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do concurrentを使用した並列化の調査(MinGW-W64 GCC-8.1.0)

Last updated at Posted at 2021-12-13

本記事はFortran Advent Calendar 2021の12日目の記事です。


11月13日に開催された第2回並列計算勉強会で実施したdo concurrentを使用した並列化について、実施した内容を残すために書きます。


CPU:AMD Ryzen3
コンパイラ:MinGW-W64 GCC-8.1.0 x86_64-posix-seh




program HimenoBMTxp_F90
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
    implicit none

    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :),       allocatable :: p
        !! pressure
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :, :),    allocatable :: a
        !! coefficient matrix for p(i+1), p(j+1), p(k+1), p(i,j,k)
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :, :),    allocatable :: b
        !! coefficient matrix for cross derivative terms
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :, :),    allocatable :: c
        !! coefficient matrix for p(i-1), p(j-1), p(k-1)
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :),       allocatable :: bnd
        !! control variable for boundaries and objects. <br>
        !! 1 in fluid and 0 on boundaries or in a object.
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :),       allocatable :: src
        !! source term of Poisson equation
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :),       allocatable :: wrk
        !! working area

    integer(int32) :: mimax, mjmax, mkmax
    integer(int32) ::  imax,  jmax,  kmax !&

    integer(int32) :: num_iteration
    real(real32) :: flop, mflops, score, error
    real(real64) :: time_begin_s, time_end_s, time_elapsed_s, dt

    ! Parameters related to performance measurments
    real(real32), parameter :: FlopToMFlop = 1e-6
        !! conversion coefficient from flops to mega flops
    real(real32), parameter :: numFlopPerPoint = 34.0 ! [operations]
        !! number of floating point number operations per grid point
    real(real32), parameter :: MFlopsPenIII600 = 82.84 ! [MFLOPS]
        !! reference performance (Mega flops) when using Pentium III 600 MHz

    call read_grid_parameter(mimax, mjmax, mkmax, imax, jmax, kmax)

    ! Initializing matrixes
    Initialize: block
        integer(int32) :: k, num_points

        allocate (p  (mimax, mjmax, mkmax),    source=0.0)
        allocate (a  (mimax, mjmax, mkmax, 4), source=0.0) ! 4D for +x, +y, +z, and center
        allocate (b  (mimax, mjmax, mkmax, 3), source=0.0) ! 3D for xy, yz, xz
        allocate (c  (mimax, mjmax, mkmax, 3), source=0.0) ! 3D for -x, -y, -z
        allocate (bnd(mimax, mjmax, mkmax),    source=0.0)
        allocate (src(mimax, mjmax, mkmax),    source=0.0)
        allocate (wrk(mimax, mjmax, mkmax),    source=0.0)

        a  (1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax, 1:3) = 1.0
        a  (1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax, 4)   = 1.0/6.0
        b  (1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax, :)   = 0.0
        c  (1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax, :)   = 1.0
        bnd(1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)      = 1.0

        do k = 1, kmax
            p(:, :, k) = real((k - 1)**2)/real((kmax - 1)**2)
        end do

        num_points = (kmax-2)*(jmax-2)*(imax-2) !& 2:imax-1 times 2:jmax-1 times 2:kmax-1
        flop = real(num_points)*numFlopPerPoint
    end block Initialize

    print *, " mimax=", mimax, " mjmax=", mjmax, " mkmax=", mkmax
    print *, "  imax=", imax, "  jmax=", jmax, "  kmax=", kmax

    dt = get_time_measurement_resolution()
    print "(a,e12.5)", "Time measurement accuracy : ", dt

    ! Rehearsal measurment to estimate the number of iterations
    Rehearsal: block
        num_iteration = 3
        print *, " Start rehearsal measurement process."
        print *, " Measure the performance in 3 times."

        ! Jacobi iteration
        time_begin_s = get_current_time()
        call jacobi(p, error, a, b, c, bnd, src, wrk, num_iteration)
        time_end_s = get_current_time()

        time_elapsed_s = time_end_s - time_begin_s
        if (time_elapsed_s < dt) error stop "error : execution time is not correct. The grid size may be too small."

        mflops = flop*FlopToMFlop/(time_elapsed_s/dble(num_iteration))
        print *, "  MFLOPS:", mflops, "  time(s):", time_elapsed_s, error
    end block Rehearsal
    ! end Rehearsal measurment

    ! Acatual measurment
    Actual: block
        ! ExecTime specifys the measuring period in sec
        ! real(real32), parameter :: ExecTime = 60.0 !sec
        real(real32), parameter :: ExecTime = 10.0 !sec

        ! set the number of Iterations so that the execution time is roughly ExecTime sec
        num_iteration = int(ExecTime/(time_elapsed_s/dble(num_iteration)))
        print *, "Now, start the actual measurement process."
        print *, "The loop will be excuted in", num_iteration, " times."
        print *, "This will take about one minute."
        print *, "Wait for a while."

