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git push heroku master 出来ない

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ubuntu:~/environment/hello_app (master) $ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 110, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (92/92), done.
Writing objects: 100% (110/110), 26.67 KiB | 1.33 MiB/s, done.
Total 110 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote: -----> Building on the Heroku-20 stack
remote: -----> Determining which buildpack to use for this app
remote:  !     Warning: Multiple default buildpacks reported the ability to handle this app. The first buildpack in the list below will be used.
remote:                         Detected buildpacks: Ruby,Node.js
remote:                         See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks#buildpack-detect-order
remote: -----> Ruby app detected
remote: -----> Installing bundler 1.17.3
remote: -----> Removing BUNDLED WITH version in the Gemfile.lock
remote: -----> Compiling Ruby/Rails
remote: -----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.7.4
remote: -----> Installing dependencies using bundler 1.17.3
remote:        Running: BUNDLE_WITHOUT='development:test' BUNDLE_PATH=vendor/bundle BUNDLE_BIN=vendor/bundle/bin BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT=1 BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE=1 bundle install -j4
remote:        The dependency tzinfo-data (>= 0) will be unused by any of the platforms Bundler is installing for. Bundler is installing for ruby but the dependency is only for x86-mingw32, x86-mswin32, x64-mingw32, java. To add those platforms to the bundle, run `bundle lock --add-platform x86-mingw32 x86-mswin32 x64-mingw32 java`.
remote:        Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/............
remote:        Fetching rake 12.3.3
remote:        Installing rake 12.3.3
remote:        Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.1.9
remote:        Fetching minitest 5.14.4
remote:        Fetching thread_safe 0.3.6
remote:        Installing minitest 5.14.4
remote:        Installing concurrent-ruby 1.1.9
remote:        Installing thread_safe 0.3.6
remote:        Fetching zeitwerk 2.4.2
remote:        Installing zeitwerk 2.4.2
remote:        Fetching builder 3.2.4
remote:        Fetching erubi 1.10.0
remote:        Installing builder 3.2.4
remote:        Installing erubi 1.10.0
remote:        Fetching mini_portile2 2.6.1
remote:        Fetching racc 1.5.2
remote:        Installing mini_portile2 2.6.1
remote:        Installing racc 1.5.2 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching crass 1.0.6
remote:        Fetching rack 2.2.3
remote:        Installing crass 1.0.6
remote:        Fetching nio4r 2.5.8
remote:        Installing nio4r 2.5.8 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching websocket-extensions 0.1.5
remote:        Installing websocket-extensions 0.1.5
remote:        Fetching mini_mime 1.1.2
remote:        Installing mini_mime 1.1.2
remote:        Fetching msgpack 1.4.2
remote:        Installing msgpack 1.4.2 with native extensions
remote:        Using bundler 2.1.4
remote:        Fetching ffi 1.15.4
remote:        Installing ffi 1.15.4 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching method_source 1.0.0
remote:        Installing method_source 1.0.0
remote:        Fetching pg 1.1.4
remote:        Installing pg 1.1.4 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching thor 1.1.0
remote:        Installing thor 1.1.0
remote:        Fetching rb-fsevent 0.11.0
remote:        Installing rb-fsevent 0.11.0
remote:        Fetching tilt 2.0.10
remote:        Installing tilt 2.0.10
remote:        Fetching turbolinks-source 5.2.0
remote:        Installing turbolinks-source 5.2.0
remote:        Fetching tzinfo 1.2.9
remote:        Installing tzinfo 1.2.9
remote:        Fetching i18n 1.8.10
remote:        Installing i18n 1.8.10
remote:        Fetching nokogiri 1.12.5 (x86_64-linux)
remote:        Installing nokogiri 1.12.5 (x86_64-linux)
remote:        Fetching websocket-driver 0.7.5
remote:        Installing websocket-driver 0.7.5 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching mail 2.7.1
remote:        Installing mail 2.7.1
remote:        Fetching puma 4.3.6
remote:        Installing puma 4.3.6 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching bootsnap 1.4.5
remote:        Installing bootsnap 1.4.5 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching rb-inotify 0.10.1
remote:        Installing rb-inotify 0.10.1
remote:        Fetching turbolinks 5.2.0
remote:        Installing turbolinks 5.2.0
remote:        Fetching activesupport 6.0.3
remote:        Installing activesupport 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching loofah 2.12.0
remote:        Installing loofah 2.12.0
remote:        Fetching mimemagic 0.3.10
remote:        Installing mimemagic 0.3.10 with native extensions
remote:        Fetching sass-listen 4.0.0
remote:        Installing sass-listen 4.0.0
remote:        Fetching rails-dom-testing 2.0.3
remote:        Installing rails-dom-testing 2.0.3
remote:        Fetching globalid 0.5.2
remote:        Installing globalid 0.5.2
remote:        Fetching activemodel 6.0.3
remote:        Installing activemodel 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching jbuilder 2.9.1
remote:        Installing jbuilder 2.9.1
remote:        Fetching rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.2
remote:        Fetching sass 3.7.4
remote:        Installing rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.2
remote:        Fetching activejob 6.0.3
remote:        Installing sass 3.7.4
remote:        Installing activejob 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching marcel 0.3.3
remote:        Installing marcel 0.3.3
