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たまたま別件で起動させていたMautic AMIを使用


Rule Package




スクリーンショット 2016-05-24 13.38.21.png

スコア 説明
High Describes a security issue that can result in a compromise of the information confidentiality, integrity, and availability within your assessment target. We recommend that you treat this security issue as an emergency and implement an immediate remediation.
Medium Describes a security issue that can result in a compromise of the information confidentiality, integrity, and availability within your assessment target. We recommend that you fix this issue at the next possible opportunity, for example, during your next service update.
Low Describes a security issue that can result in a compromise of the information confidentiality, integrity, and availability within your assessment target. We recommend that you fix this issue as part of one of your future service updates.
Informational Describes a particular security configuration detail of your assessment target. Based on your business and organization goals, you can either simply make note of this information or use it to improve the security of your assessment target.




Label Result
ターゲット名 TEST
テンプレート名 TEST
開始 Yesterday at 4:34 PM (GMT+9)
終了 Yesterday at 5:35 PM (GMT+9)
ステータス 分析完了
ルールパッケージ Security Best Practices-1.0
AWS エージェント ID i-83da6819
結果 Instance i-83da6819 is configured to allow users to log in with root credentials over SSH. This increases the likelihood of a successful brute-force attack.
重要度 Medium
説明 This rule helps determine whether the SSH daemon is configured to permit logging in to your EC2 instance as root.
推奨事項 It is recommended that you configure your EC2 instance to prevent root logins over SSH. Instead, log in as a non-root user and use sudo to escalate privileges when necessary. To disable SSH root logins, set PermitRootLogin to "no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart sshd.

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