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【Swift】HTTPステータスコードに対するエラーハンドリング-async awaitを用いて-

Last updated at Posted at 2023-05-05


まず最初に HTTPステータスコードについて、



「初学者泣かせだなー」「これ全部エラーを返さないとダメなのか。。」  と、、


「HTTPステータスコードは別に、他のプロジェクトにおいてもエラーを投げる場所はそんなに変わらないんじゃないか?」  と



import Foundation

enum HTTPError: Error, LocalizedError {
    // Request Error cases
    /// The request could not be constructed
    case invalidRequest
    /// The body of the request could not be created
    case unexpectedBody

    // Response Error cases
    /// The web service returned a unknown error, like a 500
    case httpError
    /// The response data did not have the expected format, value, or type
    case unexpectedResponse
    /// The web service did not return valid JSON
    case jsonParsingError
    /// The web service did not return valid String data
    case stringParsingError
    /// HTTP error 401
    case unauthorized
    /// HTTP error 403
    case forbidden
    /// HTTP error -1001
    case timeout

    /// A network connection could not be made
    case noNetwork

    /// General HTTP Error, including the response and response data, if anything was returned
    case serverResponse(HTTPStatus, Data?)
    /// General Error
    case other(Error)

    /// The error message returned from localizedDescription
    public var errorDescription: String? {
        #if DEBUG
        return debugDescription
        return description

    /// A user friendly error message
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .invalidRequest:
            return NSLocalizedString("The request could not be made. Please change and try again.", comment: "Invalid Request")
        case .unexpectedBody:
            return NSLocalizedString("There was a problem with the input. Please change and try again.", comment: "Unexpected Body")
        case .httpError:
            return NSLocalizedString("The web service returned an error.", comment: "HTTP Error")
        case .unexpectedResponse:
            return NSLocalizedString("The data returned was an unexpected response.", comment: "Unexpected Response")
        case .jsonParsingError:
            return NSLocalizedString("The json could not be parsed.", comment: "JSON Parsing Error")
        case .stringParsingError:
            return NSLocalizedString("The string could not be parsed.", comment: "String Parsing Error")
        case .unauthorized:
            return NSLocalizedString("Unauthorized, please sign in again.", comment: "Unauthorized")
        case .forbidden:
            return NSLocalizedString("You have not granted this app permission to access this data.", comment: "Forbidden")
        case .timeout:
            return NSLocalizedString("The request timed out.", comment: "Timeout")
        case .noNetwork:
            return NSLocalizedString("A network connection could not be established.", comment: "No Network")
        case .serverResponse(let status, _):
            return NSLocalizedString("The web service returned status code \(status.rawValue)", comment: "Server Response Error")
        case .other(let error):
            return NSLocalizedString("An error occured: \(error.localizedDescription)", comment: "Other Error")

    /// A developer friendly error message
    var debugDescription: String {
        switch self {
        case .invalidRequest:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (invalidRequest): The request could not be made. Please change and try again.", comment: "DEBUG Invalid Request")
        case .unexpectedBody:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (unexpectedBody): There was a problem with the input. Please change and try again.", comment: "DEBUG Unexpected Body")
        case .httpError:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (httpError): The web service returned an error.", comment: "DEBUG HTTP Error")
        case .unexpectedResponse:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (unexpectedResponse): The data returned was an unexpected response.", comment: "DEBUG Unexpected Response")
        case .jsonParsingError:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (jsonParsingError): The json could not be parsed.", comment: "DEBUG JSON Parsing Error")
        case .stringParsingError:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (stringParsingError): The string could not be parsed.", comment: "DEBUG String Parsing Error")
        case .unauthorized:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (unauthorized): Unauthorized, please sign in again.", comment: "DEBUG Unauthorized")
        case .forbidden:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (forbidden): You have not granted this app permission to access this data.", comment: "DEBUG Forbidden")
        case .timeout:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (timeout): The request timed out.", comment: "DEBUG Timeout")
        case .noNetwork:
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (noNetwork): A network connection could not be established.", comment: "DEBUG No Network")
        case .serverResponse(let status, _):
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (serverResponse): The web service returned status code \(status.rawValue)", comment: "DEBUG Server Response Error")
        case .other(let error):
            return NSLocalizedString("DEBUG (other): An error occured: \(error.localizedDescription)", comment: "DEBUG Other Error")

    /// Code from the custom error type
    var code: Int {
        switch self {
        case .unauthorized:
            return 401
        case .forbidden:
            return 403
        case .httpError:
            return 599
        case .timeout:
            return -1001
        case .noNetwork:
            return -1009
        case .serverResponse(let status, _):
            return status.rawValue
        case .other(let error as NSError):
            return error.code
            return 499

