この記事は KLab Advent Calendar 2017 23日目の記事です。
Advent Calendar も大詰めですね。mizusawa-k です。よろしくお願いします。
Unity から提供されている Unity ARKit Plugin を触っていたところ、API ドキュメントと思しきものが見当たらなく
「各ファイル、クラスごとのインターフェースをまとめた API リファレンス的なものが欲しいな。」
Unity ARKit Plugin とは
Unity ARKit Plugin とは、iOS 11 から搭載された ARKit の機能を Unity で使えるようにしたアセットのことです。
- Unity 5.6.2 以降
- Xcode 9 以降
- Mac OS X 10.13以降
Unity ARKit Plugin リファレンスまとめ
- 1.0.12
- UnityARBuildPostprocessor.cs
// Build postprocessor. Currently only needed on:
// - iOS: no dynamic libraries, so plugin source files have to be copied into Xcode project
public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject);
private static UnityARKitPluginSettings LoadSettings();
// Replaces the first C++ macro with the given name in the source file. Only changes
// single-line macro declarations, if multi-line macro declaration is detected, the
// function returns without changing it. Macro name must be a valid C++ identifier.
internal static bool ReplaceCppMacro(string[] lines, string name, string newValue);
internal static void AddOrReplaceCppMacro(ref string[] lines, string name, string newValue);
static void UpdateDefinesInFile(string file, Dictionary<string, bool> valuesToUpdate);
private static void OnPostprocessBuildIOS(string pathToBuiltProject);
- AR3DOFCameraManager.cs
- ARPlaneAnchorGameObject.cs
- DontDestroyOnLoad.cs
- PointCloudParticleExample.cs
- UnityARAmbient.cs
- UnityARAnchorManager.cs
- UnityARCameraManager.cs
- UnityARCameraNearFar.cs
- UnityARGeneratePlane.cs
- UnityARHitTestExample.cs
- UnityARKitControl.cs
- UnityARKitLightManager.cs
- UnityARMatrixOps.cs
- UnityARUserAnchorComponent.cs
- UnityARUtility.cs
- UnityARVideo.cs
- UnityPointCloudExample.cs
public class AR3DOFCameraManager : MonoBehaviour {
public Camera m_camera;
private UnityARSessionNativeInterface m_session;
private Material savedClearMaterial;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ();
public void SetCamera(Camera newCamera);
private void SetupNewCamera(Camera newCamera);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ();
public class ARPlaneAnchorGameObject
public GameObject gameObject;
public ARPlaneAnchor planeAnchor;
public class DontDestroyOnLoad : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start ();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ();
public class PointCloudParticleExample : MonoBehaviour {
public ParticleSystem pointCloudParticlePrefab;
public int maxPointsToShow;
public float particleSize = 1.0f;
private Vector3[] m_PointCloudData;
private bool frameUpdated = false;
private ParticleSystem currentPS;
private ParticleSystem.Particle [] particles;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ();
public void ARFrameUpdated(UnityARCamera camera);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ();
public class UnityARAmbient : MonoBehaviour
private Light l;
public void Start();
void UpdateLightEstimation(UnityARCamera camera);
void OnDestroy();
public class UnityARAnchorManager
private Dictionary<string, ARPlaneAnchorGameObject> planeAnchorMap;
public UnityARAnchorManager ();
public void AddAnchor(ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor);
public void RemoveAnchor(ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor);
public void UpdateAnchor(ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor);
public void Destroy();
planeAnchorMap.Clear ();
public List<ARPlaneAnchorGameObject> GetCurrentPlaneAnchors();
public class UnityARCameraManager : MonoBehaviour {
public Camera m_camera;
private UnityARSessionNativeInterface m_session;
private Material savedClearMaterial;
[Header("AR Config Options")]
public UnityARAlignment startAlignment = UnityARAlignment.UnityARAlignmentGravity;
public UnityARPlaneDetection planeDetection = UnityARPlaneDetection.Horizontal;
public bool getPointCloud = true;
public bool enableLightEstimation = true;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ();
public void SetCamera(Camera newCamera);
private void SetupNewCamera(Camera newCamera);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ();
