'default'.
nxos_vrrp - Manages VRRP configuration on NX-OS switches.
- admin_state: Used to enable or disable the VRRP process.
openvswitch_port (E) - Manage Open vSwitch ports
- tag: VLAN tag for this port
ops_command - Run arbitrary commands on OpenSwitch devices.
- match: The match argument is used in conjunction with the wait_for argument to specify the match policy. Valid values are all or any. If the value is set to all then all conditionals in the wait_for must be satisfied. If the value is set to any then only one of the values must be satisfied.
- wait_for: List of conditions to evaluate against the output of the command. The task will wait for each condition to be true before moving forward. If the conditional is not true within the configured number of retries, the task fails. See examples.
aliases: waitfor
ops_config - Manage OpenSwitch configuration using CLI
- save: The save argument instructs the module to save the running- config to the startup-config at the conclusion of the module running. If check mode is specified, this argument is ignored.
- src: The src argument provides a path to the configuration file to load into the remote system. The path can either be a full system path to the configuration file if the value starts with / or relative to the root of the implemented role or playbook. This argument is mutually exclusive with the lines and parents arguments.
ops_facts - Collect device specific facts from OpenSwitch
- gather_subset: When supplied, this argument will restrict the facts collected to a given subset. Possible values for this argument include all, hardware, config, legacy, and interfaces. Can specify a list of values to include a larger subset. Values can also be used with an initial ! to specify that a specific subset should not be collected.
Notification Modules
sendgrid (E) - Sends an email with the SendGrid API
- api_key: sendgrid API key to use instead of username/password
- attachments: a list of relative or explicit paths of files you want to attach (7MB limit as per SendGrid docs)
- bcc: a list of email addresses to bcc
- cc: a list of email addresses to cc
- from_name: the name you want to appear in the from field, i.e 'John Doe'
- headers: a dict to pass on as headers
- html_body: whether the body is html content that should be rendered
Packaging Modules
gem - Manage Ruby gems
- env_shebang: Rewrite the shebang line on installed scripts to use /usr/bin/env.
homebrew_cask (E) - Install/uninstall homebrew casks.
- install_options: options flags to install a package
aliases: options - update_homebrew: update homebrew itself first. Note that brew cask update is a synonym for brew update.
aliases: update-brew
- install_options: options flags to install a package
homebrew_tap (E) - Tap a Homebrew repository.
- url: The optional git URL of the repository to tap. The URL is not assumed to be on GitHub, and the protocol doesn't have to be HTTP. Any location and protocol that git can handle is fine.
pkgng (E) - Package manager for FreeBSD >= 9.0
- autoremove: Remove automatically installed packages which are no longer needed.
redhat_subscription - Manage registration and subscriptions to RHSM using the subscription-manager command
- environment: Register with a specific environment in the destination org. Used with Red Hat Satellite 6.x or Katello
- force_register: Register the system even if it is already registered
yum_repository (E) - Add and remove YUM repositories
- unsafe_writes: Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this. One example are docker mounted files, they cannot be updated atomically and can only be done in an unsafe manner.This boolean option allows ansible to fall back to unsafe methods of updating files for those cases in which you do not have any other choice. Be aware that this is subject to race conditions and can lead to data corruption.
zypper_repository (E) - Add and remove Zypper repositories
- auto_import_keys: Automatically import the gpg signing key of the new or changed repository.Has an effect only if state is present. Has no effect on existing (unchanged) repositories or in combination with absent.Implies runrefresh.
- enabled: Set repository to enabled (or disabled).
- runrefresh: Refresh the package list of the given repository.Can be used with repo=* to refresh all repositories.
zypper (E) - Manage packages on SUSE and openSUSE
- force: Adds --force option to zypper. Allows to downgrade packages and change vendor or architecture.
- oldpackage: Adds --oldpackage option to zypper. Allows to downgrade packages with less side-effects than force. This is implied as soon as a version is specified as part of the package name.
- update_cache: Run the equivalent of zypper refresh before the operation.
aliases: refresh
Source Control Modules
git - Deploy software (or files) from git checkouts
- umask: The umask to set before doing any checkouts, or any other repository maintenance.
System Modules
alternatives (E) - Manages alternative programs for common commands
- priority: The priority of the alternative
gluster_volume (E) - Manage GlusterFS volumes
- disperses: Disperse count for volume
- redundancies: Redundancy count for volume
iptables (E) - Modify the systems iptables
- action: Whether the rule should be appended at the bottom or inserted at the top. If the rule already exists the chain won't be modified.
- flush: Flushes the specified table and chain of all rules. If no chain is specified then the entire table is purged. Ignores all other parameters.
- icmp_type: This allows specification of the ICMP type, which can be a numeric ICMP type, type/code pair, or one of the ICMP type names shown by the command 'iptables -p icmp -h'
- policy: Set the policy for the chain to the given target. Valid targets are ACCEPT, DROP, QUEUE, RETURN. Only built in chains can have policies. This parameter requires the chain parameter. Ignores all other parameters.
- to_source: This specifies a source address to use with SNAT: without this, the source address is never altered.
lvol (E) - Configure LVM logical volumes
- active: Whether the volume is activate and visible to the host.
- pvs: Comma separated list of physical volumes e.g. /dev/sda,/dev/sdb
- shrink: shrink if current size is higher than size requested
mount - Control active and configured mount points
- boot: Determines if the filesystem should be mounted on boot.Only applies to Solaris systems.
setup - Gathers facts about remote hosts
- gather_timeout: Set the default timeout in seconds for individual fact gathering
Utilities Modules
include_vars - Load variables from files, dynamically within a task.
- file: The file name from which variables should be loaded.If the path is relative, it will look for the file in vars/ subdirectory of a role or relative to playbook.
- name: The name of a variable into which assign the included vars, if omitted (null) they will be made top level vars.
Windows Modules
win_chocolatey (E) - Installs packages using chocolatey
- allow_empty_checksums: Allow empty Checksums to be used
- ignore_checksums: Ignore Checksums