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【Zig】Concurrency Implementation Methods

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Global Memory and Mutex

const std = @import("std");
const Thread = std.Thread;
const Mutex = Thread.Mutex;
const spawn = Thread.spawn;
const SpawnConfig = Thread.SpawnConfig;

const SharedData = struct {
    mutex: Mutex,
    value: i32,

    const Self = @This();

    pub fn updateValue(self: *Self, increment: i32, max_iterations: usize) void {
        defer self.mutex.unlock();

        for (0..max_iterations) |_| {
            self.value += increment;

        std.debug.print("Thread {} updated value to {}\n", .{ Thread.getCurrentId(), self.value });

    // tryUpdateValue attempts to update the value, but returns false if it can't
    pub fn tryUpdateValue(self: *Self, increment: i32, max_iterations: usize) bool {
        if (!self.mutex.tryLock()) {
            return false; // if we can't lock the mutex, return false

        defer self.mutex.unlock();

        for (0..max_iterations) |_| {
            self.value += increment;

        // while loop
        // var start_index: usize = 0;
        // while (start_index < max_iterations) : (start_index += 1) {
        //     self.value += increment;
        // }

        return true;

// 1. pass data by multiple arguments
fn threadFuncMultipleArgs(shared_data: *SharedData, increment: i32, max_iterations: usize) void {
    // Get current thread id
    std.debug.print("Thread {} locked mutex, current value is: {}\n", .{ Thread.getCurrentId(), shared_data.value });

    shared_data.updateValue(increment, max_iterations);

// 2. pass data by a single struct argument
const ThreadFuncArgs = struct {
    shared_data: *SharedData,
    increment: i32,
    max_iterations: usize,

fn threadFunc(args: ThreadFuncArgs) void {
    // Get current thread id
    std.debug.print("Thread {} locked mutex, current value is: {}\n", .{ Thread.getCurrentId(), args.shared_data.value });

    args.shared_data.updateValue(args.increment, args.max_iterations);

pub fn main() !void {
    const threadConfig = SpawnConfig{
        .stack_size = 1024 * 16,

    var shared_data = SharedData{
        .mutex = Mutex{},
        .value = 0,

    const threadArgs1 = ThreadFuncArgs{
        .shared_data = &shared_data,
        .increment = 1,
        .max_iterations = 1000,

    const threadArgs2 = ThreadFuncArgs{
        .shared_data = &shared_data,
        .increment = 3,
        .max_iterations = 1000,

    const thread1 = try spawn(threadConfig, threadFunc, .{

    const thread2 = try spawn(threadConfig, threadFunc, .{threadArgs2});


    std.debug.print("Final value: {}\n", .{shared_data.value});

test "test threadFunc updates shared data correctly" {
    var shared_data = SharedData{
        .mutex = Mutex{},
        .value = 0,

    const thread = try spawn(.{}, threadFuncMultipleArgs, .{


    try std.testing.expectEqual(shared_data.value, 50);

This code example demonstrates how to use multi-threading and mutexes (Mutex) in Zig language to safely update shared data. This is a common scenario in concurrent programming, especially when multiple threads need to read and modify the same data.

Code Overview

  1. Import Standard Library: Use @import("std") to import Zig's standard library.
  2. Define Mutex and Thread-related Functions: Use Mutex, spawn, and SpawnConfig from the Thread module.
  3. Define Shared Data Structure (SharedData):
    • Contains a Mutex and an integer value value.
    • Provides two methods updateValue and tryUpdateValue to update value.

Detailed Code Analysis

  • SharedData Structure:

    • Mutex: Used to control access to value, ensuring that only one thread can modify it at a time.
    • updateValue Method: Locks the mutex, then increments value, and finally unlocks. Uses a defer statement to ensure the lock is released even if an error occurs.
    • tryUpdateValue Method: Attempts to lock the mutex, updates value if successful, otherwise returns false.
  • Thread Functions:

    • threadFuncMultipleArgs and threadFunc: These functions show how to pass arguments to threads. They receive a SharedData instance and call the updateValue method.
  • Main Function (main):

    • Initializes shared data and thread configuration.
    • Creates two threads, each calling threadFunc with different arguments.
    • Waits for the threads to complete, then prints the final value.
  • Test Case:

    • Demonstrates how to test the updateValue method of SharedData.