public class UnityARCameraNearFar : MonoBehaviour {
private Camera attachedCamera;
private float currentNearZ;
private float currentFarZ;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ();
void UpdateCameraClipPlanes();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ();
public class UnityARGeneratePlane : MonoBehaviour
void OnDestroy();
void OnGUI();
public class UnityARHitTestExample : MonoBehaviour
public Transform m_HitTransform;
bool HitTestWithResultType (ARPoint point, ARHitTestResultType resultTypes);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ();
public class UnityARKitControl : MonoBehaviour {
UnityARSessionRunOption [] runOptions = new UnityARSessionRunOption[4];
UnityARAlignment [] alignmentOptions = new UnityARAlignment[3];
UnityARPlaneDetection [] planeOptions = new UnityARPlaneDetection[4];
int currentOptionIndex = 0;
int currentAlignmentIndex = 0;
int currentPlaneIndex = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ();
void OnGUI();
public class UnityARKitLightManager : MonoBehaviour {
Light [] lightsInScene;
SphericalHarmonicsL2 shl;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ();
void OnDestroy();
Light [] FindAllLights();
void UpdateLightEstimations(UnityARCamera camera);
void UpdateBasicLightEstimation(UnityARLightEstimate uarle);
void UpdateDirectionalLightEstimation(UnityARDirectionalLightEstimate uardle);
public class UnityARMatrixOps
public static Vector3 GetPosition(Matrix4x4 matrix);
public static Quaternion GetRotation(Matrix4x4 matrix);
static Quaternion QuaternionFromMatrix(Matrix4x4 m);
public class UnityARUserAnchorComponent : MonoBehaviour {
private string m_AnchorId;
public string AnchorId { get { return m_AnchorId; } }
void Awake();
void Start ();
public void AnchorRemoved(ARUserAnchor anchor);
void OnDestroy();
private void GameObjectAnchorUpdated(ARUserAnchor anchor);
public class UnityARUtility
private MeshCollider meshCollider; //declared to avoid code stripping of class
private MeshFilter meshFilter; //declared to avoid code stripping of class
private static GameObject planePrefab = null;
public static void InitializePlanePrefab(GameObject go);
public static GameObject CreatePlaneInScene(ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor);
public static GameObject UpdatePlaneWithAnchorTransform(GameObject plane, ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor);
public class UnityARVideo : MonoBehaviour
public Material m_ClearMaterial;
private CommandBuffer m_VideoCommandBuffer;
private Texture2D _videoTextureY;
private Texture2D _videoTextureCbCr;
private Matrix4x4 _displayTransform;
private bool bCommandBufferInitialized;
public void Start();
void UpdateFrame(UnityARCamera cam);
void InitializeCommandBuffer();
void OnDestroy();
public void OnPreRender();
public void SetYTexure(Texture2D YTex);
public void SetUVTexure(Texture2D UVTex);
public void OnPreRender();
public class UnityPointCloudExample : MonoBehaviour
public uint numPointsToShow = 100;
public GameObject PointCloudPrefab = null;
private List<GameObject> pointCloudObjects;
private Vector3[] m_PointCloudData;
public void Start();
public void ARFrameUpdated(UnityARCamera camera);
public void Update();
- ARAnchor.cs
- ARCamera.cs
- ARErrorCode.cs
- ARFaceAnchor.cs
- ARFrame.cs
- ARHitTestResult.cs
- ARHitTestResultType.cs
- ARLightEstimate.cs
- ARPlaneAnchor.cs
- ARPlaneAnchor.cs
- ARPlaneAnchorAlighment.cs
- ARPoint.cs
- ARRect.cs
- ARSize.cs
- ARTextureHandles.cs
- ARTrackingQuality.cs
- ARTrackingState.cs
- ARTrackingStateReason.cs
- ARUserAnchor.cs
- UnityARSessionNativeInterface.cs
public struct ARAnchor
public string identifier;
The transformation matrix that defines the anchor's rotation, translation and scale in world coordinates.
public Matrix4x4 transform;
public struct ARCamera
The transformation matrix that defines the camera's rotation and translation in world coordinates.
public Matrix4x4 worldTransform;
The camera's orientation defined as Euler angles.
