
More than 3 years have passed since last update.

terraform v0.12 アップデート terraform 0.12upgrade,terraform 0.12checklistサブコマンド実行結果と、ファイルの変更例

Last updated at Posted at 2019-06-14


terraform v0.12 きましたね!


Upgrading to Terraform v0.12

Terraform 0.12がリリースされたのでアップグレードしてみた

1. terraform v0.11.14

まずは 現在のterraform のバージョンを確認します。 v0.11.14 でない場合は v0.11.14にアップデート しましょう。
v0.11.14 には terraform v0.12 にアップデートする準備が整っているか確認できる、terraform 0.12checklist というサブコマンドが実装されています。そのため、このバージョンにしておく必要があるのです。

> tfenv install 0.11.14 # Terraform 0.11.14のダウンロード
> tfenv use 0.11.14     # Terraform 0.11.14へスイッチ
> terraform -v
Terraform v0.11.14

自分の場合はすでに v0.11.14 でした!

> terraform -v
Terraform v0.11.14
+ provider.aws v1.60.0

Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 0.12.1. You can update by downloading from www.terraform.io/downloads.html

v0.12へのアップデート準備をする前に、terraform init と terraform apply でリソースを最新の状態にしておきましょう。

> terraform init

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

> terraform plan

> terraform apply

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


2. terraform 0.12checklist コマンドの実行結果

terraform v0.11.14 には、v0.12 にアップデートする前にやっておかなければならないことがわかるサブコマンドが実装されています。


> terraform 0.12checklist
After analyzing this configuration and working directory, we have identified some necessary steps that we recommend you take before upgrading to Terraform v0.12:

- [ ] Upgrade provider "aws" to version 2.14.0 or newer.

  No currently-installed version is compatible with Terraform 0.12. To upgrade, set the version constraint for this provider as follows and then run `terraform init`:

      version = "~> 2.14.0"

Taking these steps before upgrading to Terraform v0.12 will simplify the upgrade process by avoiding syntax errors and other compatibility problems.

aws の provider version が 1.60 だったので、指定された2.14.0のバージョンに引き上げます。

> vim region.tf
provider "aws" {
  version  = "~> 2.14.0"
  region   = "${lookup(var.common,"${terraform.workspace}.region")}"

改めて、terraform init

> terraform init

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Checking for available provider plugins on https://releases.hashicorp.com...
- Downloading plugin for provider "aws" (2.14.0)...

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

アップデートの準備が全て終わっていると、terraform 0.12checklist の結果は下記のようになります!

> terraform 0.12checklist
Looks good! We did not detect any problems that ought to be
addressed before upgrading to Terraform v0.12.

This tool is not perfect though, so please check the v0.12 upgrade
guide for additional guidance, and for next steps:

3. terraform 0.12 update

ここでようやく terraform 0.12に updateしましょう!

アップデート後にも忘れず、 terraform init をしましょう。


> terraform init

Initializing provider plugins...

Warning: Skipping backend initialization pending configuration upgrade

The root module configuration contains errors that may be fixed by running the
configuration upgrade tool, so Terraform is skipping backend initialization.
See below for more information.

Terraform has initialized, but configuration upgrades may be needed.

Terraform found syntax errors in the configuration that prevented full
initialization. If you've recently upgraded to Terraform v0.12, this may be
because your configuration uses syntax constructs that are no longer valid,
and so must be updated before full initialization is possible.

Terraform has installed the required providers to support the configuration
upgrade process. To begin upgrading your configuration, run the following:
    terraform 0.12upgrade

To see the full set of errors that led to this message, run:
    terraform validate

4. terraform 0.12upgrade サブコマンドの実行

このサブコマンドを実行すると、自動で v0.12 仕様のコードに書き換えてくれます!めちゃめちゃすごい!

terraform apply のときのように yes で応答しないと実行されません。

> terraform 0.12upgrade

This command will rewrite the configuration files in the given directory so
that they use the new syntax features from Terraform v0.12, and will identify
any constructs that may need to be adjusted for correct operation with
Terraform v0.12.

We recommend using this command in a clean version control work tree, so that
you can easily see the proposed changes as a diff against the latest commit.
If you have uncommited changes already present, we recommend aborting this
command and dealing with them before running this command again.

Would you like to upgrade the module in the current directory?
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

  Enter a value: yes


Upgrade complete!

