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Last updated at Posted at 2024-04-30


組   織 種  別 製 品 名 製品ページ
IBM 商用 WebSphere AS ND/Base https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/products/websphere-application-server
IBM 商用 WebSphere AS Liberty Core https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/products/cloud-pak-for-applications/liberty
IBM OSS Open Liverty https://openliberty.io/
RHEL 商用 JBoss EAP https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/jboss-middleware/application-platform/
RHEL OSS WildFly https://www.wildfly.org/
RHEL OSS Quarkus https://quarkus.io/
Oracle 商用 WebLogic Server https://www.oracle.com/jp/java/weblogic/
Oracle OSS Helidon https://helidon.io/
Eclipse OSS GlassFish https://glassfish.org/
Eclipse OSS Jetty https://eclipse.dev/jetty/
Apache OSS Tomcat https://tomcat.apache.org/
Apache OSS TomEE https://tomee.apache.org/
NEC 商用 WebOTX AS https://jpn.nec.com/webotx/appserver/
日立 商用 uCosminexus AS https://www.hitachi.co.jp/Prod/comp/soft1/cosminexus/apserver/
富士通 商用 Interstage AS https://www.fujitsu.com/jp/products/software/middleware/business-middleware/interstage/products/apserver/


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