        ! Jacobi iteration
        time_begin_s = get_current_time()
        call jacobi(p, error, a, b, c, bnd, src, wrk, num_iteration)
        time_end_s = get_current_time()

        ! compute benchmark results
        time_elapsed_s = time_end_s - time_begin_s
        mflops = flop*FlopToMFlop/(time_elapsed_s/dble(num_iteration))
        score = mflops/MFlopsPenIII600

        print *, " Loop executed for ", num_iteration, " times"
        print *, " Error :", error
        print *, " MFLOPS:", mflops, "  time(s):", time_elapsed_s
        print *, " Score based on Pentium III 600MHz :", score
    end block Actual

    Finalize: block
        deallocate (p)
        deallocate (a)
        deallocate (b)
        deallocate (c)
        deallocate (bnd)
        deallocate (src)
        deallocate (wrk)
    end block Finalize


    !| get time measurement resolution of the system
    function get_time_measurement_resolution() result(time_interval)
        implicit none
        integer(int32) :: count, count_rate, count_max
        real(real64) :: time_interval

        call system_clock(count, count_rate, count_max)
        time_interval = 1.0/dble(count_rate)
    end function get_time_measurement_resolution

    !| get elapsed time in second from the reference time
    ! function get_current_time() result(current_time_s)
    !     implicit none
    !     integer(int32) :: count, count_rate, count_max
    !     real(real64) :: current_time_s

    !     call system_clock(count, count_rate, count_max)
    !     current_time_s = dble(count)/dble(count_rate)
    ! end function get_current_time
    function get_current_time() result(current_time_s)
        use omp_lib
        implicit none
        real(real64) :: current_time_s
        current_time_s = omp_get_wtime()
    end function get_current_time

    !| read problem (grid size) from standard input and set the number of grid points according to the grid size
    subroutine read_grid_parameter(mimax, mjmax, mkmax, imax, jmax, kmax)
        implicit none
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: mimax
            !! number of grid points in x direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: mjmax
            !! number of grid points in y direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: mkmax
            !! number of grid points in z direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: imax
            !! number of grid points in x direction
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: jmax
            !! number of grid points in y direction
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: kmax
            !! number of grid points in z direction

        character(10) :: size

        print *, "Select Grid-size:"
        print *, "           XS (64x32x32)"
        print *, "           S  (128x64x64)"
        print *, "           M  (256x128x128)"
        print *, "           L  (512x256x256)"
        print *, "           XL (1024x512x512)"
        print "(A,$)", " Grid-size = "
        ! read (*, *) size
        size = "L"

        call set_grid_size(mimax, mjmax, mkmax, size)

        imax = mimax - 1
        jmax = mjmax - 1
        kmax = mkmax - 1

    end subroutine read_grid_parameter

    !| set the number of grid points according to the grid size
    subroutine set_grid_size(mimax, mjmax, mkmax, size)
        implicit none
        integer(int32), intent(inout)   :: mimax
            !! number of grid points in x direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout)   :: mjmax
            !! number of grid points in y direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout)   :: mkmax
            !! number of grid points in z direction (with padding)
        character(*),   intent(in)      :: size
            !! grid size

        select case (size)
        case ("XS", "xs")
            mimax = 64 + 1
            mjmax = 32 + 1
            mkmax = 32 + 1
        case ("S", "s")
            mimax = 128 + 1
            mjmax = 64 + 1
            mkmax = 64 + 1
        case ("M", "m")
            mimax = 256 + 1
            mjmax = 128 + 1
            mkmax = 128 + 1
        case ("L", "l")
            mimax = 512 + 1
            mjmax = 256 + 1
            mkmax = 256 + 1
        case ("XL", "xl")
            mimax = 1024 + 1
            mjmax = 512 + 1
            mkmax = 512 + 1
        case default
            error stop "Unexpected Grid-size"
        end select
    end subroutine set_grid_size