The configuration files were upgraded successfully. Use your version control
system to review the proposed changes, make any necessary adjustments, and
then commit.



> terraform 0.12upgrade

This command will rewrite the configuration files in the given directory so
that they use the new syntax features from Terraform v0.12, and will identify
any constructs that may need to be adjusted for correct operation with
Terraform v0.12.

We recommend using this command in a clean version control work tree, so that
you can easily see the proposed changes as a diff against the latest commit.
If you have uncommited changes already present, we recommend aborting this
command and dealing with them before running this command again.

Would you like to upgrade the module in the current directory?
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

  Enter a value: yes

Error: Invalid ignore_changes argument

  on alb_maint02.tf line 66, in resource "aws_alb_target_group" "maint_test_ecs_alb_tg":
  66:     ignore_changes = "lambda_multi_value_headers_enabled"

The "ignore_changes" argument must be a list of attribute expressions relative
to this resource.

ignore_changes は list 型を使うとのことでしたが、一旦コメントアウトで対応しました。

resource "aws_alb_target_group" "maint-tg" {
  name     = "${terraform.workspace}-maint-tg"
  port     = 80
  protocol = "HTTP"
  vpc_id   = aws_vpc.vpc.id

  health_check {
    interval            = 30
    path                = "/index.html"
    port                = 80
    protocol            = "HTTP"
    timeout             = 5
    unhealthy_threshold = 2
    matcher             = 200
  #  lifecycle {
  #    ignore_changes = "lambda_multi_value_headers_enabled"
  #  }


  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [

そもそもなぜこの ignore changes が設定されていたかは、こちらの issue を御覧ください。

v0.11.13以降、ターゲットグループのコードで設定していないLambdaの部分でchangedとして出るバグがあったためです。ignore_changesを追加しましたが、v0.12では出ないように修正されたようです!修正されていたため、今回は最終的に、ignore changesの記述自体を削除することとしました。

※changed 出てたときの terraform plan の一部
lambda_multi_value_headers_enabled: "" => "false"

5. terraform 0.12upgrade サブコマンドで変更されるコードの例、Before/Atter




data "terraform_remote_state" "maint" {
  backend = "s3"

  config {
    bucket = "bucketname"
    key    = "env:/${terraform.workspace}/maint/terraform.tfstate"
    region = "ap-northeast-1"


> cat data_remote_state.tf
data "terraform_remote_state" "maint" {
  backend = "s3"

  config = {
    bucket = "bucketname"
    key    = "env:/${terraform.workspace}/maint/terraform.tfstate"
    region = "ap-northeast-1"




provider "aws" {
  version  = "~> 2.14.0"
  region   = "${lookup(var.common,"${terraform.workspace}.region")}"


provider "aws" {
  version = "~> 2.14.0"
  region  = var.common["${terraform.workspace}.region"]



## EC2 create(maint01)
resource "aws_instance" "maint01" {
    ami = "${lookup(var.ec2,"${terraform.workspace}.ami_id_maint01")}"
    instance_type = "${lookup(var.ec2,"${terraform.workspace}.instance_type_maint01")}"
    disable_api_termination = false
    key_name = "${lookup(var.ec2,"${terraform.workspace}.key_name_maint01")}"
    vpc_security_group_ids = ["${aws_security_group.SSH.id}","${aws_security_group.PROMETHEUS.id}","${aws_security_group.default.id}"]
    subnet_id = "${aws_subnet.ec2-public-a.id}" 
    root_block_device = {
      volume_type = "gp2"
      volume_size = "${lookup(var.ec2,"${terraform.workspace}.volume_size_maint01")}"
    tags {
      Name = "${terraform.workspace}-maint01"

## EIP(maint01)
resource "aws_eip" "maint01" {
    instance = "${aws_instance.maint01.id}"
    vpc = true
    tags {
      Name = "${terraform.workspace}-maint01"


## EC2 create(maint01)
resource "aws_instance" "maint01" {
  ami                     = var.ec2["${terraform.workspace}.ami_id_maint01"]
  instance_type           = var.ec2["${terraform.workspace}.instance_type_maint01"]
  disable_api_termination = false
  key_name                = var.ec2["${terraform.workspace}.key_name_maint01"]
  vpc_security_group_ids  = [aws_security_group.SSH.id, aws_security_group.PROMETHEUS.id, aws_security_group.default.id]
  subnet_id               = aws_subnet.ec2-public-a.id
  root_block_device {
    volume_type = "gp2"
    volume_size = var.ec2["${terraform.workspace}.volume_size_maint01"]
  tags = {
    Name              = "${terraform.workspace}-maint01"