Condition Variables and Mutexes

const std = @import("std");
const Thread = std.Thread;
const Mutex = Thread.Mutex;
const spawn = Thread.spawn;
const SpawnConfig = Thread.SpawnConfig;

var mutex = Mutex{};
var cond = Thread.Condition{};
var ready = false;

fn worker() void {
    defer mutex.unlock();
    std.debug.print("Worker: {} lock, checking ready status...\n", .{Thread.getCurrentId()});

    while (!ready) {
        std.debug.print("Worker: Ready is false, waiting on condition...\n", .{});

    std.debug.print("Worker: Ready is true, proceeding...\n", .{});
    std.debug.print("Worker: Released lock, exiting...\n", .{});

pub fn main() !void {
    std.debug.print("Main: Spawning worker thread...\n", .{});

    const thread = spawn(.{}, worker, .{}) catch unreachable;

    std.debug.print("Main: Sleeping for 1 second...\n", .{});
    std.time.sleep(1 * std.time.ns_per_s);

        defer mutex.unlock();
        std.debug.print("Main: mutex lock, setting ready to true...\n", .{});

        ready = true;

        std.debug.print("Main: Released lock, signalled condition...\n", .{});


    std.debug.print("Main: Worker thread joined, exiting main...\n", .{});

This Zig code snippet is an excellent example of the use of condition variables (Condition Variable) and mutexes (Mutex). In concurrent programming, condition variables are used for synchronization between threads, particularly when certain conditions change. Below is a detailed explanation of the code.

Code Overview

  1. Import Standard Library: Uses @import("std") to import Zig's standard library.
  2. Define Mutex and Condition Variable: Utilizes Mutex and Condition from the Thread module.
  3. Define Global Variables: mutex is used to synchronize access to a shared resource, cond is the condition variable, and ready is a boolean variable indicating whether a specific condition is met.

Detailed Code Analysis

  • Worker Thread Function worker:

    • Acquires the mutex.
    • Uses a while loop to check the status of the ready variable. If ready is false, the thread waits on the condition variable cond.
    • When ready becomes true, the thread continues execution and releases the lock.
  • Main Function (main):

    • Starts the worker thread.
    • The main thread sleeps for one second, simulating some processing.
    • Acquires the mutex, sets ready to true, and signals the condition variable cond to wake up the waiting thread.
    • Releases the mutex and waits for the worker thread to finish.

Key Points

  • Condition Variable: Condition variables are used for synchronization between threads. When a certain condition (in this case, the ready variable) changes, one thread can notify other threads.

Semaphore and Mutex Usage

const std = @import("std");
const Thread = std.Thread;
const Mutex = Thread.Mutex;
const spawn = Thread.spawn;
const SpawnConfig = Thread.SpawnConfig;

var semaphore: Thread.Semaphore = .{
    .permits = 1,

fn threadFunc(value: usize) void {
    std.debug.print("thread {}: starting\n", .{Thread.getCurrentId()});

    for (0..5) |_| {
        std.debug.print("Wait for semaphore\n", .{});
        std.debug.print("thread {}: semaphore permits before increment: {}\n", .{ Thread.getCurrentId(), semaphore.permits });

        semaphore.permits += value;
        std.debug.print("thread {}: semaphore permits after increment: {}\n", .{ Thread.getCurrentId(), semaphore.permits });
        std.time.sleep(1 * std.time.ns_per_s);

pub fn main() !void {
    const testNum: usize = 10;

    std.debug.print("Initial shared data value: {}\n", .{semaphore.permits});
    const thread1 = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, threadFunc, .{testNum});
    const thread2 = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, threadFunc, .{testNum});


    std.debug.print("Final shared data value: {}\n", .{semaphore.permits});

Code Overview

  1. Import Standard Library: Uses @import("std") to import Zig's standard library.
  2. Define Semaphore: Creates a global variable semaphore of type Thread.Semaphore to control access to resources.
  3. Initialize Semaphore: The semaphore is initialized to 1, meaning that at any given time, only one thread is allowed to modify it.