    !| solve Poisson equation using Jacobi method
    subroutine jacobi(p, error, a, b, c, bnd, src, wrk, num_iteration)
        implicit none
        real(real32),   intent(inout)   :: p(:, :, :)
            !! pressure
        real(real32),   intent(inout)   :: error
            !! squared error
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: a(:, :, :, :)
            !! coefficient matrix for p(i+1), p(j+1), p(k+1), p(i,j,k)
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: b(:, :, :, :)
            !! coefficient matrix for cross derivative term
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: c(:, :, :, :)
            !! coefficient matrix for p(i+1), p(j+1), p(k+1)
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: bnd(:, :, :)
            !! control variable for boundaries and objects
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: src(:, :, :)
            !! source term of Poisson equation
        real(real32),   intent(inout)   :: wrk(:, :, :)
            !! working area
        integer(int32), intent(in)      :: num_iteration
            !! number of Jacobi iteration

        integer(int32) :: loop
        integer(int32) :: i, j, k
        real(real32) :: p_new, dp
        real(real32), parameter :: rlx = 0.8 !relaxation parameter

        integer(int32), parameter :: x = 1
        integer(int32), parameter :: y = 2
        integer(int32), parameter :: z = 3
        integer(int32), parameter :: center = 4
        integer(int32), parameter :: xy = 1
        integer(int32), parameter :: yz = 2
        integer(int32), parameter :: zx = 3

        integer(int32) :: imax
        integer(int32) :: jmax
        integer(int32) :: kmax
        imax = ubound(p, x) - 1
        jmax = ubound(p, y) - 1
        kmax = ubound(p, z) - 1

        Jacobi_iteration: do loop = 1, num_iteration
            error = 0.0
            do k = 2, kmax-1
                do j = 2, jmax-1
                    do i = 2, imax-1
                        p_new =  a(i, j, k, x )*p(i+1, j  , k  ) &
                               + a(i, j, k, y )*p(i  , j+1, k  ) &
                               + a(i, j, k, z )*p(i  , j  , k+1) &
                               + b(i, j, k, xy)*(  p(i+1, j+1, k  ) - p(i+1, j-1, k  ) &
                                                 - p(i-1, j+1, k  ) + p(i-1, j-1, k  )) &
                               + b(i, j, k, yz)*(  p(i  , j+1, k+1) - p(i  , j-1, k+1) &
                                                 - p(i  , j+1, k-1) + p(i  , j-1, k-1)) &
                               + b(i, j, k, zx)*(  p(i+1, j  , k+1) - p(i-1, j  , k+1) &
                                                 - p(i+1, j  , k-1) + p(i-1, j  , k-1)) &
                               + c(i, j, k, x)*p(i-1, j  , k  ) &
                               + c(i, j, k, y)*p(i  , j-1, k  ) &
                               + c(i, j, k, z)*p(i  , j  , k-1) &
                               + src(i, j, k)

                        dp = (p_new*a(i, j, k, center) - p(i, j, k))*bnd(i, j, k)
                        ! error = error + dp*dp
                        wrk(i, j, k) = p(i, j, k) + rlx*dp
                    end do
                end do
            end do
            p(2:imax-1, 2:jmax-1, 2:kmax-1) = wrk(2:imax-1, 2:jmax-1, 2:kmax-1)
        end do Jacobi_iteration

    end subroutine jacobi
end program HimenoBMTxp_F90

do concurrentを使うように書き換えたもの。

program HimenoBMTxp_F90
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
    implicit none

    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :),       allocatable :: p
        !! pressure
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :, :),    allocatable :: a
        !! coefficient matrix for p(i+1), p(j+1), p(k+1), p(i,j,k)
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :, :),    allocatable :: b
        !! coefficient matrix for cross derivative terms
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :, :),    allocatable :: c
        !! coefficient matrix for p(i-1), p(j-1), p(k-1)
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :),       allocatable :: bnd
        !! control variable for boundaries and objects. <br>
        !! 1 in fluid and 0 on boundaries or in a object.
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :),       allocatable :: src
        !! source term of Poisson equation
    real(real32), dimension(:, :, :),       allocatable :: wrk
        !! working area

    integer(int32) :: mimax, mjmax, mkmax
    integer(int32) ::  imax,  jmax,  kmax !&

    integer(int32) :: num_iteration
    real(real32) :: flop, mflops, score, error
    real(real64) :: time_begin_s, time_end_s, time_elapsed_s, dt