 Valid HTTP response status codes that can be returned from a web server
 - seealso: [List of HTTP status codes - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes)
enum HTTPStatus: Int {
    case continueCode = 100
    case switchingProtocols = 101
    case processing = 102

    case ok = 200
    case created = 201
    case accepted = 202
    case nonAuthoritativeInformation = 203
    case noContent = 204
    case resetContent = 205
    case partialContent = 206
    case multiStatus = 207
    case alreadyReported = 208
    case imUsed = 226

    case multipleChoices = 300
    case movedPermanently = 301
    case found = 302
    case seeOther = 303
    case notModified = 304
    case useProxy = 305
    case switchProxy = 306
    case temporaryRedirect = 307
    case permanentRedirect = 308

    case badRequest = 400
    case unauthorized = 401
    case paymentRequired = 402
    case forbidden = 403
    case notFound = 404
    case methodNotAllowed = 405
    case notAcceptable = 406
    case proxyAuthenticationRequired = 407
    case requestTimeOut = 408
    case conflict = 409
    case gone = 410
    case lengthRequired = 411
    case preconditionFailed = 412
    case payloadTooLarge = 413
    case uriTooLong = 414
    case unsupportedMediaType = 415
    case rangeNotSatisfiable = 416
    case expectationFailed = 417
    case teapod = 418
    case misdirectedRequest = 421
    case unprocessableEntity = 422
    case locked = 423
    case failedDependency = 424
    case upgradeRequired = 426
    case preconditionRequired = 428
    case tooManyRequests = 429
    case requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431
    case unavailableForLegalReasons = 451

    case internalServerError = 500
    case notImplemented = 501
    case badGateway = 502
    case serviceUnavailable = 503
    case gatewayTimeOut = 504
    case httpVersionNotSupported = 505
    case variantAlsoNegotiates = 506
    case insufficientStorage = 507
    case loopDetected = 508
    case notExtended = 510
    case networkAuthenticationRequired = 511

    case unknown = 999

    /// Categories of HTTP status codes
    enum Category {
        /// 100-199
        case informational
        /// 200-299
        case success
        /// 300-399
        case redirection
        /// 400-499
        case clientError
        /// 500-599
        case serverError
        /// Not between 100-599
        case unknown

extension HTTPStatus {
    /// Initializes an HTTPStatus enum with a given numeric status code
    /// - parameter code: The HTTP response code
    init(code: Int) {
        if let validStatus = HTTPStatus(rawValue: code) {
            self = validStatus
        else {
            self = .unknown

    /// The category the status code belongs to
    var category: Category {
        let code = self.rawValue
        if code >= 100 && code < 200 {
            return .informational
        else if code >= 200 && code < 300 {
            return .success
        else if code >= 300 && code < 400 {
            return .redirection
        else if code >= 400 && code < 500 {
            return .clientError
        else if code >= 500 && code < 600 {
            return .serverError
        else {
            return .unknown


  • HTTPErrorという Errorに準拠した型
  • HTTPStatusという列挙型
  • HTTPStatueの中にCategory という列挙型


  • HTTPErrorは、エラーを投げる際に用いる。
  • HTTPStatusは、インスタンス生成時にステータスコードを入れると、数字ではなく、言葉の列挙型でHTTPステータスコードの詳細を表示。
  • HTTPStatusの中のCategoryは、HTTPStatusの列挙型の値が、下画像のどの分類に当てはまるかを、列挙型で定義している。
    スクリーンショット 2023-05-05 21.41.43.png


extension URLSession {
     Starts the URLRequest and returns the response from the server or an error.
     - parameter request: The URLRequest
     - returns: Returns the web service response or throws an HTTPError
    @available(macOS 12.0, iOS 15.0, tvOS 15.0, watchOS 8.0, *)
    func startData(_ url: URL) async throws -> Data {
        do {
            let (data, response) = try await self.data(from: url)

            if let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
                let status = HTTPStatus(code: response.statusCode)

                if status == .unauthorized {
                    throw HTTPError.unauthorized
                else if status.category == .success {
                    return data
                else {
                    throw HTTPError.serverResponse(status, data)
            else {
                throw HTTPError.httpError
        catch {
            if let nsError = error as NSError?,
                nsError.code == HTTPError.noNetwork.code {
                throw HTTPError.noNetwork
            else if let nsError = error as NSError?,
                nsError.code == HTTPError.timeout.code {
                throw HTTPError.timeout
            else if let httpError = error as? HTTPError {
                throw httpError
            else {
                throw HTTPError.other(error)


PokemonAPI を実装

struct PokemonAPI {
    let session = URLSession.shared

    private let baseUrl = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2"

   func fetchPokemonDetail(pokemon: Pokemon) async throws -> PokemonDetail {
        guard let url = URL(string: pokemon.url) else {
            throw PokemonAPIError.invalidURL

        do {
            let data = try await session.startData(url)
            let decoder = JSONDecoder()
            let pokemon = try decoder.decode(PokemonDetail.self, from: data)
            return pokemon
        } catch  _ as DecodingError {
            throw PokemonAPIError.decodingFailed

PokemonAPIの中で、let data = try await session.startData(url)があります。

  • 失敗すれば、HTTPErrorが投げられる。
  • 成功すれば、Data型が返ってきます。



.task {
            do {
                pokemonDetail = try await pokemonAPI.fetchPokemonDetail(pokemon: pokemon)
            } catch {








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