Detailed Code Analysis

  • Thread Function threadFunc:

    • Prints a message indicating the thread has started.
    • Uses the semaphore for synchronization within a loop:
      • The thread requests access to resources by calling semaphore.wait(). If the semaphore's value is 0, the thread waits until the semaphore's value increases.
      • The thread increments the semaphore’s value (simulating modification of a shared resource).
      • The thread prints the semaphore's value before and after modification.
      • The thread releases the semaphore by calling semaphore.post(), allowing other threads to access the resource.
      • The thread sleeps for one second, simulating execution time.
  • Main Function (main):

    • Prints the initial semaphore value.
    • Creates and starts two threads, each running the threadFunc function.
    • Waits for both threads to complete.
    • Prints the final semaphore value.

Key Points

  • Semaphore: Semaphore is a synchronization mechanism used to control access to shared resources. In this example, the semaphore ensures that at any given time, only one thread can modify the semaphore's value.
  • Wait and Post: The semaphore's wait() method is used to request access to resources, while the post() method is used to release resources.
  • Synchronization Between Threads: By using the semaphore, threads must wait for other threads to release resources before modifying shared resources (in this case, the permits field of the semaphore).

Synchronizing Threads Using Wait Group

const std = @import("std");
const Thread = std.Thread;
const WaitGroup = Thread.WaitGroup;
const spawn = Thread.spawn;

const SharedData = struct {
    value: i32,

var shared_data = SharedData{ .value = 0 };

pub fn threadFunc(wg: *WaitGroup, increment: usize) void {
    std.debug.print("Thread started with increment: {}\n", .{increment});

    for (0..100) |_| {
        shared_data.value += @intCast(increment);

    std.debug.print("Thread finished with increment: {}\n", .{increment});

pub fn main() !void {
    var wg = WaitGroup{};

    const num_threads = 4;
    var threads: [num_threads]Thread = undefined;

    for (threads[0..], 0..num_threads) |*t, index| {
        std.debug.print("Starting thread {}\n", .{index});

        t.* = try spawn(.{}, threadFunc, .{
            &wg, index * 10,

    std.debug.print("All threads have started, waiting for completion\n", .{});

    for (threads[0..], 0..num_threads) |*t, index| {
        std.debug.print("Joined thread {}\n", .{index});

    std.debug.print("Finally shared_data value is {}\n", .{shared_data.value});

Code Overview

  1. Import Standard Library: Uses @import("std") to import Zig's standard library.
  2. Define Shared Data Structure (SharedData): A simple structure containing an integer value value.
  3. Initialize Shared Data: Creates an instance of SharedData named shared_data, with its value initialized to 0.

Detailed Code Analysis

  • Thread Function threadFunc:

    • Prints a message indicating the start of the thread and displays the thread's increment value.
    • Increments the shared_data.value in a loop.
    • Calls wg.finish() to indicate the thread has completed its work.
    • Prints a message indicating the end of the thread.
  • Main Function (main):

    • Initializes the Wait Group (WaitGroup).
    • Creates an array of threads threads.
    • In a loop, for each thread:
      • Calls wg.start() to signal the start of a new thread.
      • Creates a thread using spawn to execute threadFunc.
    • Calls wg.wait() to wait for all threads to complete.
    • Joins (join) all threads to ensure they have all finished.
    • Prints the final value of shared_data.value.

Key Points

  • Wait Group (WaitGroup): A Wait Group is used to track and wait for the completion of a group of threads. wg.start() is called when a new thread starts; wg.finish() is called when a thread ends.
  • Access to Shared Data: All threads in the example share the shared_data instance. Each thread modifies the value of shared_data.value.
  • Thread Creation and Management: Uses the spawn function to create and start threads, and the join method to wait for thread completion.
  • Considerations for Concurrent Data Access: This code example, for simplicity, does not use locks or other synchronization mechanisms to protect shared data. In practical applications, where multiple threads modify the same data concurrently, mutexes or atomic operations should be used to prevent race conditions.

This pattern simplifies managing the lifecycle of threads, especially when waiting for multiple threads to complete their work. However, it is important to ensure thread safety when dealing with shared data to avoid data races.