@dicussion The order of components in this vector matches the axes of rotation:
1. Pitch (the x component) is the rotation about the node's x-axis (in radians)
2. Yaw (the y component) is the rotation about the node's y-axis (in radians)
3. Roll (the z component) is the rotation about the node's z-axis (in radians)
ARKit applies these rotations in the reverse order of the components:
1. first roll
2. then yaw
3. then pitch
public Vector3 eulerAngles;
public ARTrackingQuality trackingQuality;
The camera intrinsics.
@discussion The matrix has the following contents:
fx 0 px
0 fy py
0 0 1
fx and fy are the focal length in pixels.
px and py are the coordinates of the principal point in pixels.
The origin is at the center of the upper-left pixel.
public Vector3 intrinsics_row1;
public Vector3 intrinsics_row2;
public Vector3 intrinsics_row3;
public ARSize imageResolution;
public enum ARErrorCode : long
/** Unsupported session configuration. */
ARErrorCodeUnsupportedConfiguration = 100,
/** A sensor required to run the session is not available. */
ARErrorCodeSensorUnavailable = 101,
/** A sensor failed to provide the required input. */
ARErrorCodeSensorFailed = 102,
/** World tracking has encountered a fatal error. */
ARErrorCodeWorldTrackingFailed = 200,
public static class ARBlendShapeLocation
public const string BrowDownLeft = "browDown_L";
public const string BrowDownRight = "browDown_R";
public const string BrowInnerUp = "browInnerUp";
public const string BrowOuterUpLeft = "browOuterUp_L";
public const string BrowOuterUpRight = "browOuterUp_R";
public const string CheekPuff = "cheekPuff";
public const string CheekSquintLeft = "cheekSquint_L";
public const string CheekSquintRight = "cheekSquint_R";
public const string EyeBlinkLeft = "eyeBlink_L";
public const string EyeBlinkRight = "eyeBlink_R";
public const string EyeLookDownLeft = "eyeLookDown_L";
public const string EyeLookDownRight = "eyeLookDown_R";
public const string EyeLookInLeft = "eyeLookIn_L";
public const string EyeLookInRight = "eyeLookIn_R";
public const string EyeLookOutLeft = "eyeLookOut_L";
public const string EyeLookOutRight = "eyeLookOut_R";
public const string EyeLookUpLeft = "eyeLookUp_L";
public const string EyeLookUpRight = "eyeLookUp_R";
public const string EyeSquintLeft = "eyeSquint_L";
public const string EyeSquintRight = "eyeSquint_R";
public const string EyeWideLeft = "eyeWide_L";
public const string EyeWideRight = "eyeWide_R";
public const string JawForward = "jawForward";
public const string JawLeft = "jawLeft";
public const string JawOpen = "jawOpen";
public const string JawRight = "jawRight";
public const string MouthClose = "mouthClose";
public const string MouthDimpleLeft = "mouthDimple_L";
public const string MouthDimpleRight = "mouthDimple_R";
public const string MouthFrownLeft = "mouthFrown_L";
public const string MouthFrownRight = "mouthFrown_R";
public const string MouthFunnel = "mouthFunnel";
public const string MouthLeft = "mouthLeft";
public const string MouthLowerDownLeft = "mouthLowerDown_L";
public const string MouthLowerDownRight = "mouthLowerDown_R";
public const string MouthPressLeft = "mouthPress_L";
public const string MouthPressRight = "mouthPress_R";
public const string MouthPucker = "mouthPucker";
public const string MouthRight = "mouthRight";
public const string MouthRollLower = "mouthRollLower";
public const string MouthRollUpper = "mouthRollUpper";
public const string MouthShrugLower = "mouthShrugLower";
public const string MouthShrugUpper = "mouthShrugUpper";
public const string MouthSmileLeft = "mouthSmile_L";
public const string MouthSmileRight = "mouthSmile_R";
public const string MouthStretchLeft = "mouthStretch_L";
public const string MouthStretchRight = "mouthStretch_R";
public const string MouthUpperUpLeft = "mouthUpperUp_L";
public const string MouthUpperUpRight = "mouthUpperUp_R";
public const string NoseSneerLeft = "noseSneer_L";
public const string NoseSneerRight = "noseSneer_R";
public struct UnityARFaceGeometry
public int vertexCount;
public IntPtr vertices;
public int textureCoordinateCount;
public IntPtr textureCoordinates;
public int triangleCount;
public IntPtr triangleIndices;
public struct UnityARFaceAnchorData
public IntPtr ptrIdentifier;
The transformation matrix that defines the anchor's rotation, translation and scale in world coordinates.
