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Apache Camelの流量制御(Throttler)パターンを使ってみる

Last updated at Posted at 2018-09-22

Apache Camelの流量制御(Throttler)パターンを使ってみる




・size: テストデータの数。
・reportCount: reportCountの数だけ生成後にログを出力する。例えば、100にすると、100個のデータを生成するたびにログが出力されます。


	<bean id="testDataSet"
		<property name="size" value="10000" />
		<property name="reportCount" value="10000" />



"<throttle timePeriodMillis="1000">"で流量制限する時間を指定しています。1000を設定することで1秒(1000ms)単位に制限することになります。

		<route id="test">
			<from uri="dataset:testDataSet?produceDelay=-1" />
			<split parallelProcessing="true">
				<throttle timePeriodMillis="1000">
					<to uri="mock:result"/>
						uri="log:sample?level=INFO&amp;groupInterval=1000&amp;groupDelay=200&amp;groupActiveOnly=false" />

1秒ごとに"Received: 1000 new messages"のログが出力され、想定どおりに1秒(1000ms)単位に1000個のデータを処理できていることがわかります。

[2018-09-22 09:23:04.609], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 31 new messages, with total 31 so far. Last group took: 912 millis which is: 33.991 messages per second. average: 33.991
[2018-09-22 09:23:05.601], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 1031 so far. Last group took: 999 millis which is: 1,001.001 messages per second. average: 539.508
[2018-09-22 09:23:06.601], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 2031 so far. Last group took: 1000 millis which is: 1,000 messages per second. average: 697.698
[2018-09-22 09:23:07.603], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 3031 so far. Last group took: 1002 millis which is: 998.004 messages per second. average: 774.597
[2018-09-22 09:23:08.602], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 4031 so far. Last group took: 999 millis which is: 1,001.001 messages per second. average: 820.643
[2018-09-22 09:23:09.603], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 5031 so far. Last group took: 1001 millis which is: 999.001 messages per second. average: 850.837
[2018-09-22 09:23:10.603], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 6031 so far. Last group took: 1000 millis which is: 1,000 messages per second. average: 872.414
[2018-09-22 09:23:11.601], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 7031 so far. Last group took: 998 millis which is: 1,002.004 messages per second. average: 888.762
[2018-09-22 09:23:12.603], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 8031 so far. Last group took: 1002 millis which is: 998.004 messages per second. average: 901.043
[2018-09-22 09:23:13.601], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 1000 new messages, with total 9031 so far. Last group took: 998 millis which is: 1,002.004 messages per second. average: 911.21
[2018-09-22 09:23:14.016], [INFO ], dataset://testDataSet?produceDelay=-1, Camel (camel-1) thread #3 - dataset://testDataSet, dataset://testDataSet?produceDelay=-1, Sent: 10000 messages so far. Last group took: 10324 millis which is: 968.617 messages per second. average: 968.617
[2018-09-22 09:23:14.602], [INFO ], sample, Camel (camel-1) thread #2 - ThroughputLogger, sample, Received: 969 new messages, with total 10000 so far. Last group took: 1001 millis which is: 968.032 messages per second. average: 916.422





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