remote:        Fetching activerecord 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching actionview 6.0.3
remote:        Installing actionview 6.0.3
remote:        Installing activerecord 6.0.3
remote:        Retrying download gem from https://rubygems.org/ due to error (2/4): Gem::RemoteFetcher::UnknownHostError timed out (https://rubygems.org/gems/rack-2.2.3.gem)
remote:        Installing rack 2.2.3
remote:        Fetching rack-test 1.1.0
remote:        Fetching sprockets 3.7.2
remote:        Fetching rack-proxy 0.7.0
remote:        Installing rack-proxy 0.7.0
remote:        Installing rack-test 1.1.0
remote:        Installing sprockets 3.7.2
remote:        Fetching actionpack 6.0.3
remote:        Installing actionpack 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching actioncable 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching activestorage 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching actionmailer 6.0.3
remote:        Installing actioncable 6.0.3
remote:        Installing activestorage 6.0.3
remote:        Installing actionmailer 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching railties 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching sprockets-rails 3.2.2
remote:        Fetching actionmailbox 6.0.3
remote:        Installing sprockets-rails 3.2.2
remote:        Fetching actiontext 6.0.3
remote:        Installing railties 6.0.3
remote:        Installing actiontext 6.0.3
remote:        Installing actionmailbox 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching rails 6.0.3
remote:        Fetching webpacker 4.0.7
remote:        Fetching sass-rails 5.1.0
remote:        Installing rails 6.0.3
remote:        Installing sass-rails 5.1.0
remote:        Installing webpacker 4.0.7
remote:        Bundle complete! 18 Gemfile dependencies, 60 gems now installed.
remote:        Gems in the groups development and test were not installed.
remote:        Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor/bundle`
remote:        Post-install message from sass:
remote:        Ruby Sass has reached end-of-life and should no longer be used.
remote:        * If you use Sass as a command-line tool, we recommend using Dart Sass, the new
remote:          primary implementation: https://sass-lang.com/install
remote:        * If you use Sass as a plug-in for a Ruby web framework, we recommend using the
remote:          sassc gem: https://github.com/sass/sassc-ruby#readme
remote:        * For more details, please refer to the Sass blog:
remote:          https://sass-lang.com/blog/posts/7828841
remote:        Removing bundler (1.17.3)
remote:        Bundle completed (64.29s)
remote:        Cleaning up the bundler cache.
remote: -----> Installing node-v12.16.2-linux-x64
remote: -----> Installing yarn-v1.22.4
remote: -----> Detecting rake tasks
remote: -----> Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline
remote:        Running: rake assets:precompile
remote:        yarn install v1.22.4
remote:        info No lockfile found.
remote:        [1/4] Resolving packages...
remote:        warning webpack-dev-server > sockjs > uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details.
remote:        warning webpack-dev-server > url > querystring@0.2.0: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
remote:        [2/4] Fetching packages...
remote:        info fsevents@2.3.2: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module.
remote:        info "fsevents@2.3.2" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
remote:        [3/4] Linking dependencies...
remote:        warning " > webpack-dev-server@4.3.1" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^4.37.0 || ^5.0.0".
remote:        warning "webpack-dev-server > webpack-dev-middleware@5.2.1" has unmet peer dependency "webpack@^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0".
remote:        [4/4] Building fresh packages...
remote:        Done in 9.64s.
remote:        I, [2021-10-17T01:17:52.471920 #1078]  INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_1d1945ff/public/assets/application-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855.css
remote:        I, [2021-10-17T01:17:52.472408 #1078]  INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_1d1945ff/public/assets/application-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855.css.gz
remote:        Compiling…
remote:        Compilation failed:
remote:        error Command "webpack" not found.
remote:        yarn run v1.22.4
remote:        info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
remote:  !
remote:  !     Precompiling assets failed.
remote:  !
remote:  !     Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app.
remote:  !     Push failed
remote:  !
remote:  ! ## Warning - The same version of this code has already been built: d744ba09e9298f4688c89921efeebb8784131719
remote:  !
remote:  ! We have detected that you have triggered a build from source code with version d744ba09e9298f4688c89921efeebb8784131719
remote:  ! at least twice. One common cause of this behavior is attempting to deploy code from a different branch.
remote:  !
remote:  ! If you are developing on a branch and deploying via git you must run:
remote:  !
remote:  !     git push heroku <branchname>:main
remote:  !
remote:  ! This article goes into details on the behavior:
remote:  !   https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/duplicate-build-version
remote: Verifying deploy...
remote: !       Push rejected to blooming-brook-47540.
To https://git.heroku.com/blooming-brook-47540.git
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://git.heroku.com/blooming-brook-47540.git'

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Delete article

Deleted articles cannot be recovered.

Draft of this article would be also deleted.

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