public UnityARMatrix4x4 transform;
public string identifierStr { get { } }
public UnityARFaceGeometry faceGeometry;
public IntPtr blendShapes;
public class ARFaceGeometry
private UnityARFaceGeometry uFaceGeometry;
public ARFaceGeometry (UnityARFaceGeometry ufg);
public int vertexCount { get { } }
public int triangleCount { get { } }
public int textureCoordinateCount { get { } }
public Vector3 [] vertices { get { } }
public Vector2 [] textureCoordinates { get { } }
public int [] triangleIndices { get { } }
Vector3 [] MarshalVertices(IntPtr ptrFloatArray, int vertCount);
int [] MarshalIndices(IntPtr ptrIndices, int triCount);
Vector2 [] MarshalTexCoords(IntPtr ptrTexCoords, int texCoordCount);
public class ARFaceAnchor
private UnityARFaceAnchorData faceAnchorData;
private static Dictionary<string, float> blendshapesDictionary;
public ARFaceAnchor (UnityARFaceAnchorData ufad);
public string identifierStr { get { } }
public Matrix4x4 transform { get { } }
public ARFaceGeometry faceGeometry { get { } }
public Dictionary<string, float> blendShapes { get { } }
delegate void DictionaryVisitorHandler(IntPtr keyPtr, float value);
private static extern void GetBlendShapesInfo(IntPtr ptrDic, DictionaryVisitorHandler handler);
Dictionary<string, float> GetBlendShapesFromNative(IntPtr blendShapesPtr);
static void AddElementToManagedDictionary(IntPtr keyPtr, float value);
public struct ARFrame
A timestamp identifying the frame.
public double timestamp;
The frame's captured image.
public IntPtr capturedImage;
The camera used to capture the frame's image.
@discussion The camera provides the device's position and orientation as well as camera parameters.
public ARCamera camera;
A list of anchors in the scene.
//List<ARAnchor> anchors;
A light estimate representing the light in the scene.
@discussion Returns nil if there is no light estimation.
ARLightEstimate lightEstimate;
public struct ARHitTestResult
The type of the hit-test result.
public ARHitTestResultType type;
The distance from the camera to the intersection in meters.
public double distance;
The transformation matrix that defines the intersection's rotation, translation and scale
relative to the anchor or nearest feature point.
public Matrix4x4 localTransform;
The transformation matrix that defines the intersection's rotation, translation and scale
relative to the world.
public Matrix4x4 worldTransform;
The anchor that the hit-test intersected.
public string anchorIdentifier;
True if the test represents a valid hit test. Data is undefined otherwise.
public bool isValid;
public enum ARHitTestResultType : long
/** Result type from intersecting the nearest feature point. */
ARHitTestResultTypeFeaturePoint = (1 << 0),
/** Result type from detecting and intersecting a new horizontal plane. */
ARHitTestResultTypeHorizontalPlane = (1 << 1),
/** Result type from detecting and intersecting a new vertical plane. */
ARHitTestResultTypeVerticalPlane = (1 << 2),
/** Result type from intersecting with an existing plane anchor. */
ARHitTestResultTypeExistingPlane = (1 << 3),
/** Result type from intersecting with an existing plane anchor, taking into account the plane's extent. */
ARHitTestResultTypeExistingPlaneUsingExtent = ( 1 << 4)
public struct ARLightEstimate
public float ambientIntensity;
public struct UnityARLightEstimate
public float ambientIntensity;
public float ambientColorTemperature;
public UnityARLightEstimate(float intensity, float temperature);
public struct MarshalDirectionalLightEstimate
public Vector4 primaryDirAndIntensity;
public IntPtr sphericalHarmonicCoefficientsPtr;
public float [] SphericalHarmonicCoefficients { get { } }
float [] MarshalCoefficients(IntPtr ptrFloats);
void RotateForUnity(ref float[] shc, int startIndex);
public class UnityARDirectionalLightEstimate
public Vector3 primaryLightDirection;
public float primaryLightIntensity;
public float [] sphericalHarmonicsCoefficients;
public UnityARDirectionalLightEstimate (float [] SHC, Vector3 direction, float intensity);
public enum LightDataType
public struct UnityMarshalLightData
public LightDataType arLightingType;
public UnityARLightEstimate arLightEstimate;
public MarshalDirectionalLightEstimate arDirectonalLightEstimate;
public UnityMarshalLightData(LightDataType ldt, UnityARLightEstimate ule, MarshalDirectionalLightEstimate mdle);
public static implicit operator UnityARLightData(UnityMarshalLightData rValue);
public struct UnityARLightData
public LightDataType arLightingType;
public UnityARLightEstimate arLightEstimate;
public UnityARDirectionalLightEstimate arDirectonalLightEstimate;
public UnityARLightData(LightDataType ldt, UnityARLightEstimate ule, UnityARDirectionalLightEstimate udle);
public struct ARPlaneAnchor
public string identifier;
The transformation matrix that defines the anchor's rotation, translation and scale in world coordinates.