    ! Parameters related to performance measurments
    real(real32), parameter :: FlopToMFlop = 1e-6
        !! conversion coefficient from flops to mega flops
    real(real32), parameter :: numFlopPerPoint = 34.0 ! [operations]
        !! number of floating point number operations per grid point
    real(real32), parameter :: MFlopsPenIII600 = 82.84 ! [MFLOPS]
        !! reference performance (Mega flops) when using Pentium III 600 MHz

    call read_grid_parameter(mimax, mjmax, mkmax, imax, jmax, kmax)

    ! Initializing matrixes
    Initialize: block
        integer(int32) :: k, num_points

        allocate (p  (mimax, mjmax, mkmax),    source=0.0)
        allocate (a  (mimax, mjmax, mkmax, 4), source=0.0) ! 4D for +x, +y, +z, and center
        allocate (b  (mimax, mjmax, mkmax, 3), source=0.0) ! 3D for xy, yz, xz
        allocate (c  (mimax, mjmax, mkmax, 3), source=0.0) ! 3D for -x, -y, -z
        allocate (bnd(mimax, mjmax, mkmax),    source=0.0)
        allocate (src(mimax, mjmax, mkmax),    source=0.0)
        allocate (wrk(mimax, mjmax, mkmax),    source=0.0)

        a  (1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax, 1:3) = 1.0
        a  (1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax, 4)   = 1.0/6.0
        b  (1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax, :)   = 0.0
        c  (1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax, :)   = 1.0
        bnd(1:imax, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)      = 1.0

        do k = 1, kmax
            p(:, :, k) = real((k - 1)**2)/real((kmax - 1)**2)
        end do

        num_points = (kmax-2)*(jmax-2)*(imax-2) !& 2:imax-1 times 2:jmax-1 times 2:kmax-1
        flop = real(num_points)*numFlopPerPoint
    end block Initialize

    print *, " mimax=", mimax, " mjmax=", mjmax, " mkmax=", mkmax
    print *, "  imax=", imax, "  jmax=", jmax, "  kmax=", kmax

    dt = get_time_measurement_resolution()
    print "(a,e12.5)", "Time measurement accuracy : ", dt

    ! Rehearsal measurment to estimate the number of iterations
    Rehearsal: block
        num_iteration = 3
        print *, " Start rehearsal measurement process."
        print *, " Measure the performance in 3 times."

        ! Jacobi iteration
        time_begin_s = get_current_time()
        call jacobi(p, error, a, b, c, bnd, src, wrk, num_iteration)
        time_end_s = get_current_time()

        time_elapsed_s = time_end_s - time_begin_s
        if (time_elapsed_s < dt) error stop "error : execution time is not correct. The grid size may be too small."

        mflops = flop*FlopToMFlop/(time_elapsed_s/dble(num_iteration))
        print *, "  MFLOPS:", mflops, "  time(s):", time_elapsed_s, error
    end block Rehearsal
    ! end Rehearsal measurment

    ! Acatual measurment
    Actual: block
        ! ExecTime specifys the measuring period in sec
        ! real(real32), parameter :: ExecTime = 60.0 !sec
        real(real32), parameter :: ExecTime = 10.0 !sec

        ! set the number of Iterations so that the execution time is roughly ExecTime sec
        num_iteration = int(ExecTime/(time_elapsed_s/dble(num_iteration)))
        print *, "Now, start the actual measurement process."
        print *, "The loop will be excuted in", num_iteration, " times."
        print *, "This will take about one minute."
        print *, "Wait for a while."

        ! Jacobi iteration
        time_begin_s = get_current_time()
        call jacobi(p, error, a, b, c, bnd, src, wrk, num_iteration)
        time_end_s = get_current_time()

        ! compute benchmark results
        time_elapsed_s = time_end_s - time_begin_s
        mflops = flop*FlopToMFlop/(time_elapsed_s/dble(num_iteration))
        score = mflops/MFlopsPenIII600

        print *, " Loop executed for ", num_iteration, " times"
        print *, " Error :", error
        print *, " MFLOPS:", mflops, "  time(s):", time_elapsed_s
        print *, " Score based on Pentium III 600MHz :", score
    end block Actual

    Finalize: block
        deallocate (p)
        deallocate (a)
        deallocate (b)
        deallocate (c)
        deallocate (bnd)
        deallocate (src)
        deallocate (wrk)
    end block Finalize


    !| get time measurement resolution of the system
    function get_time_measurement_resolution() result(time_interval)
        implicit none
        integer(int32) :: count, count_rate, count_max
        real(real64) :: time_interval

        call system_clock(count, count_rate, count_max)
        time_interval = 1.0/dble(count_rate)
    end function get_time_measurement_resolution

