- @mk22
- Tsutomu Takekawa@tt2004d
- @Rocky_X
元自作er専門学生 インフラエンジニアやってる社会人です
- みとしま@mtsm0913
Webアプリ開発エンジニア志望の初心者です。Ruby、Ruby on Railsを中心に勉強しています。
- The Social Rise@thesocialrise
With our extensive knowledge of the constantly changing social media world, we assist influencers and companies in amplifying their online visibility and reaching their marketing targets.
- KAPITALARK Real Estate Agency@kapitalark
At Real Estate Agency in Poland KAPITALARK, we specialize in helping international clients unlock the potential of the Polish real estate market.
- @you2143
最近はOutSystemsを使った開発をやっています。 2022/08/14にAWS11冠(PAS除く)