Custom Channels and Concurrent Programming

const std = @import("std");
const Thread = std.Thread;
const Event = std.event;
// const Channel = Event.Channel; // TODO: After Publish Async to make this work
const Mutex = Thread.Mutex;
const Condition = Thread.Condition;
const spawn = Thread.spawn;

const SelectOp = enum {

const SelectCase = struct {
    op: SelectOp,
    channel: *Channel(i32),
    value: ?i32,
    is_ready: bool,

pub fn Channel(comptime T: type) type {
    return struct {
        mutex: Mutex,
        not_empty: Condition,
        not_full: Condition,
        buffer: []i32,
        start: usize,
        end: usize,
        count: usize,
        closed: bool,
        select_cases: std.ArrayList(*SelectCase), // support select usage

        const Self = @This();

        pub fn init(self: *Self, buffer: []T) void {
            self.* = Self{
                .mutex = Mutex{},
                .not_empty = Condition{},
                .not_full = Condition{},
                .buffer = buffer,
                .start = 0,
                .end = 0,
                .count = 0,
                .closed = false,
                .select_cases = std.ArrayList(*SelectCase).init(std.heap.page_allocator),

        pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
            defer self.mutex.unlock();

            self.closed = true;
            self.buffer = undefined;
            self.start = 0;
            self.end = 0;
            self.count = 0;

        pub fn put(self: *Self, item: T) void {
            defer self.mutex.unlock();

            while (self.count == self.buffer.len) {

            self.buffer[self.end] = item;
            self.end = (self.end + 1) % self.buffer.len;
            self.count += 1;

        pub fn get(self: *Self) T {
            defer self.mutex.unlock();

            while (self.count == 0) {
            const item = self.buffer[self.start];
            self.start = (self.start + 1) % self.buffer.len;
            self.count -= 1;

            return item;

        pub fn send_nb(self: *Self, item: T) bool {
            defer self.mutex.unlock();

            if (self.count == self.buffer.len) {
                return false; // buffer is full

            self.buffer[self.end] = item;
            self.end = (self.end + 1) % self.buffer.len;
            self.count += 1;

            return true;

        pub fn recv_nb(self: *Self) ?T {
            defer self.mutex.unlock();

            if (self.count == 0) {
                return null; // buffer is empty

            const item = self.buffer[self.start];
            self.start = (self.start + 1) % self.buffer.len;
            self.count -= 1;

            return item;

        pub fn registerSelectCase(self: *Self, case: *SelectCase) !void {
            defer self.mutex.unlock();

            try self.select_cases.append(case);

        pub fn trySelectOperation(self: *Self) bool {
            for (self.select_cases.items) |case| {
                switch (case.op) {
                    .Send => {
                        if (case.value != null and self.send_nb(case.value.?)) {
                            return true;
                    .Recv => {
                        if (self.recv_nb()) |item| {
                            case.value = item;
                            case.is_ready = true;

                            return true;
                        } else {

            return false;

pub fn select(cases: []SelectCase) !void {
    var done = false;

    // 1. register all cases
    for (cases) |*case| try case.channel.registerSelectCase(case);

    // 2. execution
    while (!done) {
        for (cases) |*case| {
            if (case.channel.trySelectOperation()) {
                case.is_ready = true;
                done = true;

                if (case.op == .Recv) {
                    std.debug.print("Received value: {?}\n", .{case.value});


    // 3. clean up
    for (cases) |*case| {
        var i: usize = 0;

        while (i < case.channel.select_cases.items.len) {
            if (case.channel.select_cases.items[i] == case) {
                _ = case.channel.select_cases.swapRemove(i);
            } else {
                i += 1;

fn producer(ch: anytype) void {
    std.debug.print("Producer starting...\n", .{});

    for (0..5) |i| {
        std.debug.print("Sending: {}\n", .{i});
        std.debug.print("Sent: {}\n", .{i});

fn consumer(ch: anytype) void {
    for (0..5) |_| {
        const v = ch.get();
        std.debug.print("Received: {}\n", .{v});

pub fn blockChannel() !void {
    var channel: Channel(i32) = undefined;
    var buffer: [5]i32 = undefined;

    defer channel.deinit();

    std.debug.print("Channel initialized\n", .{});
    std.debug.print("Start two threads..\n", .{});
    // start the producer and consumer threads
    const producerThread = try spawn(.{}, producer, .{&channel});
    const consumerThread = try spawn(.{}, consumer, .{&channel});