    !| get elapsed time in second from the reference time
    ! function get_current_time() result(current_time_s)
    !     implicit none
    !     integer(int32) :: count, count_rate, count_max
    !     real(real64) :: current_time_s

    !     call system_clock(count, count_rate, count_max)
    !     current_time_s = dble(count)/dble(count_rate)
    ! end function get_current_time
    function get_current_time() result(current_time_s)
        use omp_lib
        implicit none
        real(real64) :: current_time_s
        current_time_s = omp_get_wtime()
    end function get_current_time

    !| read problem (grid size) from standard input and set the number of grid points according to the grid size
    subroutine read_grid_parameter(mimax, mjmax, mkmax, imax, jmax, kmax)
        implicit none
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: mimax
            !! number of grid points in x direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: mjmax
            !! number of grid points in y direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: mkmax
            !! number of grid points in z direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: imax
            !! number of grid points in x direction
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: jmax
            !! number of grid points in y direction
        integer(int32), intent(inout) :: kmax
            !! number of grid points in z direction

        character(10) :: size

        print *, "Select Grid-size:"
        print *, "           XS (64x32x32)"
        print *, "           S  (128x64x64)"
        print *, "           M  (256x128x128)"
        print *, "           L  (512x256x256)"
        print *, "           XL (1024x512x512)"
        print "(A,$)", " Grid-size = "
        ! read (*, *) size
        size = "L"

        call set_grid_size(mimax, mjmax, mkmax, size)

        imax = mimax - 1
        jmax = mjmax - 1
        kmax = mkmax - 1

    end subroutine read_grid_parameter

    !| set the number of grid points according to the grid size
    subroutine set_grid_size(mimax, mjmax, mkmax, size)
        implicit none
        integer(int32), intent(inout)   :: mimax
            !! number of grid points in x direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout)   :: mjmax
            !! number of grid points in y direction (with padding)
        integer(int32), intent(inout)   :: mkmax
            !! number of grid points in z direction (with padding)
        character(*),   intent(in)      :: size
            !! grid size

        select case (size)
        case ("XS", "xs")
            mimax = 64 + 1
            mjmax = 32 + 1
            mkmax = 32 + 1
        case ("S", "s")
            mimax = 128 + 1
            mjmax = 64 + 1
            mkmax = 64 + 1
        case ("M", "m")
            mimax = 256 + 1
            mjmax = 128 + 1
            mkmax = 128 + 1
        case ("L", "l")
            mimax = 512 + 1
            mjmax = 256 + 1
            mkmax = 256 + 1
        case ("XL", "xl")
            mimax = 1024 + 1
            mjmax = 512 + 1
            mkmax = 512 + 1
        case default
            error stop "Unexpected Grid-size"
        end select
    end subroutine set_grid_size

    !| solve Poisson equation using Jacobi method
    subroutine jacobi(p, error, a, b, c, bnd, src, wrk, num_iteration)
        implicit none
        real(real32),   intent(inout)   :: p(:, :, :)
            !! pressure
        real(real32),   intent(inout)   :: error
            !! squared error
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: a(:, :, :, :)
            !! coefficient matrix for p(i+1), p(j+1), p(k+1), p(i,j,k)
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: b(:, :, :, :)
            !! coefficient matrix for cross derivative term
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: c(:, :, :, :)
            !! coefficient matrix for p(i+1), p(j+1), p(k+1)
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: bnd(:, :, :)
            !! control variable for boundaries and objects
        real(real32),   intent(in)      :: src(:, :, :)
            !! source term of Poisson equation
        real(real32),   intent(inout)   :: wrk(:, :, :)
            !! working area
        integer(int32), intent(in)      :: num_iteration
            !! number of Jacobi iteration

        integer(int32) :: loop
        integer(int32) :: i, j, k
        real(real32) :: p_new, dp
        real(real32), parameter :: rlx = 0.8 !relaxation parameter

        integer(int32), parameter :: x = 1
        integer(int32), parameter :: y = 2
        integer(int32), parameter :: z = 3
        integer(int32), parameter :: center = 4
        integer(int32), parameter :: xy = 1
        integer(int32), parameter :: yz = 2
        integer(int32), parameter :: zx = 3

        integer(int32) :: imax
        integer(int32) :: jmax
        integer(int32) :: kmax
        imax = ubound(p, x) - 1
        jmax = ubound(p, y) - 1
        kmax = ubound(p, z) - 1