public Matrix4x4 transform;
The alignment of the plane.
public ARPlaneAnchorAlignment alignment;
The center of the plane in the anchor’s coordinate space.
public Vector3 center;
The extent of the plane in the anchor’s coordinate space.
public Vector3 extent;
public enum ARPlaneAnchorAlignment : long
/** A plane that is horizontal with respect to gravity. */
public struct ARPoint
public double x;
public double y;
public struct ARRect
public ARPoint origin;
public ARSize size;
public struct ARSize
public double width;
public double height;
public struct ARTextureHandles
// Native (Metal) texture handles for the device camera buffer
public IntPtr textureY;
public IntPtr textureCbCr;
public enum ARTrackingQuality : long
/** The tracking quality is not available. */
/** The tracking quality is limited, relying only on the device's motion. */
/** The tracking quality is poor. */
/** The tracking quality is good. */
public enum ARTrackingState
/** Tracking is not available. */
/** Tracking is limited. See tracking reason for details. */
/** Tracking is Normal. */
public enum ARTrackingStateReason
/** Tracking is not limited. */
/** Tracking is limited due to initialization in progress. */
/** Tracking is limited due to a excessive motion of the camera. */
/** Tracking is limited due to a lack of features visible to the camera. */
public struct ARUserAnchor
public string identifier;
The transformation matrix that defines the anchor's rotation, translation and scale in world coordinates.
public Matrix4x4 transform;
/// <summary>
/// A struct that allows us go from native Matrix4x4 to managed
/// </summary>
public struct UnityARMatrix4x4
public Vector4 column0;
public Vector4 column1;
public Vector4 column2;
public Vector4 column3;
public UnityARMatrix4x4(Vector4 c0, Vector4 c1, Vector4 c2, Vector4 c3);
public struct UnityVideoParams
public int yWidth;
public int yHeight;
public int screenOrientation;
public float texCoordScale;
public IntPtr cvPixelBufferPtr;
public struct UnityARCamera
public UnityARMatrix4x4 worldTransform;
public UnityARMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix;
public ARTrackingState trackingState;
public ARTrackingStateReason trackingReason;
public UnityVideoParams videoParams;
public UnityARLightData lightData;
public UnityARMatrix4x4 displayTransform;
public Vector3[] pointCloudData;
public UnityARCamera(UnityARMatrix4x4 wt, UnityARMatrix4x4 pm, ARTrackingState ats, ARTrackingStateReason atsr, UnityVideoParams uvp, UnityARLightData lightDat, UnityARMatrix4x4 dt, Vector3[] pointCloud);
public struct UnityARAnchorData {
public IntPtr ptrIdentifier;
The transformation matrix that defines the anchor's rotation, translation and scale in world coordinates.
public UnityARMatrix4x4 transform;
The alignment of the plane.
public ARPlaneAnchorAlignment alignment;
The center of the plane in the anchor’s coordinate space.
public Vector4 center;
The extent of the plane in the anchor’s coordinate space.
public Vector4 extent;
public string identifierStr { get { } }
public static UnityARAnchorData UnityARAnchorDataFromGameObject(GameObject go);
public struct UnityARUserAnchorData
public IntPtr ptrIdentifier;
The transformation matrix that defines the anchor's rotation, translation and scale in world coordinates.
