検証用の Bind ゾーンファイルを作成
$ cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
$ sudo apt install bind9
$ systemctl status named
$ cd /etc/bind
$ sudo cp db.empty db.example.jp
$ sudo sed -i 's/localhost/example.jp/g' db.example.jp
$ echo "@ IN A" | sudo tee -a db.example.jp
$ cat db.example.jp
; BIND reverse data file for empty rfc1918 zone
; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is used for multiple zones.
; Instead, copy it, edit named.conf, and use that copy.
$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA example.jp. root.example.jp. (
1 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS example.jp.
@ IN A
$ named-checkzone example.jp db.example.jp
zone example.jp/IN: loaded serial 1
検証用の Azure DNS を作成
$ az network dns zone create \
--resource-group mnrlabo-rg \
--name example.jp
$ az network dns zone import \
--resource-group mnrlabo-rg \
--name example.jp \
--file-name db.example.jp
In the future, zone name will be case insensitive.
== BEGINNING ZONE IMPORT: example.jp ==
(1/3) Imported 1 records of type 'soa' and name '@'
(2/3) Imported 1 records of type 'NS' and name '@'
(3/3) Imported 1 records of type 'a' and name '@'
$ az network dns zone export \
--resource-group mnrlabo-rg \
--name example.jp
; Exported zone file from Azure DNS
; Zone name: example.jp
; Resource Group Name: mnrlabo-rg
; Date and time (UTC): Sat, 11 Mar 2023 08:40:27 +0900
$TTL 86400
$ORIGIN example.jp.
@ 86400 IN SOA ns1-09.azure-dns.com. root.example.jp. (
1 ; serial
604800 ; refresh
86400 ; retry
2419200 ; expire
86400 ; minimum
86400 IN A
86400 IN NS ns1-09.azure-dns.com.
86400 IN NS ns2-09.azure-dns.net.
86400 IN NS ns3-09.azure-dns.org.
86400 IN NS ns4-09.azure-dns.info.
$ az network dns zone delete \
--resource-group mnrlabo-rg \
--name example.jp \