        ! Jacobi_iteration: do loop = 1, num_iteration
        do concurrent (loop = 1:num_iteration)
            error = 0.0
            do concurrent (k = 2:kmax-1)
            ! do k = 2, kmax-1
                do concurrent (j = 2:jmax-1)
                ! do j = 2, jmax-1
                    do concurrent (i = 2:imax-1)
                    ! do i = 2, imax-1
                        p_new =  a(i, j, k, x )*p(i+1, j  , k  ) &
                               + a(i, j, k, y )*p(i  , j+1, k  ) &
                               + a(i, j, k, z )*p(i  , j  , k+1) &
                               + b(i, j, k, xy)*(  p(i+1, j+1, k  ) - p(i+1, j-1, k  ) &
                                                 - p(i-1, j+1, k  ) + p(i-1, j-1, k  )) &
                               + b(i, j, k, yz)*(  p(i  , j+1, k+1) - p(i  , j-1, k+1) &
                                                 - p(i  , j+1, k-1) + p(i  , j-1, k-1)) &
                               + b(i, j, k, zx)*(  p(i+1, j  , k+1) - p(i-1, j  , k+1) &
                                                 - p(i+1, j  , k-1) + p(i-1, j  , k-1)) &
                               + c(i, j, k, x)*p(i-1, j  , k  ) &
                               + c(i, j, k, y)*p(i  , j-1, k  ) &
                               + c(i, j, k, z)*p(i  , j  , k-1) &
                               + src(i, j, k)

                        dp = (p_new*a(i, j, k, center) - p(i, j, k))*bnd(i, j, k)
                        ! error = error + dp*dp
                        wrk(i, j, k) = p(i, j, k) + rlx*dp
                    end do
                end do
            end do
            p(2:imax-1, 2:jmax-1, 2:kmax-1) = wrk(2:imax-1, 2:jmax-1, 2:kmax-1)
        ! end do Jacobi_iteration
        end do

    end subroutine jacobi
end program HimenoBMTxp_F90



  • コア数:1、2、4
  • コンパイルオプション:-O1、-O2、-O3、-Ofast、-Og
  • 複数コア計算時の共通コンパイルオプション:-floop-parallelize-all、-ftree-parallelize-loops(1コアの場合は使用していない)




gfortran .\himenoBMT.f90 -o himenoBMT.exe -fopenmp
スレッド数 MFROPS doループのMFROPSとの比
1 791.631592 1

do concurrent + コンパイルオプションによるMFROPS。コンパイルコマンドと結果を順に示す。

gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc.exe -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl2.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=2 -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl4.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=4 -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
スレッド数 MFROPS doループのMFROPSとの比
1 895.503235 1.131212099
2 897.748962 1.134048933
4 884.753357 1.117632704
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_o1.exe -O1 -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl2_o1.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=2 -O1 -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl4_o1.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=4 -O1 -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
スレッド数 MFROPS doループのMFROPSとの比
1 1704.48059 2.153123507
2 1705.00012 2.153779785
4 1693.13 2.138785285
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_o2.exe -O2 -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl2_o2.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=2 -O2 -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl4_o2.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=4 -O2 -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
スレッド数 MFROPS doループのMFROPSとの比
1 1846.24219 2.332198726
2 736.637878 0.930531178
4 604.445312 0.763543696
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_o3.exe -O3 -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl2_o3.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=2 -O3 -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl4_o3.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=4 -O3 -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
スレッド数 MFROPS doループのMFROPSとの比
1 1740.00525 2.19799875
2 3242.29468 4.095711582
4 5825.41113 7.358740087
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_ofast.exe -Ofast -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl2_ofast.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=2 -Ofast -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl4_ofast.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=4 -Ofast -floop-parallelize-all -fopenmp
スレッド数 MFROPS doループのMFROPSとの比
1 1723.20935 2.176781937
2 3276.69116 4.139161692
4 5855.90527 7.397260707
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_og.exe -Og -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl2_og.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=2 -Og -fopenmp
gfortran .\himenoBMT_dc.f90 -o himenoBMT_dc_fpl4_og.exe -ftree-parallelize-loops=4 -Og -fopenmp
スレッド数 MFROPS doループのMFROPSとの比
1 1232.59961 1.557036913
2 1229.75427 1.55344264
4 1228.80859 1.552248044




do concurrentでフロップスの変化を確認した。



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