Custom widget
Widgets provide powerful features in Magento 2, that is used to add dynamic or static content to store’s pages.
#Create a new widget
Create a new widget step:
- Declaring the widget
- Adding widget parameters
- Check the widget
- Create the block
- Create the template
- Check the Frontend
##Declaring the widget
now create a file named etc/widget.xml
that define basic information about the widget such as Name, description, Block Class.
<widgets xmlns:xsi=""
<widget class="Karabiner\Widget\Block\Widget\Test" id="karabiner_test_widget">
<label>New Widget</label>
<description>This is a New Widget</description>
We need to also add a dependency to Magento_Widget in the module.xml
<module name="Magento_Widget" />
##Adding widget parameters
As a parameter, we are able to use any of these field types:
Add a text and a select field:
<widgets xmlns:xsi=""
<widget class="Karabiner\Widget\Block\Widget\Test" id="karabiner_test_widget">
<parameter name="title" xsi:type="text" required="true" visible="true" sort_order="10">
<parameter name="size" xsi:type="select" visible="true" required="true" sort_order="20">
<label translate="true">Size</label>
<option name="s" value="S">
<option name="m" value="M" selected="true">
<option name="l" value="L">
##Check the widget
after run cache clear comand php bin/magento cache:flush
go to Admin panel > Content > Pages > Homepage(or any page) > Edit
In the Content tab, click on Insert Widget icon.
##Create the block
Create the block class that we provided on the widget’s initialization, responsible for rendering it on the frontend.
namespace Karabiner\Widget\Block\Widget;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template;
use Magento\Widget\Block\BlockInterface;
class Test extends Template implements BlockInterface
protected $_template = "widget/test.phtml";
##Create the template
And finally, create the template that will be used for showing the widget’s data on the frontend.
/** \Karabiner\Widget\Block\Widget\Test $block */
<h3><?= $block->escapeHtml($block->getData('title')) ?></h3>
<h3><?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Size:')) ?> <?= $block->escapeHtml($block->getData('size')) ?></h3>
##Check the Frontend
Clean the Magento cache with the following command:
php bin/magento cache:flush