public UnityARMatrix4x4 transform;
public string identifierStr { get { } }
public static UnityARUserAnchorData UnityARUserAnchorDataFromGameObject(GameObject go);
public struct UnityARHitTestResult
The type of the hit-test result.
public ARHitTestResultType type;
The distance from the camera to the intersection in meters.
public double distance;
The transformation matrix that defines the intersection's rotation, translation and scale
relative to the anchor or nearest feature point.
public Matrix4x4 localTransform;
The transformation matrix that defines the intersection's rotation, translation and scale
relative to the world.
public Matrix4x4 worldTransform;
The anchor that the hit-test intersected.
public IntPtr anchor;
True if the test represents a valid hit test. Data is undefined otherwise.
public bool isValid;
public enum UnityARAlignment
public enum UnityARPlaneDetection
None = 0,
Horizontal = (1 << 0)
public struct ARKitSessionConfiguration
public UnityARAlignment alignment;
public bool getPointCloudData;
public bool enableLightEstimation;
public bool IsSupported { get { } private set {} }
public ARKitSessionConfiguration(UnityARAlignment alignment = UnityARAlignment.UnityARAlignmentGravity,
bool getPointCloudData = false,
bool enableLightEstimation = false);
private static extern bool IsARKitSessionConfigurationSupported();
public struct ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration
public UnityARAlignment alignment;
public UnityARPlaneDetection planeDetection;
public bool getPointCloudData;
public bool enableLightEstimation;
public bool IsSupported { get { } private set { } }
public ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration(UnityARAlignment alignment = UnityARAlignment.UnityARAlignmentGravity,
UnityARPlaneDetection planeDetection = UnityARPlaneDetection.Horizontal,
bool getPointCloudData = false,
bool enableLightEstimation = false);
private static extern bool IsARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfigurationSupported();
public struct ARKitFaceTrackingConfiguration
public UnityARAlignment alignment;
public bool enableLightEstimation;
public bool IsSupported { get { } private set {} }
public ARKitFaceTrackingConfiguration(UnityARAlignment alignment = UnityARAlignment.UnityARAlignmentGravity,
bool enableLightEstimation = false);
private bool IsARKitFaceTrackingConfigurationSupported();
private static extern bool IsARKitFaceTrackingConfigurationSupported();
public enum UnityARSessionRunOption {
/** The session will reset tracking. */
ARSessionRunOptionResetTracking = (1 << 0),
/** The session will remove existing anchors. */
ARSessionRunOptionRemoveExistingAnchors = (1 << 1)
public class UnityARSessionNativeInterface {
// Plane Anchors
public delegate void ARFrameUpdate(UnityARCamera camera);
public static event ARFrameUpdate ARFrameUpdatedEvent;
public delegate void ARAnchorAdded(ARPlaneAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARAnchorAdded ARAnchorAddedEvent;
public delegate void ARAnchorUpdated(ARPlaneAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARAnchorUpdated ARAnchorUpdatedEvent;
public delegate void ARAnchorRemoved(ARPlaneAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARAnchorRemoved ARAnchorRemovedEvent;
// User Anchors
public delegate void ARUserAnchorAdded(ARUserAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARUserAnchorAdded ARUserAnchorAddedEvent;
public delegate void ARUserAnchorUpdated(ARUserAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARUserAnchorUpdated ARUserAnchorUpdatedEvent;
public delegate void ARUserAnchorRemoved(ARUserAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARUserAnchorRemoved ARUserAnchorRemovedEvent;
// Face Anchors
public delegate void ARFaceAnchorAdded(ARFaceAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARFaceAnchorAdded ARFaceAnchorAddedEvent;
public delegate void ARFaceAnchorUpdated(ARFaceAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARFaceAnchorUpdated ARFaceAnchorUpdatedEvent;
public delegate void ARFaceAnchorRemoved(ARFaceAnchor anchorData);
