そこで今回は、Azure Storage Account の Blob コンテナーに Fluent Bit からデータを送る検証をしてみました。
ローカルで Fluent Bit の動作確認
Fluent Bit を MacOS にインストール
私の環境は Homebrew で Fluent Bit をインストールしました。
$ brew install fluent-bit
==> Fetching fluent-bit
==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/fluent-bit/manifests/2.0.9
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/fluent-bit/blobs/sha256:0463fea8a38a358abccc5194f9fc829dd5e406f10f94201349c8df4ff112939c
==> Downloading from https://pkg-containers.githubusercontent.com/ghcr1/blobs/sha256:0463fea8a38a358abccc5194f9fc829dd5e406f10f94201349c8
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring fluent-bit--2.0.9.arm64_ventura.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fluent-bit/2.0.9: 170 files, 10.2MB
==> Running `brew cleanup fluent-bit`...
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
Fluent Bit の動作確認
dummy メッセージが何回か表示されたところで [Ctrl + C] で Fluent Bit を止めます。
$ fluent-bit -i dummy -o stdout -f 1
Fluent Bit v2.0.9
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd
* https://fluentbit.io
[2023/02/25 09:15:07] [ info] [fluent bit] version=2.0.9, commit=, pid=7920
[2023/02/25 09:15:07] [ info] [storage] ver=1.4.0, type=memory, sync=normal, checksum=off, max_chunks_up=128
[2023/02/25 09:15:07] [ info] [cmetrics] version=0.5.8
[2023/02/25 09:15:07] [ info] [ctraces ] version=0.2.7
[2023/02/25 09:15:07] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] initializing
[2023/02/25 09:15:07] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only)
[2023/02/25 09:15:07] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.0] worker #0 started
[2023/02/25 09:15:07] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
[0] dummy.0: [1677284108.544548000, {"message"=>"dummy"}]
[0] dummy.0: [1677284109.542850000, {"message"=>"dummy"}]
[0] dummy.0: [1677284110.547118000, {"message"=>"dummy"}]
[0] dummy.0: [1677284111.546998000, {"message"=>"dummy"}]
[2023/02/25 09:15:12] [engine] caught signal (SIGINT)
[2023/02/25 09:15:12] [ info] [input] pausing dummy.0
[2023/02/25 09:15:12] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.0] thread worker #0 stopping...
[2023/02/25 09:15:12] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.0] thread worker #0 stopped
検証用 Azure Storage Account を作成
az group create \
--name ${prefix}-rg \
--location japaneast
az storage account create \
--name ${prefix}stor \
--resource-group ${prefix}-rg \
--sku Standard_LRS
storagekey=$(az storage account keys list \
--account-name ${prefix}stor \
--resource-group ${prefix}-rg \
--query "[0].value" \
--output tsv)
Fluent Bit 設定ファイルを作成
cat <<EOF > azure-blog.conf
flush 1
log_level info
name dummy
dummy {"name": "Fluent Bit", "year": 2020}
samples 1
tag var.log.containers.app-default-96cbdef2340.log
name azure_blob
match *
account_name ${prefix}stor
shared_key $storagekey
path kubernetes
container_name logs
auto_create_container on
tls on
Blob コンテナーにデータを送る Fluent Bit を実行
content appended to blob successfully
メッセージが表示されたところで [Ctrl + C] で Fluent Bit を止めます。
$ fluent-bit -c azure-blog.conf
Fluent Bit v2.0.9
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd
* https://fluentbit.io
[2023/02/25 09:23:55] [ info] [fluent bit] version=2.0.9, commit=, pid=8772
[2023/02/25 09:23:55] [ info] [storage] ver=1.4.0, type=memory, sync=normal, checksum=off, max_chunks_up=128
[2023/02/25 09:23:55] [ info] [cmetrics] version=0.5.8
[2023/02/25 09:23:55] [ info] [ctraces ] version=0.2.7
[2023/02/25 09:23:55] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] initializing
[2023/02/25 09:23:55] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only)
[2023/02/25 09:23:55] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] account_name=mnrfluentbitstor, container_name=logs, blob_type=appendblob, emulator_mode=no, endpoint=mnrfluentbitstor.blob.core.windows.net
[2023/02/25 09:23:55] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
[2023/02/25 09:23:57] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] container 'logs' not found, trying to create it
[2023/02/25 09:23:57] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] container 'logs' created sucessfully
[2023/02/25 09:23:57] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob not found:
[2023/02/25 09:23:57] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] blob created successfully:
[2023/02/25 09:23:57] [ info] [output:azure_blob:azure_blob.0] content appended to blob successfully
[2023/02/25 09:24:02] [engine] caught signal (SIGINT)
[2023/02/25 09:24:02] [ info] [input] pausing dummy.0
Blob コンテナーの状態確認
azure-blog.conf で指定した logs
コンテナーの kubernetes
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-25T00:23:56.147395Z","name":"Fluent Bit","year":2020}
rm azure-blog.conf
az group delete \
--name ${prefix}-rg \