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gnubg のニューラルネットワーク

Last updated at Posted at 2021-03-01


どこから始めるかと考えた時に、まず思い浮かぶのは GNU Backgammon でしょう。先人たちはどのようなニューラルネットワーク(NN)を使っていたのか、調べてみました。

# /usr/games/gnubg -t
GNU Backgammon 1.06.002 Jan 25 2020
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Gary Wong.
Copyright (C) 2018 by Gary Wong and the AUTHORS; for details type `show version'.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show warranty'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show copying' for details.

どんな NN が使われているかは、以下のようにコマンドを入力すると分かります。

(No game) show engine
 * Contact neural network evaluator:
   - version 1.00, 250 inputs, 128 hidden units.

 * Crashed neural network evaluator:
   - version 1.00, 250 inputs, 128 hidden units.

 * Race neural network evaluator:
   - version 1.00, 214 inputs, 128 hidden units.

 * In memory 1-sided bearoff database evaluator
   - generated by GNU Backgammon
   - up to 15 chequers on 6 points (54264 positions) per player
   - database includes gammon distributions

 * In memory 2-sided bearoff database evaluator
   - generated by GNU Backgammon
   - up to 6 chequers on 6 points (924 positions) per player
   - database includes both cubeful and cubeless equities

 * Weights file and databases installed in:
   - /usr/share/gnubg

局面の評価に使われている NN は3つあり、それぞれコンタクトがある状況、"creashed"(これはあとで調べよう)、レースに分かれている。


static void
Evaluate(const neuralnet * pnn, const float arInput[], float ar[], float arOutput[], float *saveAr)
    const unsigned int cHidden = pnn->cHidden;
    unsigned int i, j;
    float *prWeight;

    /* Calculate activity at hidden nodes */
    for (i = 0; i < cHidden; i++)
        ar[i] = pnn->arHiddenThreshold[i];

    prWeight = pnn->arHiddenWeight;

    for (i = 0; i < pnn->cInput; i++) {
        float const ari = arInput[i];

        if (ari == 0.0f)
            prWeight += cHidden;
        else {
            float *pr = ar;

            if (ari == 1.0f)
                for (j = cHidden; j; j--)
                    *pr++ += *prWeight++;
                for (j = cHidden; j; j--)
                    *pr++ += *prWeight++ * ari;

    if (saveAr)
        memcpy(saveAr, ar, cHidden * sizeof(*saveAr));

    for (i = 0; i < cHidden; i++)
        ar[i] = sigmoid(-pnn->rBetaHidden * ar[i]);

    /* Calculate activity at output nodes */
    prWeight = pnn->arOutputWeight;

    for (i = 0; i < pnn->cOutput; i++) {
        float r = pnn->arOutputThreshold[i];

        for (j = 0; j < cHidden; j++)
            r += ar[j] * *prWeight++;

        arOutput[i] = sigmoid(-pnn->rBetaOutput * r);



このネットワークが"World Class"の強さを発揮するとは、バックギャモンはかくも簡単なゲームなのか? それが本音なのかい? 僕にはそうは思えないよ。


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