    // wait for the threads to finish

    std.debug.print("Done!\n", .{});

pub fn selectChannelData(channel: *Channel(i32)) !void {
    // select
    var cases: [2]SelectCase = undefined;
    var select_count: usize = 0;
    var attemptsTrack: usize = 0;

    while (attemptsTrack < 2) {
        if (channel.count < channel.buffer.len) {
            cases[0] = SelectCase{
                .op = .Send,
                .channel = channel,
                .value = 200,
                .is_ready = false,

            select_count += 1;

        cases[1] = SelectCase{
            .op = .Recv,
            .channel = channel,
            .value = null,
            .is_ready = false,
        select_count += 1;

        try select(cases[0..]);

        for (cases) |case| {
            if (case.is_ready) {
                switch (case.op) {
                    .Send => {
                        const sent = channel.send_nb(100);
                        if (sent) {
                            std.debug.print("{} Send value: {}\n", .{ Thread.getCurrentId(), case.value.? });
                        } else {
                            std.debug.print("{} Send failed, channel is full.\n", .{Thread.getCurrentId()});
                    .Recv => {
                        const received = channel.recv_nb();
                        if (received != null) {
                            std.debug.print("{} Received value: {?}\n", .{ Thread.getCurrentId(), received });
                        } else {
                            std.debug.print("Receive failed, channel is empty.\n", .{});

                attemptsTrack += 1;

        select_count = 0;

pub fn nonBlockingChannel() !void {
    var channel: Channel(i32) = undefined;
    var buffer: [10]i32 = undefined;

    defer channel.deinit();

    const threadCount = 10;

    for (threadCount) |_| {
        const thread = try spawn(.{}, selectChannelData, .{

pub fn main() !void {
    try blockChannel();
    try nonBlockingChannel();

This Zig code snippet implements a custom channel (Channel) type, demonstrating how to use channels for data transfer and synchronization between threads. It's an advanced example of concurrent programming involving semaphores, mutexes, condition variables, and select operations.

Code Overview

  1. Import Standard Library: Uses @import("std") to import Zig's standard library.
  2. Define Custom Channel Type: Implements a generic structure named Channel for inter-thread message passing.
  3. Implement Basic Channel Operations: Includes methods like put, get, send_nb (non-blocking send), and recv_nb (non-blocking receive).
  4. Implement Select Operation: Implements the select function, which can listen for events on multiple channels simultaneously.

Detailed Code Analysis

  • Channel Type:

    • Uses mutexes and condition variables to synchronize access to the internal buffer.
    • Provides standard send (put) and receive (get) methods, as well as non-blocking variants (send_nb and recv_nb).
    • Supports select operations, allowing to wait for events on multiple channels at the same time.
  • select Function:

    • Takes an array of SelectCase, each associated with a channel and an operation type (send or receive).
    • Attempts to perform operations on specified channels in a loop until one succeeds.
  • Producer-Consumer Pattern:

    • Implements producer and consumer functions to demonstrate the use of channels.
    • producer sends a series of messages to the channel, while consumer receives these messages from the channel.
  • Main Function (main):

    • Demonstrates how to create channels, start producer and consumer threads, and wait for their completion.
    • Also shows how to use non-blocking channels and select operations for inter-thread communication.

Key Points

  • Channel: Channel is an important concept in concurrent programming, used for communication and synchronization between threads.
  • Mutexes and Condition Variables: These concurrency primitives are used to protect the internal state of the channel, ensuring thread safety.
  • Select Operation: The select function allows waiting for events on multiple channels simultaneously, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of concurrent programs.
  • Producer-Consumer Pattern: This is a common concurrency pattern suitable for data exchange between multiple producers and consumers.

This code offers insights into advanced concurrent programming concepts in Zig, including the implementation of custom channels, synchronization mechanisms between threads, and how to coordinate the behavior of multiple threads in complex scenarios. It's crucial for building efficient programs capable of handling complex concurrent tasks.


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