public static event ARFaceAnchorRemoved ARFaceAnchorRemovedEvent;
public delegate void ARSessionFailed(string error);
public static event ARSessionFailed ARSessionFailedEvent;
public delegate void ARSessionCallback();
public static event ARSessionCallback ARSessionInterruptedEvent;
public static event ARSessionCallback ARSessioninterruptionEndedEvent;
public delegate void ARSessionTrackingChanged(UnityARCamera camera);
public static event ARSessionTrackingChanged ARSessionTrackingChangedEvent;
delegate void internal_ARFrameUpdate(internal_UnityARCamera camera);
public delegate void internal_ARAnchorAdded(UnityARAnchorData anchorData);
public delegate void internal_ARAnchorUpdated(UnityARAnchorData anchorData);
public delegate void internal_ARAnchorRemoved(UnityARAnchorData anchorData);
public delegate void internal_ARUserAnchorAdded(UnityARUserAnchorData anchorData);
public delegate void internal_ARUserAnchorUpdated(UnityARUserAnchorData anchorData);
public delegate void internal_ARUserAnchorRemoved(UnityARUserAnchorData anchorData);
public delegate void internal_ARFaceAnchorAdded(UnityARFaceAnchorData anchorData);
public delegate void internal_ARFaceAnchorUpdated(UnityARFaceAnchorData anchorData);
public delegate void internal_ARFaceAnchorRemoved(UnityARFaceAnchorData anchorData);
delegate void internal_ARSessionTrackingChanged(internal_UnityARCamera camera);
private static UnityARCamera s_Camera;
private static extern IntPtr unity_CreateNativeARSession();
private static extern void session_SetSessionCallbacks(IntPtr nativeSession, internal_ARFrameUpdate frameCallback,
ARSessionFailed sessionFailed,
ARSessionCallback sessionInterrupted,
ARSessionCallback sessionInterruptionEnded,
internal_ARSessionTrackingChanged trackingChanged);
private static extern void session_SetPlaneAnchorCallbacks(IntPtr nativeSession, internal_ARAnchorAdded anchorAddedCallback,
internal_ARAnchorUpdated anchorUpdatedCallback,
internal_ARAnchorRemoved anchorRemovedCallback);
private static extern void session_SetUserAnchorCallbacks(IntPtr nativeSession, internal_ARUserAnchorAdded userAnchorAddedCallback,
internal_ARUserAnchorUpdated userAnchorUpdatedCallback,
internal_ARUserAnchorRemoved userAnchorRemovedCallback);
private static extern void session_SetFaceAnchorCallbacks(IntPtr nativeSession, internal_ARFaceAnchorAdded faceAnchorAddedCallback,
internal_ARFaceAnchorUpdated faceAnchorUpdatedCallback,
internal_ARFaceAnchorRemoved faceAnchorRemovedCallback);
private static extern void StartWorldTrackingSession(IntPtr nativeSession, ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration configuration);
private static extern void StartWorldTrackingSessionWithOptions(IntPtr nativeSession, ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration configuration, UnityARSessionRunOption runOptions);
private static extern void StartSession(IntPtr nativeSession, ARKitSessionConfiguration configuration);
private static extern void StartSessionWithOptions(IntPtr nativeSession, ARKitSessionConfiguration configuration, UnityARSessionRunOption runOptions);
private static extern void StartFaceTrackingSession(IntPtr nativeSession, ARKitFaceTrackingConfiguration configuration);
private static extern void StartFaceTrackingSessionWithOptions(IntPtr nativeSession, ARKitFaceTrackingConfiguration configuration, UnityARSessionRunOption runOptions);
private static extern void PauseSession(IntPtr nativeSession);
private static extern int HitTest(IntPtr nativeSession, ARPoint point, ARHitTestResultType types);
private static extern UnityARHitTestResult GetLastHitTestResult(int index);
private static extern ARTextureHandles GetVideoTextureHandles();
private static extern float GetAmbientIntensity();
private static extern int GetTrackingQuality();
private static extern bool GetARPointCloud (ref IntPtr verts, ref uint vertLength);
private static extern void SetCameraNearFar (float nearZ, float farZ);
private static extern void CapturePixelData (int enable, IntPtr pYPixelBytes, IntPtr pUVPixelBytes);