## EIP(maint01)
resource "aws_eip" "maint01" {
  instance = aws_instance.maint01.id
  vpc      = true
  tags = {
    Name = "${terraform.workspace}-maint01"

resource ID等の指定の仕方が短くシンプルになっています
"${aws_security_group.PROMETHEUS.id}" → aws_security_group.PROMETHEUS.id

map 型変数も先程と同じように呼び出し方が変わっています。

分かりづらいですが、tagsの部分に = が追記されています。 まとめながらあとあと気づいたのですが、インデントが統一されていて、全てのファイルがキレイになっていました!

    tags {
      Name = "${terraform.workspace}-maint01"

  tags = {
    Name              = "${terraform.workspace}-maint01"


■output の変更点 map型のoutputもアリ


output "vpc" {
  value = "${
      "vpc_id",           "${aws_vpc.vpc.id}",
      "subnet-public-a",  "${aws_subnet.ec2-public-a.id}",
      "subnet-public-c",  "${aws_subnet.ec2-public-c.id}",

output "common" {
  value = "${var.common}"


output "vpc" {
  value = {
    "vpc_id"          = aws_vpc.vpc.id
    "subnet-public-a" = aws_subnet.ec2-public-a.id
    "subnet-public-c" = aws_subnet.ec2-public-c.id

output "common" {
  value = var.common




variable "common" {
    type = "map"
    default = {
      default.region              = "us-west-2"

      oregon.region               = "us-west-2"
      oregon.availability_zone_a  = "us-west-2a"
      oregon.availability_zone_b  = "us-west-2b"
      oregon.availability_zone_c  = "us-west-2c"

      tokyo.region                = "ap-northeast-1"
      tokyo.availability_zone_a   = "ap-northeast-1a"
      tokyo.availability_zone_b   = "ap-northeast-1d"
      tokyo.availability_zone_c   = "ap-northeast-1c"




> cat variables.tf
variable "common" {

  type = map(string)

  default = {

    default.region             = "us-west-2"

    oregon.region              = "us-west-2"
    oregon.availability_zone_a = "us-west-2a"
    oregon.availability_zone_b = "us-west-2b"
    oregon.availability_zone_c = "us-west-2c"

    tokyo.region               = "ap-northeast-1"
    tokyo.availability_zone_a  = "ap-northeast-1a"
    tokyo.availability_zone_b  = "ap-northeast-1d"
    tokyo.availability_zone_c  = "ap-northeast-1c"


6. terraform 0.12upgrade サブコマンド実行後、terraform planがそのまま通らない

しかし、サブコマンドで書き換えたままで terraform plan を実行すると、自分の場合は、下記エラーが変数の数だけ大量に出てしまいました。



Error: Ambiguous attribute key

  on variables.tf line 11, in variable "common":
  11:     oregon.availability_zone_a = "us-west-2a",

If this expression is intended to be a reference, wrap it in parentheses. If
it's instead intended as a literal name containing periods, wrap it in quotes
to create a string literal.



> cat variables.tf
variable "common" {

  type = map(string)

  default = {

    default.region             = "us-west-2"

    oregon.region              = "us-west-2"
    oregon.availability_zone_a = "us-west-2a"
    oregon.availability_zone_b = "us-west-2b"
    oregon.availability_zone_c = "us-west-2c"

    tokyo.region               = "ap-northeast-1"
    tokyo.availability_zone_a  = "ap-northeast-1a"
    tokyo.availability_zone_b  = "ap-northeast-1d"
    tokyo.availability_zone_c  = "ap-northeast-1c"


> cat variables.tf
variable "common" {

  type = map(string)

  default = {

    "default.region"             = "us-west-2"

    "oregon.region"              = "us-west-2"
    "oregon.availability_zone_a" = "us-west-2a"
    "oregon.availability_zone_b" = "us-west-2b"
    "oregon.availability_zone_c" = "us-west-2c"

    "tokyo.region"               = "ap-northeast-1"
    "tokyo.availability_zone_a"  = "ap-northeast-1a"
    "tokyo.availability_zone_b"  = "ap-northeast-1d"
    "tokyo.availability_zone_c"  = "ap-northeast-1c"


一旦ここまでの作業で、terraformplan は通りました!