private static extern UnityARUserAnchorData SessionAddUserAnchor (IntPtr nativeSession, UnityARUserAnchorData anchorData);
private static extern void SessionRemoveUserAnchor (IntPtr nativeSession, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string anchorIdentifier);
public UnityARSessionNativeInterface();
static UnityARSessionNativeInterface s_UnityARSessionNativeInterface = null;
public static UnityARSessionNativeInterface GetARSessionNativeInterface();
public static void SetStaticCamera(UnityARCamera scamera);
public static void RunFrameUpdateCallbacks();
public static void RunAddAnchorCallbacks(ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor);
public static void RunUpdateAnchorCallbacks(ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor);
public static void RunRemoveAnchorCallbacks(ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor);
public Matrix4x4 GetCameraPose();
public Matrix4x4 GetCameraProjection();
public void SetCameraClipPlanes(float nearZ, float farZ);
public void SetCapturePixelData(bool enable, IntPtr pYByteArray, IntPtr pUVByteArray);
static void _frame_update(internal_UnityARCamera camera);
static void _ar_tracking_changed(internal_UnityARCamera camera);
static void UpdatePointCloudData(ref UnityARCamera camera);
static ARPlaneAnchor GetPlaneAnchorFromAnchorData(UnityARAnchorData anchor);
static ARUserAnchor GetUserAnchorFromAnchorData(UnityARUserAnchorData anchor);
static ARHitTestResult GetHitTestResultFromResultData(UnityARHitTestResult resultData);
#region Plane Anchors
static void _anchor_added(UnityARAnchorData anchor);
static void _anchor_updated(UnityARAnchorData anchor);
static void _anchor_removed(UnityARAnchorData anchor);
#region User Anchors
static void _user_anchor_added(UnityARUserAnchorData anchor);
static void _user_anchor_updated(UnityARUserAnchorData anchor);
static void _user_anchor_removed(UnityARUserAnchorData anchor);
#region Face Anchors
static void _face_anchor_added(UnityARFaceAnchorData anchor);
static void _face_anchor_updated(UnityARFaceAnchorData anchor);
static void _face_anchor_removed(UnityARFaceAnchorData anchor);
static void _ar_session_failed(string error);
static void _ar_session_interrupted();
static void _ar_session_interruption_ended();
public void RunWithConfigAndOptions(ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration config, UnityARSessionRunOption runOptions);
public void RunWithConfig(ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration config);
public void Run();
public void RunWithConfigAndOptions(ARKitSessionConfiguration config, UnityARSessionRunOption runOptions);
public void RunWithConfig(ARKitSessionConfiguration config);
public void RunWithConfigAndOptions(ARKitFaceTrackingConfiguration config, UnityARSessionRunOption runOptions);
public void RunWithConfig(ARKitFaceTrackingConfiguration config);
public void Pause;
public List<ARHitTestResult> HitTest(ARPoint point, ARHitTestResultType types);
public ARTextureHandles GetARVideoTextureHandles();
[Obsolete("Hook ARFrameUpdatedEvent instead and get UnityARCamera.ambientIntensity")]
public float GetARAmbientIntensity();
[Obsolete("Hook ARFrameUpdatedEvent instead and get UnityARCamera.trackingState")]
public int GetARTrackingQuality();
public UnityARUserAnchorData AddUserAnchor(UnityARUserAnchorData anchorData);
public UnityARUserAnchorData AddUserAnchorFromGameObject(GameObject go);
public void RemoveUserAnchor(string anchorIdentifier);
struct internal_UnityARCamera
public UnityARMatrix4x4 worldTransform;
public UnityARMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix;
public ARTrackingState trackingState;
public ARTrackingStateReason trackingReason;
public UnityVideoParams videoParams;
public UnityMarshalLightData lightData;
public UnityARMatrix4x4 displayTransform;
public uint getPointCloudData;
private IntPtr m_NativeARSession;
本記事では、Unity ARKit Plugin のクラスを紹介していきました。
今回 Doxygen などのドキュメント自動生成ツールは特に使わず、あえて手作業でまとめていったのですが、
Unity ARKit Plugin はそこまで大きな構成のアセットではありませんが、
年末年始は本記事とアセットストアを眺めながら、ちょっとした AR コンテンツを作りたいなと思っています。
KLab Advent Calendar 2017 24日目は yasu0000 さんです。お楽しみに。