7. terraform 0.12upgrade サブコマンド実行後、コメントが複数行挿入されている


If the expression in the following list itself returns a list, remove the brackets to avoid interpretation as a list of lists.こちらのコメントはgoogle翻訳で、「次のリストの式自体がリストを返す場合は、リストのリストとして解釈されないように括弧を削除してください。」

If the expression returns a single list item then leave it as-is and remove this TODO comment.こちらのコメントは、「式が単一のリスト項目を返す場合は、そのままにしてこのTODOコメントを削除してください。」

 > cat ecs_service.tf
resource "aws_ecs_service" "maint-test" {
  name            = "maint-test-service"
  cluster         = data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.ecs.maint_test_ecs_cluster_id
  task_definition = "maint_test_task_definition:11"

  # task_definition                    = "${aws_ecs_task_definition.maint_test_task_definition.arn}"
  platform_version                   = "LATEST"
  desired_count                      = 2
  launch_type                        = "FARGATE"
  deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = "50"
  deployment_maximum_percent         = "100"
  health_check_grace_period_seconds  = "180"

  load_balancer {
    target_group_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.alb.maint_test_ecs_alb_tg_arn
    container_name   = "nginx"
    container_port   = 80

  network_configuration {
    subnets = [data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.vpc.subnet-public-a, data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.vpc.subnet-public-c]
    # TF-UPGRADE-TODO: In Terraform v0.10 and earlier, it was sometimes necessary to
    # force an interpolation expression to be interpreted as a list by wrapping it
    # in an extra set of list brackets. That form was supported for compatibilty in
    # v0.11, but is no longer supported in Terraform v0.12.
    # If the expression in the following list itself returns a list, remove the
    # brackets to avoid interpretation as a list of lists. If the expression
    # returns a single list item then leave it as-is and remove this TODO comment.
    security_groups  = [data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.sg.security_group_WEB_id]
    assign_public_ip = "true"

  service_registries {
    registry_arn = aws_service_discovery_service.maint_test.arn


    security_groups  = [data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.sg.security_group_WEB_id]

    security_groups  = data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.sg.security_group_WEB_id

このあとに、 terraform plan を実行すると、「security_groupsではstring型である必要があります」と言われます。


Error: Incorrect attribute value type

  on ecs_service.tf line 30, in resource "aws_ecs_service" "maint-test":
  30:     security_groups  = data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.sg.security_group_WEB_id

Inappropriate value for attribute "security_groups": set of string required.




flatten は、多次元配列を1次元配列にフラット化する的なイメージみたいです。そこまで理解できていません。


> cat ecs_service.tf
resource "aws_ecs_service" "maint-test" {
  name            = "maint-test-service"
  cluster         = data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.ecs.maint_test_ecs_cluster_id
  task_definition = "maint_test_task_definition:11"

  platform_version                   = "LATEST"
  desired_count                      = 2
  launch_type                        = "FARGATE"
  deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = "50"
  deployment_maximum_percent         = "100"
  health_check_grace_period_seconds  = "180"

  load_balancer {
    target_group_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.alb.maint_test_ecs_alb_tg_arn
    container_name   = "nginx"
    container_port   = 80

  network_configuration {
    subnets = [data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.vpc.subnet-public-a, data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.vpc.subnet-public-c]
    # TF-UPGRADE-TODO: In Terraform v0.10 and earlier, it was sometimes necessary to
    # force an interpolation expression to be interpreted as a list by wrapping it
    # in an extra set of list brackets. That form was supported for compatibilty in
    # v0.11, but is no longer supported in Terraform v0.12.
    # If the expression in the following list itself returns a list, remove the
    # brackets to avoid interpretation as a list of lists. If the expression
    # returns a single list item then leave it as-is and remove this TODO comment.

    security_groups  = flatten([

#    security_groups  = [data.terraform_remote_state.maint.outputs.sg.security_group_WEB_id]
    assign_public_ip = "true"

  service_registries {
    registry_arn = aws_service_discovery_service.maint_test.arn









terraform v0.12 へのアップデート作業は変更点が多く、結構勇気がいると思いますが是非やってみてください!



■Upgrading to Terraform v0.12

■Terraform 0.12がリリースされたのでアップグレードしてみた

■aws_lb_target_group for an instance type target group is trying to add (or make a change) of attribute: lambda_multi_value_headers_enabled

■Referring to List Variables


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